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i really dont wanna go into my 20+ reasons why the regular flamethrower is better but it isnt really that hard to kill someone with the regular one if you catch him from behind!

But try killing five someones in a group, say on a point, before one of them manages a solid shot to blow you to pieces. When dealing with multiple enemies at once (as I usually do as a Pyro), anything that kills them faster is preferable to being blown up.


By the way, something is odd with Arena maps at the moment. You can choose your team when joining, and none of the arena rules apply (i.e. teams don't autobalance, crits are still on). I was told that this was done to play that one spies vs. pyro game...


SAM i didn't mean to say that it WAS caused by that, just that that is my suspicion. It could've been some file reference getting changed in an update or something for all we know. but yeah it is pretty annoying.

But try killing five someones in a group, say on a point, before one of them manages a solid shot to blow you to pieces. When dealing with multiple enemies at once (as I usually do as a Pyro), anything that kills them faster is preferable to being blown up.

youve obviously never played when i was a pyro

if youve got tunnelvision OH LOOK ITS A BACK IM GONNA GO FOR IT EASY KILL good chance a soldier will see that youre holding the roflbackburner and take you out easily (uh if youre concerned about being blown up im pretty sure the backburner is NOT the choice you want)

if its on the cart, you can take out pretty much everyone on it unless there are like 6+ people with the flamethrower rather easily as long as you actually use your head

youve obviously never played when i was a pyro

if youve got tunnelvision OH LOOK ITS A BACK IM GONNA GO FOR IT EASY KILL good chance a soldier will see that youre holding the roflbackburner and take you out easily (uh if youre concerned about being blown up im pretty sure the backburner is NOT the choice you want)

if its on the cart, you can take out pretty much everyone on it unless there are like 6+ people with the flamethrower rather easily as long as you actually use your head

I'm with atmuh on this one -- if you're really concerned about getting behind people, play spy. Pyro's AB gives him so much more utility it's a joke to use the BB in anything but very special situations.

I for one would like to hear these 20 reasons to not use the backburner.

Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast.

Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast. Airblast.

essentially, except i there are a lot of individual reasons why the airblast is incredibly important

maybe ill make a really long post later

By the way, something is odd with Arena maps at the moment. You can choose your team when joining, and none of the arena rules apply (i.e. teams don't autobalance, crits are still on). I was told that this was done to play that one spies vs. pyro game...

That's my fault. I was experimenting with the tf_arena_use_queue cvar. I'd forgotten I'd changed it, actually.

Should be back to normal now.

I for one would like to hear these 20 reasons to not use the backburner.

I can't give you twenty, but I can give you a few

Airblasting people off of a control point rather than trying to burn them can win you the game.

Its one of, if not THE best defense against an uber attack.

You can save your teammates when they're on fire so they don't have to retreat for health.

You can defend sentries from spies AND demo's/soldiers rather than just spies.

Where the backburner is just good for ambushing from behind.

That's why I said "but if they miss..." because chances are, particularly if they aim at the medic, that they will miss.

well no ive got pretty good aim with the sandman but chances are the medic will be well protected by the whoever it is he's ubering so i go for that person instead

either way the stun usually wont last the whole uber and if the medic is using the click once to heal he'll continue to uber whoever he's ubering even while stunned, and if the heavy/demo/pyro is sitting there taking out a sentry that stun isnt doing much

I can't give you twenty, but I can give you a few

Airblasting people off of a control point rather than trying to burn them can win you the game.

Its one of, if not THE best defense against an uber attack.

You can save your teammates when they're on fire so they don't have to retreat for health.

You can defend sentries from spies AND demo's/soldiers rather than just spies.

Where the backburner is just good for ambushing from behind.

wow incredibly defensive pyro, youre supposed to be out at the front lines getting all the kills!

seriously i will do my rant later but it will take me a long time so not until later!!

and i feel very strongly on this subject im sure you can tell


I'm pretty sure that we have this conversation every 25 or so pages. :-D

Not to say I'm getting bored of it (because I still enjoy people attempting to justify the backburner), simply that we know where the line is drawn: the majority of people here prefer the normal flamethrower while a few like the backburner. Neither side is going to convince the other that they're the superior one.

