Dyne Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Great job Mazedude, keep it up. Oh yeah, and about the whole samples of Hitler. Hey, as long as it isn't anything bad, who cares? Ya don't seen anyone complaining about either of the Hell March themes from Command and Conquer? And they use samples of it too. Anyways, awesome remix, can't wait for your next kickass hit! Quote
hakamanakus Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 I'm no musical expert, I don't know what an arpeggio is, so I'll stick with the emotions this song plays out to me in my review. I've never played Wolfeinstein, never been much of a fan for FPS in general. I was expecting a fierce, bloody track of music, but was pleasantly surprised by the emotion and melody. The speech parts added to the feeling immensely. This song makes me a little sad, it makes me reflect on human history. It get me reflecting on the human tragedies in the past, and how they seem so senseless. Very memorable. I understand that there will always be someone offended by songs that remind them of things they want to forget, but I feel this is in no way a pro-Nazi track. Bottom line, this is a very well done work of art. If you're looking for a sad, melancholic song of history, download it now. Quote
RiceLikeWhoa Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 Very VERY nicely done! Where you get the Hitler samples??? Quote
jwhyrock Posted April 18, 2003 Posted April 18, 2003 I have no idea how many people requested a Wolfenstein Remix, but I just requested one the other day so thank you very much. I had originally requested a Wolf 3D Jaguar remix, but for all I know they are the same melodies. It's been forever since I've touched the PC version. The song is amazing. I think it's meant to be dark, chilling, and ominous. Without the Hitler clips it would fall short of that goal. For all those whining about it being in poor taste, don't listen to the damn song! Obviously the game is all about Nazis and Hitler, so why the heck would having a Hitler clip be in bad taste? And the reference to just having fought a war so the song is in bad taste, that's ridiculous. Get a life, and learn how to cope... Thanks Mazedude! You rock! Quote
AndrewDeluxe Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 Hey, you don't have to agree with me, but calling my opinion ridiculous is quite harsh. I can cope just fine, but the fact that you can't possibly imagine that someone might find it offensive, is surprising to me, even Mazedude said he expected criticism. Go around your town and blast that song to people, drive by american legeion, or some relgious commuinties and see how they like it. My guess is, they'll probably just give you some "ridiclious" opinion. As for Wolfstein, it wasnt as much Nazis as it was using an acceptable real life setting for making outrageous over the top bad guys to shoot up. Hitler, Nazis, giant mutants, and a guy with a chaingun in his stomach....yeah Wolfstein is a real history lesson. Quote
ella guro Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 As for Wolfstein, it wasnt as much Nazis as it was using an acceptable real life setting for making outrageous over the top bad guys to shoot up. Hitler, Nazis, giant mutants, and a guy with a chaingun in his stomach....yeah Wolfstein is a real history lesson. Yes, Wolfenstein was pretty much a glorified cartoon. Hell, take a look at the pacman maze in episode 3, level 10. Not exactly the most realistic thing you've ever seen, eh? And yes, I never understood how it gave people an authentic WW2 feeling that's caused pretty much any remix of it to be orchestral and emotional piece of music with Historical quotations when the game itself didn't exactly have the most involved storyline or a super realistic feel. But it was a DAMN FUN GAME, so you ain't gonna be taking any of my prized childhood memories playing it away from me...hehe. Seriously, though, don't worry about it. No one was trying to attack you. Now, back to the reviews... Quote
doodley Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 Great song! i think it is very emotional and sad but yet militaristic at the same time. The hitler speech made the whole thing very dramatic. I don't know what it is but whenever you hear that guy talk you know he is just pure evil. Does anybody know what he is saying? Quote
jwhyrock Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 Ok I agree maybe I was a bit harsh. I meant that you have to take it in context. You do end up battling Hitler at the end. Him speaking just makes you hate him more. At least that's how I look at it. I never claimed the game was a lesson in history or realistic, but the storyline does revolve around Nazis and Hitler and some bizarre stuff they were into like zombies with machine guns in their chest. =) I honestly though can't understand why someone who knows what the game's all about and that it is obviously not geared toward pro-nazism would be offended. The point of the song is shock value and to promote feelings of dread and nastiness (IMO). Like I said before if it didn't have the Hitler speech it wouldn't have the same effect. Obviously I wouldn't drive down to a barmitzvah (sorry if I misspelled the word) and crank it up. This is a retro-gaming music community with people that have played the game and understand what the artist was intending. At least that's my perception on it. Either way I think it rocks, and I appreciate someone going out of their way to fulfill someone's humble request! Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 Not as emotional as it could have been with better samples, but a lot worse than it would have been without the Hitler samples. That is, the Hitler samples make it better. I liked it a lot, but sometimes it seems like it just doesn't have the impact it could. Oh well, it's still a GREAT mix. Keep up the magic Mazedude! Quote
