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No I'm afraid it's dude, however with a heavily emphasised beauty from his mother while having power similar if not close to his father.

But hey you can just get the guys who work on "The Venture Bros." and get them to redo the art for Castlevania fighter game :lol:

But hey you can just get the guys who work on "The Venture Bros." and get them to redo the art for Castlevania fighter game :lol:

I don't have any opinions on this game at this point...but I just wanted to say how much I love Venture Bros.

No I'm afraid it's dude, however with a heavily emphasised beauty from his mother while having power similar if not close to his father.

But hey you can just get the guys who work on "The Venture Bros." and get them to redo the art for Castlevania fighter game :lol:

I dunno if that would hurt me more or less than the current crap.

Rambo, you did look at the picture I posted of him, didn't you? That's what he looked like in SOTN.

Evilhead, I'm just saying, what strange breed of Japanese chick just up and decided one day that a man that looks like a girl is hot? That'd be like if the entire population of American men started finding woman body builders attractive. It simply goes against biological nature.

Not to nitpick, but if we're to take the actual meaning of the word natural, then there's nothing natural about a bodybuilder at all whether it's a woman OR a man. Against nature? You do realize that at one point in western history fat people were considered attractive, right? Ideal beauty is a social concept, and news flash, there are many different societies, which would logically lead us to believe that there are MANY different standards of ideal beauty.

And on the matter of Japanese girls liking androgynous-looking men, there are probably throngs of girls and guys in Japan who are probably thinking that Americans are weirdos for their tastes in men as well. In fact, if my understanding is correct, bodybuilders in Japan usually have one designation: Fag.

Sorry for getting on a soapbox, but gender and social identity bigotry like that pisses me off.


How the hell did this get to a philosophic discussion about beauty?

As to ideal standards of beauty varying wildly, don't push it. I'll agree that social constructs factor in, but animal instincts and artistic taste play significant factors as well. One of the failures of continental philosophy with regards to feminism and similar movements has been that it has attempted to pretend that bodies were as plastic as the mind.

But on to what is actually important, I certainly want a classic platformer. But I can also perfectly understand the "wanting to do something else" feeling. How many consecutive awesome Castlevania platformers has he done? I can perfectly understand the desire to do a shitty 3d fighter after so much sameness. Working in a different medium might even give him some fresh ideas for the serious versions of the game.


fuck you too, sindra icon_ugly.gif

It's really not as terrible as AD and others made it out to be.

I mean come on, that was AD we're talking about.

Most of what you hear about remod on OCR is hearsay at best.

fuck you too, sindra icon_ugly.gif

It's really not as terrible as AD and others made it out to be.

I mean come on, that was AD we're talking about.

Most of what you hear about remod on OCR is hearsay at best.

Dude, I meant the fact he was mimicking Dracula's quote in an amusing way.


As to ideal standards of beauty varying wildly, don't push it. I'll agree that social constructs factor in, but animal instincts and artistic taste play significant factors as well.

Yes, that's what I'm saying.

I can perfectly understand the desire to do a shitty 3d fighter after so much sameness. Working in a different medium might even give him some fresh ideas for the serious versions of the game.

Lol, jumping to conclusions much? Don't underestimate IGA's power! Even though the odds are heavily stacked against him and the respective developers.


Most of what you hear about remod on OCR is hearsay at best.

Dude, I remember the days of UNMOD. And THAT was every bit as terrible/amusing/horrifying as it was made out to be.

So, I consider jumping to conclusions to be a healthy part of my paranoia.


Okay, but we don't really do shock images or that kind of stuff.

We're a pretty chill group, I'd say.

I'm no great recruiter, but check it out at your leisure if you're interested. The link is in my sig, as always.


Fuck you all to hell.

This game will be awesome.

Scratch that.

It already is awesome and was awesome as soon as a drunk ass IGA drew the first stick figure game concept diagram on a cocktail napkin.

Seriously, I have always wanted a Castlevania fighting game. Even before I knew about Castlevania. I don't see why people are pissed off. Are they scared that the series is going to become a miserable pile of SC wannabes? Also, Legacy of Darkness is the best 3D Castlevania game.


At it's core, the idea of a Castlevania fighting game sounds like it could be interesting. A mix of hand to hand and weapons, some specials, and the ability to play as a host of good and evil characters from the series from Simon, to Elizabeth Bartley, to a skeleton dragon attached to a wall (just for fun). However, I'm wary of the reality of this game's outcome. I don't own a Wii, and won't for a very long time. But if I did, I'd certainly be waiting for many reviews on this one before contemplating picking it up.


We had one of our hardcore CV fans making his own Castlevania Fighter homebrew. He was using modified 2D sprites, but it's mechanics were going to be along the lines of Guilty Gear and Street Fighter, and with an extensive cast of characters.

Unfortunately....this then came along.

We had one of our hardcore CV fans making his own Castlevania Fighter homebrew. He was using modified 2D sprites, but it's mechanics were going to be along the lines of Guilty Gear and Street Fighter, and with an extensive cast of characters.

Unfortunately....this then came along.

and itll be much better!

The best pile of shit ever crapped out is still a pile of shit.

It's really not as bad as many others make it out to be as I enjoyed the hell out of it. It was a solid game and to my knowledge back then was the only Castlevania that had villagers turned into vampires fighting ya as well as maids/butlers as well being minor vampires attacking ya.

It just gets a bad rap for the skeletons riding on the motorcycles, because it can't actually be the difficulty which I'll admit aside from annoying moments it was not as hard to where it got me raging mad.

I would even agree to the statement that it's better than Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness. That being how going throughout Dracula's realm didn't all look the same dam way. This along with those god damn pools of blood poisoning me at the worst time...

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