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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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My current hosts have bailed out, it seems. I found a server that would suit our purposes in the master list, but I haven't had any luck in getting a hold of the admin, and it feels like squatting to come in and just have the match there without warning.

I guess we'll see how it shakes down.


Clefairy's Suggested New Mapcycle 2.0! Now with 80% more consideration! (read: 50% less customs. I am nothing if not conciliatory. :P)














That's quite a lot of custom maps heh.

4 of 12. It was 7 of 13 the first time around, there was a big stink over it several pages back.

Also, welcome back, baha. :-P


I think I like the new rotation. Maybe a leetle bit more arena, but I know it's not the most popular game mode - I just like announcing, hehe. I am glad to see a reduction in 5cp maps, though, since those were getting pretty tiresome. The new customs (hallofdeath and Storm) look like fun, too - cant wait to try em out!

Due to its repeated ability to empty the server, I've taken garbage_day back off the rotation.

Alas, poor Garbage Day... I knew him well... *sob*

Incidentally, nice sig. :P














Prophet Orwell






I have 9 slots to fill! Get 'em while they're hot!

Steam is preferable to here, because I'm not subscribed to the thread. Also, my pre-game ritual involves The Legendary Team on repeat. ;-)


Scrim is probably cancelled for tonight due to lack of interest. Not enough people showed up, and the server I'd chosen flooded with pubs once 5 or 6 of us got in. If Sunday expresses similar problems, there's a decent chance I'll let the idea die.

Suffice to say, if you want this to happen, make yourself available.


It's 9 PM, Eastern time. We had about 9 people show up, including at least one person interested in speccing.

...and then we had some pubbies show up. Which was fine, at first. But then it grew. So, it's hard to do without a server that can be passworded and such.

So, we were all bummed and then garian suggested (as he has apparently done before) that we should see about borrowing the ZUZ/lions server. Wish said he'd be cool with that, so we officially have a server to play on for Saturday.

9 PM, Eastern. Be online.





Well, my desktop computer, the only one I have capable of TF2, has something seriously wrong with it right now. It froze while playing TF2 yesterday, so I had to shut it down. When I tried to turn it back on... well, all of the fans come on. There's no video to the monitor, though, and no other sign of activity. I opened it up and checked all of the connections, they're all fine. It wasn't bumped or anything when it froze, and gave no prior signs of failing. Does anyone have an idea as to what might be wrong?

Poor computer :(

Anyways, I can basically guarantee that I won't be able to scrim this time, due to the computer's untimely demise (let's hope that reports of this demise are being greatly exaggerated).

!! showed me this. Thank him for the awesomeness.

I love that domination sound.

Granted, it's SO much better when you hear it in the game... but how often does a Spy dominate a Scout?

On the other hand, I heard the Spy's "We all knew you were a Spy!" one in the game the other day.


Well, my desktop computer, the only one I have capable of TF2, has something seriously wrong with it right now. It froze while playing TF2 yesterday, so I had to shut it down. When I tried to turn it back on... well, all of the fans come on. There's no video to the monitor, though, and no other sign of activity. I opened it up and checked all of the connections, they're all fine. It wasn't bumped or anything when it froze, and gave no prior signs of failing. Does anyone have an idea as to what might be wrong?

Poor computer :(

Anyways, I can basically guarantee that I won't be able to scrim this time, due to the computer's untimely demise (let's hope that reports of this demise are being greatly exaggerated).

This sounds like what happened to my comp a while back, it was the video card that died, but idk if it's the same prob here.


Abyss: Does it beep at all when you turn it on?

If so, sounds like a video card issue.

If not, it could be anything. Reseat the RAM first (take it out and put it back in). If that fails, take out the battery (looks like a large watch battery) on the motherboard for 15 seconds and put it back in. Make sure you ground yourself before touching anything.

Check all the wires too.


Read this on reddit...

Manhunt is played with a RED team of Engineers, that have the set-up period (60 seconds) to build a level one sentry and a single Spy on the BLU team, going around sapping/stabing the engineers. Engineers, do not upgrade your sentries past level 1. You may however build dispensers and teleporters.

When the spy makes a kill, that person must then join his team as a spy. This is continued until no engineers on BLU are left. The last engineer alive will get to be the starter spy for the next round.


We'd have to wait for someone able to change the server settings for it to work, though, to get rid of autobalance and whatnot.


on irc yesterday, i made a suggestion for a new gametype in which one team is all engineers, and they get like a minute or so to set up, and the other team has ridiculously high distance falloff on their damage, but has very low respawn times. it was inspired by the final scene of the "meet the engineer" video, during which 20 or 30 members of the blue team are zerging towards the engineer's campfire. DarkeSword came up with a very ingenious name for the gametype, "SentryBreaker." Obviously it needs to be worked out a bit more, but I think if we could come up with some bounds, we could maybe try to figure out some SM scripting and make it happen! or not... your post, prophet, is what reminded me of it :)


I'm reasonably sure you would need to remove the demoman and the sniper (or at least headshots)entirely to make that work. Nades have no falloff at all, and stickies are only subject to it for 5 seconds. The other thing that jumps out at me as being a problem is that all weapons do 100% damage to buildings, regardless of distance. Spread is the only thing that cripples non-explosive classes' ability to deal with them at long range.

Damage percentiles are a huge part of the game's mechanics, though, so it's safe to assume they're not hard-coded. Totally viable.

Hm... Not sure how you'd map for it. The only two designs that come to mind are King of the Hill and Red Rover.

I'm reasonably sure you would need to remove the demoman and the sniper (or at least headshots)entirely to make that work. Nades have no falloff at all, and stickies are only subject to it for 5 seconds. The other thing that jumps out at me as being a problem is that all weapons do 100% damage to buildings, regardless of distance. Spread is the only thing that cripples non-explosive classes' ability to deal with them at long range.

Damage percentiles are a huge part of the game's mechanics, though, so it's safe to assume they're not hard-coded. Totally viable.

Hm... Not sure how you'd map for it. The only two designs that come to mind are King of the Hill and Red Rover.

Just make it melee and sapper only.

the best thing about turbine is how I'm always on the team that doesn't understand what 'capture the flag' means

I'll be honest, I tend to get stuck on defense duty when playing Turbine regardless of which class I'm playing... even Spy and Scout... because I somehow end up on the team that loses the center area to the enemy.

I suppose it doesn't help that I still don't seem to "get" the trick of jumping on the boxes in the center room... do you have to jump off the stairs onto them, or what?


I let the computer sit overnight before touching it again, unplugged. I then started to follow the advice given by Prophet Orwell, and in the process, discovered the motherboard model number. I went to google, and presto, plenty of results of people on forums asking for help with the exact same problem as me. Long and complicated efforts have been made to fix it, and I haven't found one which has been resolved yet. I'm going to start researching a new motherboard. This one was silly anyways, three of the SATA slots were covered by the graphics card I installed :P

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