AndrewDeluxe Posted April 19, 2003 Posted April 19, 2003 Well, I will say this, Mazedude has some big ones, he has guts to put it out. I consider the song quite seriously, because I think Mazedude meant it to be serious, so I gave it much deeper thought and criticism then any other song I have seen on this site. Obviously, this is not a bad thing, a song that makes you think about it and creates discussion over it, is pretty amazing in itself. I'm not backtreading from anything I said, but Mazedude did a very good job in creating a song that makes one think. Quote
Ronyn Posted April 20, 2003 Posted April 20, 2003 I agree with all of the praise given, but I just want to make one point. A "requiem" is by definition a holy mass, or a tribute form...meant for mourning as much as remembering. I don't think the music sends a bad message, but that title might... Quote
MassMedia Posted April 20, 2003 Posted April 20, 2003 great game, great intro. great piano, great industial sounds, good strings 2 rants from me. synth trumpets are killin me, all other instruments are awsome. fade out end? Quote
Ryan8bit Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 I agree with all of the praise given, but I just want to make one point. A "requiem" is by definition a holy mass, or a tribute form...meant for mourning as much as remembering. I don't think the music sends a bad message, but that title might... A requiem is mostly a song written for the dead. Not necessarily a tribute or praise. Quote
Ronyn Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 A requiem is mostly a song written for the dead. That definition is a bit truncated to be entirely accurate. But it still begs the question: Why would you write a song "for" Nazis? The more diplomatic way to phrase that would be: A requiem is mostly a song written "about" the dead. But that still begs the same question: Why would you write a song for or about dead Nazis? Mazedude's music answers this question well and in a positive way. So please, I hope no one interprets my comment as opposition, but calling it a requiem is a contradiction. I've never heard a requiem that was written to villify, in fact the very opposite of that is what every requiem I've ever heard is; I've yet to hear a neutral, informative, non-biased requiem. I won't argue the case any more; I think I've made my point. I'm just concerned that others won't hear what they should hear in this piece simply because of its title, which is needless to say silly (the listeners not the title). Quote
Hessian Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 i'm something of a history buff, and i plan to study history in college next year (as well as military science in the context of history later on). You know that military science is an ROTC program, don't you? world war 1, in my opinion, was just a war. yes, it spanned the globe, but it was really about german militarism going out of control. I'd have to say that WWI was an example of everyone's military going out of control. Last year, I did a term paper about the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand and the Treaty of Versailles, and for the week while I was doing that paper, Germans, Austrio-Hungarians, and Serbians chased me in my dreams. I admit that I have a bit of German pride (hence "Hessian"). However, I am ANTI-anti-semetic. I hate Hitler and anti-Semitic Germans, and I'm not a big fan of the Palestinians, but that's for a later discussion. I also hate Hitler because Rachmaninoff (a Russian composer who made me cry twice in the same song, pick up Vespers in the Classical music section of your local record store) died in 1943. I doubt he died because of the nazis, but the fact that that's when he died doesn't help. Quote
jwhyrock Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 Regardless of what "requiem" means or how it's interpreted it's a pretty damn cool name for the song. The tribute to the dead could be for the innocents or for the nazis. Just pick whatever makes you feel better and enjoy the dang song. =) I am almost fluent in German so when I get a second I'll try to translate the words that Hitler is saying. Sometimes it's tough though, because the accent and the language itself is much different now than it was then. Also it's a sound bite from an old speech so the clarity is tough. Remember though that a lot of the germans you're referring to were caught up in the whole war machine as well. Just because a lot of people were racist doesn't necessarily mean everyone was. The nazis weren't a race, but a facist political party. A majority of them were soldiers following orders. I think that the requiem should be for all of the deaths (except the evil racist bastards...). Quote
