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So I got a job last week doing QA for the North American version of a Chinese MMO called Perfect World. And... Well, it's actually pretty fun. Free download, no monthly fee... There's a massive list of items to buy though. It's a bit grindy, but overall I'm enjoying it, and it blows the hell out of all the other free games out there. My boss isn't sure when the planned release date is, but the closed beta starts in about a month and he says most people who sign up will probably get in.

So, it's like the fifteen other free MMORPGs that are out there? What's to make it stand out from the rest of them?

Massive overabundance of fanservice, by the look of it.

Seriously. Two attractive, young, skimpily dressed women in come-hither poses right there as soon as you open the page. And take a look at what you get when you click the "Community" tab. That's sheer desperation.

It looks extremely limited, though. Only six classes? And each race is confined to only two to choose from? Some of them are male/female only too, by the look of it.

God almighty. Sooner or later, MMORPGs won't even bother including classes. You'll just have a bunch of races to play as that all fit a certain archetype. HAY GUYZ EVERY SINGLE ELF IN THE WORLD IS AN ARCHER. ISN'T THIS FUN.


That flash movie at the front page just about stalled my system. There's something odd about that page. I just found a couple apps running in the Task Manager that I don't recognize. I'm not sure, but I think something got past my firewall and tried to run on my system. That sort of scares me. I just updated my stuff, too.

People might want to be careful going to that page.


This might explain a lot about the problems I had with the site: this laptop runs Vista.

My XP system is fine with it.

Here's the thing I don't get with these games. They're free to play and you just download them for nothing. How do the comapnies that make then operate then? There's no fees or anything, so how do they stay in business?


In this case, it's through a large list of various in-game items (different mounts, inventory extensions, etc.) that are available for actual purchase.

I haven't fiddled around with them yet, and there are only ten of us here so I don't know how much of an effect they have on the game, but I'm still having fun without them.

This might explain a lot about the problems I had with the site: this laptop runs Vista.

My XP system is fine with it.

Here's the thing I don't get with these games. They're free to play and you just download them for nothing. How do the comapnies that make then operate then? There's no fees or anything, so how do they stay in business?

He said there's a Chinese version. Maybe they charge them?

I'll bring up your concerns with my boss, but I honestly suspect it's unrelated.

EDIT: Forgot to mention it earlier, but the character customization options are extremely broad.

...In what way?

I played 9Dragons for a while, and I have to say that graphics aren't a huge thing. It was a beautiful game, but I didn't have a whole lot of control over my character's appearance. That and it being grind-tacular (no crafting, just martial arts) made it an easy game to walk away from. I had virtually no attachment to my character.

So, I have three questions that could tell me all I need to know about the customization.

1. Pre-set faces or faces where individual elements (i.e. eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) can be chosen? Are there eight manly faces (one of which is scarred) to express our snowflake-like individuality?

2. Can we choose skin color? Not just black or white, but shades of purple and green for the "I like playing a demon" people that I don't sit next to on buses.

3. How many "equippable elements" are available to us (i.e. feet, torso, arms, etc.)? Can we wear boots and suits from different armor sets or do we have the armor "leotard" and self-crafted jewelry to adorn said leotard?

The answers that imply lack of choice are what the standard is for free RPGs. People who want their own characters made custom-fit for them play Guild Wars or WoW. Which camp is more fitting for this game?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to run a virus scan...


It's been out in Asia and the Philippines for a little while now, but from what I understand neither of those clients can be played outside their respective IP ranges.

We're also doing a whole new translation for the North American version (localization is where most of our bugs are from), which should fix most of the Engrish problems (and if the translation we're starting from is any indication, it's pretty bad Engrish).


So US players have to wait until the closed beta to test this out? Or am I missing something here?

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out that the registration page isn't open yet. I was confused because there were Asian clients out there. Got my closed beta key from mmosite.com. This game actually has me kinda excited. Hopefully it won't tear me away from Guild Wars too much.

No one of the servers was IP compatible with the US. I want to say it was Malaysia like it always is.

Probably Malaysia, yeah. What was the the translation like on that one, by the way? Or was it in Mandarin?

No, one of the servers was IP compatible with the US. I want to say it was Malaysia like it always is.

Fixed. Notice the comma. I have played this game. It's nothing outside of your typical grind. The only motivation I had moving forward was I wanted my hot elf chick to have really sweet looking "Zero-style" (ala Bahamut Zero) wings.

lets play maple story guys I LOVE MAPLE STORY

Seriously, if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute then don't post.

Anyway, is anyone else here planning on playing this when it comes out? Or at least giving it a try? Despite the posts saying it's grindy, I'm willing to try it since it's completely free.

Seriously, if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute then don't post.

Anyway, is anyone else here planning on playing this when it comes out? Or at least giving it a try? Despite the posts saying it's grindy, I'm willing to try it since it's completely free.

So long as it's not overtly complicated to register like it is now with gunbound and seemingly other "free" games from NIC, I may give it a whirl. However chances are I'll be sticking with EVE Online as my current mmo I play on and off.


It doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but I'll keep it in mind if I get bored with Mabinogi.

Face structuring reminds me of Second Life, which is a good thing. Legolas looks like he's got a bad wig on, but this looks passable. Yeah, definitely on my consideration list.

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