duckyboycantfly Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 So apparently I was playing tf2 last night. Huh. My bad. :3
Powerlord Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I was going to add a new class that should be limited in each post I made until people started realizing how it's a bad idea, but it looks like there are already people who realize class limits are a bad idea.
Brushfire Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Class Limits are another way of saying "Our server hates fun!!" Sure you get a few douche bags doing stupid stuff every now and then, but melee only heavys are a staple of the TF2 landscape, as american as apple pie, hot dogs, and dispensers. Also, FINAL FORM RIDE: HI HI HI HIBIKI!!
Bleck Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 class limits are dumb if you don't like the players find a different server
duckyboycantfly Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Apparently I spilled something on my keyboard keys are so sticky. Also class limits are stupid.
Brushfire Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Apparently I spilled something on my keyboard keys are so sticky. Man juice. RAR!!
atmuh Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I finally got around to updating the download mirror URL on the server. If you have problems downloading custom maps/sounds, let me know.P.S. While we're limiting Spy and Sniper, are we also going to limit Scouts too? You know, the third class that's useless in great numbers? limiting scout is a bad idea no matter the map We start using class limits and see how long it takes for you to get frustrated cause some noob is taking up your precious slot. this is why you only limit sniper spys dont need to be limited take it up with them they rarely switch switch teams sorry im not a faggot go play somewhere else >:U oh so lets leave snipers unlimited which will cause your teammates to ragequit good idea Class Limits are another way of saying "Our server hates fun!!" oh really because personally i dont think its much fun to be getting rolled every round because not only are 5 people on my team completely horrible but theyre also playing USELESS classes like sniper
Bleck Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 class limits more like hey cool the other team has a good sniper and nobody can counter snipe because our sniper is using the hunstman
A Random Tiger Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Haha, I love Random Tiger's voicetaunt. >;3 I love getting reactions from people who haven't heard it yet
Rambo Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 There is a lot of resistance to this idea on the server itself. I might turn this on over the weekend and see how things go though. Try it over the weekend. After all, we "unanimously decided and trialed" turning off sudden death and limiting turbine to 2 engineers a while back. This couldn't hurt any more. We start using class limits and see how long it takes for you to get frustrated cause some noob is taking up your precious slot. This is ALREADY the case. Anyone who already has a problem with this, will not go sniper when there are already 2. I'd love to go sniper a lot of the time, to take out a sentry nest or something, but we have 3 already and it would only be hurting the team even more. So basically I'm thinking, if the people who care are already limited, why not the people who don't. limiting scout is a bad idea no matter the map this is why you only limit sniper spys dont need to be limited they rarely switch sorry im not a faggot oh so lets leave snipers unlimited which will cause your teammates to ragequit good idea oh really because personally i dont think its much fun to be getting rolled every round because not only are 5 people on my team completely horrible but theyre also playing USELESS classes like sniper This may be the only time I ever agree with an entire Atmuh post.
atmuh Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Anyone who already has a problem with this, will not go sniper when there are already 2. yeah seriously this is how i choose a class i look at whatever classes have no one playing medic them if its medic, ill pick it but check to see if theres anyone on my team worth healing and switch if there isnt if all classes have at least one person on them, ill pick either soldier demo heavy or maybe pyro if theres only one of one of those classes also i think its funny that the people that are FOR limiting snipers actually provide reasons why thats a good idea and the people against it simply say i dont like that how about a decent reason why a 2 sniper limit is a bad idea oh yeah and do you guys still have that crit boost from capping ctf still enabled i think i remember it being on a few days ago if so WHY and playing to 3 caps in ctf is much better than 4, it makes the match feel less turtly and quicker moving
Brycepops Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 how about a decent reason why a 2 sniper limit is a bad idea Well, if the two slots are already taken and you're someone who'd like to work on sniping/bowing, wtf are you going to do? Ask someone to switch? What if they're pricks, or are actually skilled? There wouldn't be much room for improvement for people who'd like to get better at this classes, but can't. Hell, what if you just want to have some fun as that class? :/
Tensei Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Well, if the two slots are already taken and you're someone who'd like to work on sniping/bowing, wtf are you going to do? Ask someone to switch? What if they're pricks, or are actually skilled? There wouldn't be much room for improvement for people who'd like to get better at this classes, but can't. No, you go to a server with TR_Walkway
Brycepops Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 No, you go to a server with TR_Walkway Yeah ok, let's just start telling people to go somewhere else to improve before coming here. At least here, most people won't be faggots and would actually give advice on how to improve.
Tensei Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Yeah ok, let's just start telling people to go somewhere else to improve before coming here. At least here, most people won't be faggots and would actually give advice on how to improve. I was only half-serious, but my point is if I want to practice pipe bombs and pipe bombs only, I don't go to the OCR server because I won't be a lot of help to my team without stickies.