G-Crazy Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 Sorry, this is my first review as a member here at OCR, I just want to say that Mazedude's remix is an emotional masterpiece. Hitler did what he believed to be right for his country, you cant deny that he was a powerful speaker, in the remix you can hear the power in his voice. I'm pretty sure in the beginning he says something like "all say HAI", but I dunno for sure. Anyhow, despite Hitler's pros and cons the remix is great. Very touching....and militaristic. There's a great feeling of loss in the music. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 That definition is a bit truncated to be entirely accurate. But it still begs the question: Why would you write a song "for" Nazis? The more diplomatic way to phrase that would be: A requiem is mostly a song written "about" the dead. But that still begs the same question: Why would you write a song for or about dead Nazis? Mazedude's music answers this question well and in a positive way. So please, I hope no one interprets my comment as opposition, but calling it a requiem is a contradiction. "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead" was technically a requiem. It wasn't the Catholic holy kind, but it was a requiem nonetheless. A song for the dead that celebrated the Wicked Witch of the East's death. Not necessarily praise. It doesn't have to be praise to be a requiem. Quote
Ronyn Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 That's circular reasoning, you can't define it as a requiem just because it fits your definition. "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" is technically a showtune. Please point me to your references that say it is a requiem; I would owe you an apology if this was true. Quote
ella guro Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 Please stop using the Review boards to argue about the goddamn title, people. Nobody's going to change it, and nobody cares about the inaccuracies inherent to the title. Discuss the song, not the title. I agree with him there. Continue your discussion in a pm or something else, please. Quote
Ryan8bit Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 That's circular reasoning, you can't define it as a requiem just because it fits your definition. "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" is technically a showtune. Please point me to your references that say it is a requiem; I would owe you an apology if this was true. All I go off of is the definition given at www.dictionary.com. Nowhere in there does it say that there is respect for the deceased. It just says it's a hymn, composition, or service for the dead. Quote
Ronyn Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 ??? Strange, I don't see Cuddly's post, oh well. I don't see how discussing the title is any different than discussing how much we all liked the game or how much history we all know, but I guess discussing a "pro-nazi" title is irrelevant. I am right on this, sorry to say, however hard it is to swallow or however little you care. Dictionary.com also defines a symphony as "An extended piece in three or more movements for symphony orchestra." but anyone educated in form knows that that is hardly adequate information to write a symphony. Such is the case with the form requiem. I really don't care that you guys find my protest irrelevant. If you introduced this piece as a Nazi Requiem to the public, they would instantly villify its composer, because in that context it sounds sympathetic to Hitler's regime. That is relevant, and I'm sorry I have to come out with it bluntly, but dropping subtle hints seems to have only angered people who can't wait to flame someone. If there's any sensitivity in your bones, please change the name of this song, pride is an aweful vice. I will post no more on the matter... Quote
AgentRdy Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 Wow... this was great. The original wasn't much... this mix brings back the good ol' days of Wolfenstein that Dad used to let me play when I was only 6 or so. I still remember the cool little zombie level with that crazy doctor. Fun game, excellent remix. Adds more depth than was capable on computers back then; I probably would have died on the game a lot more from lack of concentration if I had been listening to this during. Wow... sad and depressing, yet something I can still dance to! Great Quote
jwhyrock Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Not only is your little protest irrelevant, but it's obnoxious and petty. I'm not knocking this site in any way, but I would hardly say that this community is the "general public". We're all gamers and a lot of us have played Wolfenstein 3D. Those of us who have "any" knowledge of the game realize the game is about killing nazis not celebrating them. The song is along the same lines. It's a very sad and regretful piece powerfully emphasized by Hitler's speech. We realize you're ultra-sensitive, but you're obviously barking up the wrong tree. An artist has the right to entitle his works any damn way he pleases. In this case it was a very creative and powerful name for a very cool song. Tell me, do you boycott films like Schindler's List because they might depict a part of Nazi Germany. The war is over. History has already been written. Deal with it! Quote
Ronyn Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Actually I'm studying for my history final as we speak. When you said the war was over I wasn't quite sure you were right but I checked my little booky-poo and lo and behold you're right. Yes, Schindler's list was a beautiful movie, I've played the violin solo for ASTA festivals. Yes, Wolfenstein was a fun game. I'm not sure how to respond to your post though, it doesn't seem that you understand what we're even talking about. (I gotta stop reading this damn thread, I can't seem to resist stopping people from flaming me for no reason; no more! Flame away!). Quote
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