I-n-j-i-n Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 And this is the beauty of Nintendo; they're always experimenting. Anyone remember when they said the DS was just a test run to see what they would do with the next game boy? The wii and ds are both a testament to Nintendo's ingenuity. They have undoubtably made mistakes (one could argue that the Gamecube was one of them, but I'd be reluctant to agree there), but they've endeavored to fix them in most case.I know people are giving this whole upgrade thing a hard time, but its like some people are saying; THERE WAS NOTHING MASSIVELY WRONG WITH IT. You aim it at the screen, it moves. That's good enough for me. I'm not downplaying this new device either; it seems to have a lot of potential. Just because this new device is meant to be better, doesn't mean the old one now sucks. But don't you see the contradiction there? Why improve if it's perfectly fine? They improved because it was not that good. Hopefully with the new version of the Wiimote, we won't have to be relegated to sliding-control feel and the lack of control on open space. You're right. You can point and click and all that. That part of it worked perfectly fine, but moving the controller as a 3D mechanic, it was clearly faulty. It was like with the DS screens. The older DS buttons were ROCK HARD, the edge of the handheld was sharp and the screens were dim. We only knew afterward with the much improved DS. I now wonder if the new Wii consoles will have the add-on built in the machine? I almost think it should be like the wii sheath. Quote
dsx100 Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I honestly don't think their is anything wrong with the wii's current motion controls, they have worked just fine for me in every game I have played them with. The only problem is that they are limited. Thats why this motion-plus add-on sounds great. Basically its going to allow you to do what the sensor-bar does without the sensor bar. Imagine playing a FPS without having to point the wiimote at the screen all the time. Thats sounds great to me, too bad it won't work with previously released games. Quote
The Author Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 The only problem I've had with the Wiimote was in some levels of Boom Blox. And basically its because here is a lot to input quickly, which is something that would be hard in general, but is made trickier with the control scheme of aiming with the Wiimote then throwing by flinging it. (These poor kittens are getting devoured by nasty ghouls... so tragic.) Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 The way I see it, this is a chance for all Wii owners to improve their system by paying another $20 (maybe) for each remote. How does a PS3 owner improve their 40 gb model with no backwards compatibility? How many original-model XBox360 owners continue to have problems with their original purchase, even after sending it to Microsoft? Each console had flaws with their original design. The fact that you can fix the Wii's so easily and affordably is a bonus. Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 But 360's gotthe magic of SOFTWARE GOD DAMN YOU DSHU I NEARLY CHOKED ON A SUSHI ROLL I WAS EATING WHILE WATCHING THAT :lol: Quote
The Author Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 It's a brand new experience, never before seen. In addition, here are he totally new things provided by Microsoft: 1: A new game staring a Plumber who faces a giant turtle to save a princess. 2: A wacky donkey and his friends who eat bananas and fight pirates. 4: A young hero, who is on a mission to assemble the Quadrastrenght and fight the evil Warthog Demon. 5: A young and daring adventurer in a Force Suit, who fights the evil Father Cerebral 6: and finally, a daring space pilot who fights a tyranical baboon, in the game Celestial Marmoset. Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 OMG! That's amazing! Do you think there's a chance we might actually see these Avatars show up in real games?!? That'd be the first time anything like that ever happened in video games, especially in the last 2 years!! It will completely revolutionize gaming forever!! Everyone will look back at this moment and realize the XBox Live's Avatars is the reason we are in today's Golden Age of gaming!! "Where else besides XBox Live could you introduce the concept of an avatar and it immediately become a community of 10 million avatars?" - Jerry, Product Manager (3:01) I dunno, maybe the Wii? Quote
The Damned Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Looks like the new game Wii Sports Beach Resort and the new Wii Music will both use this thing. Oh, didn't you hear? New Wii Sports and Wii Music! Quote
Zombie Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I believe that reggie said that wii music doesn't use the motion plus thingy... Anyways, Nintendo press conference was lame. Nothing suprising there. Quote
HalcyonSpirit Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 The sword combat in the new Wii Sports looks promising (despite it seeming like the two people were just flailing around at the time). With a little refinement, I'm seeing viable lightsaber combat in our future. That'd make me happy beyond words. Quote
Devyn Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 I wish they would have showed some of the "hardcore" titles coming out through third parties (Fatal Frame 4, MadWorld, Conduit, Monster Rancher, Tenchu), but still, you gotta love 'em. I think we'll get some surprising anouncements tomorrow too. Quote
The Damned Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 Yeah, all the "hard core" titles will be displayed over the next few days. That's the way it goes. Nintendo's conference was lackluster, again. Nothing really stood out, not like the year they announced Twilight Princess. Quote
sgx Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 So like....1:1 wiimote...I thought this is what the wiimote was supposed to do already? Quote
Bleck Posted July 15, 2008 Posted July 15, 2008 So like....1:1 wiimote...I thought this is what the wiimote was supposed to do already? it's not like anyone has said this already Quote
Necrotic Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 Next thing you know they'll be releasing rumble packs, or something silly like memory cards. I can't believe how over the past few years Nintendo's become the resident expert at grabbing people's money over silly attachments that could have been included with the original design of the console. They were never like that in the past! But seriously, I'm pretty stoked for what this attachment could potentially fix about the Wii, finally. I think it's stupid to say the Wii was broken, but the only companies who made any decent use of the technology was Nintendo and its first party games and like... Resident Evil 4 or Zack and Wiki (both Capcom, in fact). Even then most of the sane parts of the world play Smash and Mario Kart with the Classic Controller/GC controller anyways. I can't wait to see how much shovelware sucks harder utilizing this little beast. Quote
Devyn Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 I still find it really stupid how Nintendo lacked the foresight to put a little hard drive in the console. Nintendo is frikkin' retarded. Quote
Necrotic Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 I still find it really stupid how Nintendo lacked the foresight to put a little hard drive in the console. Nintendo is frikkin' retarded. Yeah, now we'll never see games patched (think Metroid Prime 3 or Zelda) to make use of the extra sensing capability. Quote
Bigfoot Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 Watch the Zelda team be making a first person view game now. Quote
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