The backburner is good in a few very specific scenarios.

and in each one of those scenarios it would be a lot better to be a spy with knife at the ready

Hey, its not my fault you all suck with the backburner. I'm awesome at it.

uh no you arent

I'm pretty sure that we have this conversation every 25 or so pages. :-D

ive watched this thread although banned (this was basically the only one id ever look at) and never seen ANYTHING like im about to rant


I'll start off with 1v1 situations against the 5 primary attack classes.

Scout - This really doesn't matter. If the scout is good, you're screwed no matter what. If he's bad, he's an easy W+M1 with either weapon.

Pyro - Backburner vs Backburner is usually just two pyros W+M1ing into each other with both trying to get a lucky back crit while spinning around the other. Flamethrower vs. Flamethrower really just depends on which one knows what he's doing. Flamethrower vs. Backburner will almost always end in favor of the pyro with the flamethrower, because he can very easily poof the other pyro and switch to the shotgun (or flaregun, but your aim had better be good) and finish him off while he's trying to get his bearings from being pushed into the air.

Soldier - Ok this one is obvious, but from someone who plays a lot of soldier, literally the first thing any soldier does when he sees a pyro is look at what he's holding. If I see a backburner, I smile and take care of the pyro with two easy rockets. If I see the flamethrower, I know I'm gonna have to be careful. A good soldier will still probably win, but the pyro will at least get the soldier to be more careful and possibly just retreat.

Demo - Another one that's pretty easy. A decent demo will throw a few easy pipes if he sees that the pyro will have no way to reflect them. If you've got the flamethrower you can just poof everything as you W+M1 him since he's a lot slower.

Heavy - One of the few times that you might wish you had the backburner is when you get behind a (really dumb) heavy medic combo that never turns around, because you can take them both out quickly. But if they're that dumb the regular flames should be just as effective. When facing a heavy 1v1, the pyro will almost always lose if the heavy sees him coming. You have the opportunity, if you have the flamethrower, to poof him and bolt out if you're close enough, and also circle-strafing a heavy works a lot more than it should, with either weapon.

As mentioned earlier, poofing people off a point or sitting like an idiot and poofing an uber can be ridiculously effective, and stopping an uber can be game breaking. The only uber that can get through a poofing pyro easily is a heavy uber, since you can easily kill the pyro. The rest are literally stopped by a poofing pyro.

Something that was added with the sniper/spy update that people overlooked was the ability to change poofed objects into crits when kritzed. This turns the pyro into a viable kritz target. One of these days I'll compile a lot more of my kritz pyro ubers into a real video, as this one was just a test of how to post stuff on youtube.

Poofing makes the axtinguisher more effective.

Oh hey I forgot something! As was mentioned you can put out people on fire now. While this may seem like a nice thing to do sitting behind the lines and extinguishing whoever needs it, it also makes the medic pyro much more effective. As a medic I love following a poof pyro, as whenever something gets too close to me the pyro can poof him away. I feel a lot more protected. What's most important, when I'm on fire, he turns around and puts me out. This is a BIG DEAL. Burning to death as a medic is ANNOYING.

Oh yeah, and critfire. Critfire is the nicest surprise :).

I probably forgot stuff so if I think of more I'll add it later!!

and in each one of those scenarios it would be a lot better to be a spy with knife at the ready

A spy can only get one person at a time. If there are three or more then a backburner would be better than the average spy. I guess some spies could handle a lot of enemies though.


Atmuh, your novel length reasons for hating the backburner are kinda shortsided. You gotta take into account anyone who knows what they are doing are gonna win regardless of the situation.

So please, keep your post to novella length from now on, kay hon?

But seriously, skillfire for me is getting behind someone and giving them the old Back Burn.


A spy can only get one person at a time. If there are three or more then a backburner would be better than the average spy. I guess some spies could handle a lot of enemies though.

if there are three of more people getting backburned then it's not as much that the backburner is good as much as it is that people are very very stupid

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