Trianine Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 This is ALREADY the case. I think you misunderstand. To the people who basically play sniper/spy exclusively and are fairly good at it, you are taking their position and making it a lottery. That is most certainly not the case now. It's bad to have a useless spy. It can be really harmful to not have any dependable spies. If you pit lumpy up on a team against two useless and headstrong snipers and prevent a decent sniper from competing, there is no way to shake up the team to fix that without scrambling both teams. Class limits do not turn useless players into good ones. They do not guarantee a well balanced team. They do not magically turn a team of four snipers into a winning team. They only make that team a team with less snipers. We have done class limits before, and while I was happy to not see an entire team of snipers, it resulted in a lot of whining on the server. And I am prepared to make a bet that the decision will be reversed because people will tire of the class limit. Because ultimately this is a player problem and not a class problem. The class issue is only a symptom and stomping it will not get rid of the underlying problem. Capisce?
Brycepops Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I was only half-serious, but my point is if I want to practice pipe bombs and pipe bombs only, I don't go to the OCR server because I won't be a lot of help to my team without stickies. Well, would you rather: 1.) Have people you play with regularly LOL at/with you because you're trying to get better. or 2.) Deal with a bunch of random dickholes. You might not be a lot of help at the time but it would at least pay off some in the end, would it not?
Clefairy Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I think you misunderstand. To the people who basically play sniper/spy exclusively and are fairly good at it, you are taking their position and making it a lottery. That is most certainly not the case now. I would like to invite all of these hypothetical players to tear up their contracts of exclusivity and log some time filling another role. Change is good; I know you have 700+ hours as your preferred class. That's great, I'm happy for you all. Ever occur to you that you might be stuck in a rut? I'll counter your player problem with another; frequently, nobody talks. For entire rounds, sometimes! Often as a result, the map becomes a group of skilled individuals against a real team. What's the difference? Communication and planning. Good players will run around willy-nilly, doing as the tenets of their class bid them to do. That's perfectly acceptable, except when it runs up against another group of players with a coherent strategy. A great example is Turbine with Vahn/Ubel around. Almost inevitably, there are 2 or 3 sentries up in the midfield, with matching kit soon to follow if it hasn't already. A spy might get one, but no one says anything, and the window of opportunity is lost. 20 seconds later the engie respawns, teleports/walks back and rebuilds. I've seen this happen time and again, and frankly it's depressing. Meanwhile, heavier classes pile in through the main gate, usually with a medic or two. Very soon it becomes impossible to do much of anything, as this clump of players takes up residence in their enemies' intel room. This team proceeds to steamroll their individual opponents for 25 minutes, usually causing the server to take a big hit in population. It's not fun, but again, because nobody says anything in-game, it continues. I suppose it would be fun for the "lol pwned" crowd, but they can crawl back under a rock in my presently caustic opinion.
Trianine Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Don't be ignorant, there is nothing hypothetical about players who play, almost exclusively, <INSERT-CLASS-HERE>. Like I said Clefairy, it's a player problem, not a class problem. Your scenario illustrates that nicely but really has little to do with the class limit. Additionally, while I agree that people should learn different roles, people do have classes they like to play. And when they are denied that, frequently, it gets a little old. And really, who are you to tell people what class to enjoy? Hmm? OTOH, I would like to thank half of our snipers who switched up when I pointed out we were having difficulty meeting our objectives yesterday. It made a big difference.
EdgeCrusher Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 I like how people say "class limits are gay, I cant play my favorite class if someone has it, go play somewhere else". Then the other side is "class limits are needed cause of 7 snipers on a team, play another class damn it, or go somewhere else".
atmuh Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 Well, if the two slots are already taken and you're someone who'd like to work on sniping/bowing, wtf are you going to do? Ask someone to switch? What if they're pricks, or are actually skilled? There wouldn't be much room for improvement for people who'd like to get better at this classes, but can't.Hell, what if you just want to have some fun as that class? :/ if you have 3+ snipers on your team, you will almost never win start a tally i did once the results were comical it doesnt matter how good you are at it
Bleck Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 class limits more like nobody is playing the way I want them to make them be a good team right now!!! *tantrum*
atmuh Posted September 13, 2009 Posted September 13, 2009 class limits more like nobody is playing the way I want them to make them be a good team right now!!! *tantrum* were not talking about super tourneyfag 2 spies 2 snipers 3 scouts 2 soldiers 2 demos 2 heavies 2 pyros 3 medics 2 engineers WE ARE JUST TALKING ABOUT TWO SNIPERS
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