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OCR @ Otakon 2008 (Baltimore, MD) - Thanks for coming!

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oh well... yeah OCR-Ball is the greatest game since Calvinball

Sorry! Whenever I try to remember everyone in a group I always forget someone... It wasn't intentional!

Anyway, yeah, OCR-Ball is great. The game was basically (paraphrasing):

Xerol: If it hits the shed, it's out

Pezman: Playing with a Pepsi in one hand is worth 50 points

Kizyr: Hitting the camera is out

Pixietricks: If everyone on the team hits the ball, you win 20 games

Dyne: If it hits zircon, it's out

DrumUltima: Hitting Jill in the face wins 150 games

Pixietricks: :sad:

Also, running into zircon & pixietricks in the Dealers' Room:

Me: You mind if I get a picture of the three of us?

P/Z: Sure!


Z: I think Dale was behind us

P: Did he put bunny-ears on us? ...check the picture

Dale: No no, there's no need to--


Me: Dammit, Dale!!

Nah, I kid. I kid.

Here're a few other shots:

Opening of the panel:


Zircon begrudgingly adding more cowbell:


Still Alive:


Unfortunately I don't have more from the panel; those were my best [resized] shots. KF

Someone asked about the music, and their response boiled down to "Yeah, it's awesome. Let's talk about how hot Rouge is again!"

I know...it was my friend standing next to me who asked about the music in a vain attempt to steer the topic conversation back to something actually about the games and not just the characters.

We left after that. Anything else of interest happen, or was that the gist of the rest of the panel?

Just got home. I'm dead-ass.

I don't know why I didn't think to get a picture of Amy's wonderfully ReMix'ed OCR T-shirt (anyone else have that?).

Thanks José ^_^ I don't think anyone ever got a picture of the shirt (not while I was paying attention anyway), though there are pictures with the shirt in it. But I was gonna ask Vinnie to take a picture of it to add to this thread.

I also a got a white shirt to remix, I'll get on that soon and post that too! .D

Awesome panel everyone! Woo!!!! :grin:

We left after that. Anything else of interest happen, or was that the gist of the rest of the panel?

I don't remember if it was before or after that, but they also tried to defend Big The Cat's levels in SA. Then there was a lame trivia contest, and that was it. For my first panel of the con, and especially for a series that I'm a huge fan of, it was a big letdown.

What wasn't a letdown, though, was the medley video. Thanks for posting it, Jose!

I don't remember if it was before or after that, but they also tried to defend Big The Cat's levels in SA. Then there was a lame trivia contest, and that was it. For my first panel of the con, and especially for a series that I'm a huge fan of, it was a big letdown.

I knew I should have gone up there and thrown their punk asses out of their chairs and done the rest of the panel myself. I had a bad feeling about things when the loudmouth girl dressed like a pink witch went from directing people to sitting down at the head table.

And come on...no footage of the games whatsoever? No music? The hell's wrong with you wenches?? Damn giggly fangirls needing to feel all self-important.


Did anyone happen to get a video of the remixing session. I was in the masquerade (which sucked that the masquerade was the same time as the panel) and rushed down two blocks and up the escalators to get to the panels. When i got there, a minute and some time passed and i caught the end of it. Then i got to hear the judges opinion on the remix (which needed more cowbell) lol. But the rest of the panel was great (good job on staying alive btw). And i was just hoping someone got footage of that, so i can learn more about remixing.


Don't worry. They basically had everything pre-recorded and set up, so it was all drag-n-drop into place. There wasn't really much to learn about remixing other than what sounds better to you.


Haha, yeah, I wasn't really able to approach the topic in any appreciable depth, given 15 minutes. Plus, my laptop isn't very powerful and it's tough to do anything with a touchpad. However, the overall concept was still there - building an (abbreviated) arrangement, layering parts, making choices that come up in the course of "rea" ReMixing.

Jill (pixietricks) - vocals

Amy (diotrans) - electric guitar, harmony vocals

Vinnie (palpable) - acoustic guitar

Me - keyboard (bass + EP), sequenced perc

Dave - forgetting to alt tab back from winamp to the powerpoint >:o

Sweet team there. Except for Dave. He has ruined everything! :P

Jill sounds...very different. I thought about her at first, but then thought the vocals sounded way too different, you know. I'm guessing the reason why is that she adapted her voice well with the track...I mean, it's not like she's going to go Opera-crazy with a chill track as this. Plus, it's live. Everyone sounds different live. lol. All in all, nice job, everyone. I'm just quite surprised (in a positive way, of course) by how Jill handled the vocals. Sweet. :)

You know what the next step is now, right? Potential OCR sub, here we come!

You know what the next step is now, right? Potential OCR sub, here we come!

Someone yelled out after the performance that the song was too close to the original, and they're pretty much right. :tomatoface: We didn't have the time to do anything really fancy with it. If this ever got subbed (can you believe we don't have a "Still Alive" remix on this site?), it'd have to get overhauled.

Someone yelled out after the performance that the song was too close to the original, and they're pretty much right. :tomatoface: We didn't have the time to do anything really fancy with it. If this ever got subbed (can you believe we don't have a "Still Alive" remix on this site?), it'd have to get overhauled.

Yeah...good point. Considering the time constraints, I understand why it sounds too close to the original. But, yeah, would be cool if you guys found the time to overhaul this. It'll be a bit tough since the original is so damn catchy...but it can be done.

(can you believe we don't have a "Still Alive" remix on this site?)

Listening to your performance gave me the inklings of an idea. Maybe I'll be able to work on it once I get settled with my Macbook Pro.


Yeah, I was trying to adapt my voice to the track to sound more computer-y. Somehow, I don't think vibrato would have fit the mood. I'm glad you felt that it worked! We just covered the song, but it could be fun to put together an actual remix sometime.

Sindra: The "Making of a Remix" tutorial was a game designed to get the audience involved, not so much to actually teach them how to remix. Something like that would have required at least the entire hour and a half, and most people probably would not have found it appealing or beneficial. If you're looking for real help in that area, I would check out some of zircon's audio and video tutorials.

Sindra: The "Making of a Remix" tutorial was a game designed to get the audience involved, not so much to actually teach them how to remix. Something like that would have required at least the entire hour and a half, and most people probably would not have found it appealing or beneficial. If you're looking for real help in that area, I would check out some of zircon's audio and video tutorials.

I think what was done was fine. A lot of people don't understand the structure of songs, which is a big first step in learning how to mix. Seeing it broken down like that was a good start for the people who now nothing about it. No one should expect that they can come out of the panal knowing how to make anything, honestly, but seeing the structure gives them an idea of how things work on a basic level.

Perhaps coupling that with one example of how to create a small section (one of the A or B choices, or even like a 2 bar repeating pattern in a song) would make things a little more in depth, but not take up too much more time. Going further than that would get too complicated and probably would lose audience interest.


Sindra: The "Making of a Remix" tutorial was a game designed to get the audience involved, not so much to actually teach them how to remix. Something like that would have required at least the entire hour and a half, and most people probably would not have found it appealing or beneficial. If you're looking for real help in that area, I would check out some of zircon's audio and video tutorials.

I wasn't saying it for my benefit...just because someone else asked about it, and I told them it wasn't really something that talked about remixing, so it's ok he missed out on it since it didn't have much to do with actual remixing.


Yeah, personally I liked the game. It's like DragonAvenger said, it's a good way to show the song breakdown and the extremely basic assembly of parts into a finished remix. And really, that gave me a better idea of how a lot of remixes are constructed. It does give some basic understanding, and I actually found it pretty informative considering I really didn't have the slightest clue how everything was tied together.

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