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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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This is a bit off topic, but still.

So I just beat Final Fantasy VII and I was reading the credits, and about half way through, during the excerpt from the highwind theme, the have animator spelled "animetor" Those nutty japanese. Putting subliminal adverts in our games.


I've started going by A Damn Good Cop on TF2. Just so you know, if you see A Damn Good Cop kickin' around, it's probably me.

I'm neither a cop nor am I damn good, so it's a bit deceptive.


Forgot to mention that I installed the new scramble plugin after I made sure the server was working properly again.

It's currently set to only change between rounds. The bad side to this is that it may switch you even on pl and cp assault maps (the non-5cp ones).

I think it's set to only move people if there are 12 or more players, too.

SourceMod is showing up as 1.3.0-dev. I'm going to install 1.2.1 over top of it, as the dev version predates 1.2.1 and its security fixes.

Edit: This crashed the server, as the server tried to change maps while I was uploading new versions of files it was trying to access.

Edit 2: Server should be back now, and reports it's running MetaMod: Source 1.7.1 and Sourcemod 1.2.1.

I had installed a beta version of SourceMod at one point to fix some plugins that became broken with TF2 patches.

Also although I'm back, I probably won't be on TF2 for a little while because I have a lot of stuff I need to do here. Hopefully Powerlord has been doing a good job maintaining everything.

This is a bit off topic, but still.

So I just beat Final Fantasy VII and I was reading the credits, and about half way through, during the excerpt from the highwind theme, the have animator spelled "animetor" Those nutty japanese. Putting subliminal adverts in our games.

ffvii has a god awful translation

Forgot to mention that I installed the new scramble plugin after I made sure the server was working properly again.

It's currently set to only change between rounds. The bad side to this is that it may switch you even on pl and cp assault maps (the non-5cp ones).

I think it's set to only move people if there are 12 or more players, too.

make it so that the fullround cvar is on

you dont wanna be scrambled after dustbowl 2 if blue wins because that would be really annoying!!!


oh man


Suspected class-specific changes

All Classes

* [confirmed] There is now a menu option that will reload all clip-based weapons when enabled - however, this feature currently is in the testing phase and may get tweaks.


* [confirmed] The heavy appears to have gotten a KGB replacement of sorts that makes him go around pyro speed when their out. This would explain the "vanguard party" achievements that were popping up earlier.

* [confirmed] The heavy's minigun cone has been tightened; however there is no confirmation whether this change will remain permanent.

* [confirmed] There are going to be changes to the sandvich. However, these changes are still mostly in the planning phase.


* [confirmed] There are improved particles to show when players are using Kritzkreig more easily.



* [confirmed] As of the moment the Sandman reduces the scout's health to 95 and returns his double jump. There are planned changes to the stun mechanic, but none have been implemented yet.

* [confirmed] FaN knockback has been adjusted significantly; it now knocks back targets based on damage and distance.

* [confirmed] Pistol scripts will apparently no longer work. The pistol fires every 0.175 seconds at its maximum rate as opposed to .1 seconds

* [confirmed] Pistol now fires at the rate of 1 shot per 0.175 seconds while holding down attack button (used to be 0.25 seconds)



* [confirmed] The engineer is receiving a wrench that allows him to build his buildings faster. It does not allow him to upgrade them and repairs them at the same rate as before, however.


* [unconfirmed] There are some proposed changes to the demoman and soldier's self-damage; however no specifics are available as of yet.


* [unconfirmed] There are some proposed changes to the demoman and soldier's self-damage; however no specifics are available as of yet.


* [confirmed] The spy is apparently getting not one, but two suits. However, it is currently unsure if both suits or just one will make it past the beta.

* [confirmed] The first suit is as heard of before, giving the spy 90% damage reduction from flames and takes the place of his revolver.

* [confirmed] The second suit is also geared against pyros, but its effects and abilities are currently unclear.

i bolded the ones i care about



Where is my backburner buff? :(

Also, flame retardant-suits? Ugh.

at the expense of not having a pistol? have you ever chased a dead ringer spy around as a pyro

he dies just as easily

also you still have your shotgun man


For the most part, I like those. Not sure if the 95 health thing is worth it, but I'm sure a good scout could tell me.

Strangely, I think the most fun change is the super punching heavy. It's one of my favorite "fuck around" gimmicks as it is. And now potentially a significant buff? Yay!


I've been pretty successful as a heavy lately. But heavies are very much a team dependent class now. A heavy with a medic is in good shape. Have a pyro watch their back, and it's tough to beat them.

When the enemy has three spies and a dead ringer or two, it's another story, the life of a heavy is full of danger. He must be much more vigilant now, but is still quite playable. were payload maps not made with him in mind?

The proposed changes sound interesting, although the last thing we need is a fire retardant spy. The only reason I play pyro now is because skilled dead ringer spies are a bitch to pin down. All I can do is chase them until the ringer wears off and hope someone doesn't intercept me. :\

I've been pretty successful as a heavy lately. But heavies are very much a team dependent class now. A heavy with a medic is in good shape. Have a pyro watch their back, and it's tough to beat them.

hate to break it to you guys but it really isnt that hard to be successful as a heavy on the ocr server just throwin that out there no offense to you guys though

So what is with all the hate towards the OCR server lately, atmuh? I mean just because we don't play to be pro, doesn't mean have the right to knock on the skill of our players, pubby or not. So seriously, stop being so high and mighty d00d.

the ocr server is fine youre all fun people to play with im just saying its piss easy to play heavy on there, and im really not all that great at heavy

For the most part, I like those. Not sure if the 95 health thing is worth it, but I'm sure a good scout could tell me.


*is not really a great Scout*

Also, flame retardant suit in place of his only defensive weapon? brb backstabbing only

(Sounds like fun to me, if you ask me. I don't even use the bloody revolver, anyway.)

BTW, I think the FaN fix will shut all the complainers up.


*is not really a great Scout*

Dropping the Scoot's HP to make up for it could be a problem, though.

However, Scoots die in nearly one hit anyway (almost instantly from fire), so maybe it'll work out anyway.


Dude, I'mma be a freakin' stunnin' assassin.

Jumpin' all over the place, sneakin' behind enemy lines...

And then out of nowhere, BONK!

...that sounded cooler in my mind when Scout's voice was saying it.

I can't decide which I hate more.

Pyro's that don't spycheck, or Pyro's that don't put out teammates.

I'd go with Pyros that don't spycheck, as Pyros putting out people is fairly new to the game (it arrived in Sniper/Spy update) and only works with one of the two flamethrowers.

Whereas every Pyro should have been spy checking since the game came out.


A random thought just occurred to me for the new Sandman.

Get rid of the HP nerf, and give the Sandman a windup time to shoot.

...actually, now that I typed it out, it sounds kinda stupid. But discuss?

I'd go with Pyros that don't spycheck, as Pyros putting out people is fairly new to the game (it arrived in Sniper/Spy update) and only works with one of the two flamethrowers.

Whereas every Pyro should have been spy checking since the game came out.

Ah, started playing after that update so I wasn't aware of that.


Pyros that don't spycheck, especially around sentries and in large groups are the worst pyros ever. Nothing like being surrounded by 2 or 3 pyros, and still getting backstabbed, and then seeing 2 or 3 other people get hit by the same spy.

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