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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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wait what excuse me

Whoops, that should say duck twice in the air.

Edit: I've reordered the maplist used by the nominate command so that it's in alphabetical order... and made sure cp_junction_final is on it.


Lol, scout rush on gravel pit targeting A... actually worked with a medic and pyro as backup. Took the next point and C. Second time we did it, we managed to take A and B, but some scout players didn't understand they couldn't take out the sentries at C, so we lost then.

... scout needs some nerfs though.

Brushfire is forever banned from the list of people I heal when I play medic. :P

Now what a minute...

You can't do this to me. I will develop abandonment issues, then I will become a delinquent, then I will be bumped into by a "tough guy", then I will challenge him to a gang fight, then I will gather 8 of the strongest fighters together, and then I will die in the arms of my comrades after being stabbed, then Dateline will do a story on my heroic death, then I won't be able to play TF2 anymore.



The only way I'd be OK with getting rid of HLStatsX would be if you replaced it with a different brand of record keeping.

How else am I supposed to keep track of how many times I've been obliterated by the [ZUZ] guys?


Keep it, if it is not a burden to you. Is there a way a single user could "opt-out"? Say for example, they tick a box to choose to not be monitored by HLStatsX? That way people who wish to use it can continue doing so and those who don't can remove themselves from it. That would pacify both sides.

I don't want stats removed, I just want them reset back to zero. I think it might be a good measure to reset them once we have a couple people reach 25000+.

Just my opinion though.

I second the notion. My k/d ratio is so bad from all my early days of Medic'ing XD Though, the OCR server is where I learned (still learning heh) to play TF2, so it's somewhat of a sentimental thing, the stats being my progression into TF2. Bleh, no I'm just lame.

That being said, many people have put a lot of time and effort into the game to get the position on the stats that they did and so I wouldn't want to see their efforts all for naught.

I don't want stats removed, I just want them reset back to zero. I think it might be a good measure to reset them once we have a couple people reach 25000+.

Just my opinion though.

Agreeing with this. At this point it's pretty much impossible for the standings to actually change anymore.

Agreeing with this. At this point it's pretty much impossible for the standings to actually change anymore.

I've been playing for 2-3 weeks. I'm rank 8. I would respectfully disagree.

EDIT: That being said, I don't care whether or not they're reset. But there really isn't any point in doing so. (if you're concerned about an accurate representation of your KDR, just look at your recent sessions, not your overall) Actually, if people are seriously concerned with their KDR that may be why we have a retarded shortage of medics.

I like HLStats. It's nice to be able to check how I'm doing once in a while. I don't really pay attention to them in-game. Is it possible have it run, but make it so people can't see it while playing? Sort of like a silent mode?

Sorry for the double-post, I hadn't seen this. I agree completely with this.

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