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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Yes, but CEVO apparently ban it because it stops Ubers.

I mean, heaven forbid that an 8 second invulnerability period have some sort of counter!

that completely changes how competitive play works

i guess sure they could have went with the change but really youre supposed to be INVINCIBLE

also in pub play it is one of the many things that has made heavy near unplayable nowadays (valve has seriously killed the heavy class)


also in pub play it is one of the many things that has made heavy near unplayable nowadays (valve has seriously killed the heavy class)

Oh come now, if you can make it from spawn to the point without being backstabbed, headshot, or two shotted by a FaN scout, heavies are credit to team.

A good heavy can still do a ton of damage though.

Yes, but CEVO apparently ban it because it stops Ubers.

I mean, heaven forbid that an 8 second invulnerability period have some sort of counter!

The counter is not letting it happen in the first place. A ball you can launch safely from afar that magically regens every 10 seconds and completely devastates a minute of keeping the highest priority target on your team alive is not balanced in competitive play. I think it's fine-ish in casual play, though, due to more mayhem, more people, no medic limits, etc.

Oh come now, if you can make it from spawn to the point without being backstabbed, headshot, or two shotted by a FaN scout, heavies are credit to team.

A good heavy can still do a ton of damage though.

ok well maybe its not COMPLETELY unplayable but as someone who plays on my server whos the best heavy ive ever seen (over 400 hours as heavy) said, now instead of jumping around like a lunatic 30% of the time to keep alive you have to do it 90% of the time


FaN is still more annoying than the Sandman. No matter what anyone says, atmu included, can change my opinion on this. The knockback is too ridiculous and the damage output is waaaaaay to overpowered. So anyone who gets pissed about a little stun they couldn't sidestep has no one else to blame, but themselves.


Let's not talk about how bad Brawl is. :-(

And I disagree with the 'heavies are unplayable' comment. Jeah, you get a lot of shit from Snipers, but that's life. Keep your shotgun out and shoot at them, or just rev up the minigun and spam the area. Wait until they miss and then run like hell.

If spies are giving you trouble...I dunno. I don't really have a lot of problems with spies as I'm CONSTANTLY lookin' around. I think Jenga just refers to this unnatural ability as sensaiturnsaround.gif, something I'm still waiting to see. :-D

Heavies aren't that bad; Snipers give you shit but in all liklihood, they are going to be more worried about other Snipers to sit there and waste time on your wasting time on them. Spies can be problematic if they uncloak WAAAAAAAY before coming after you, if you don't turn around enough, or if you have trouble prioritizing enemies.

Then again, this is coming from a Heavy who pretty much always has a caring Medic. Apparently I'm good at taking care of them.


Something I've learned about revved up heavies is that their pivot point is not on their head. If you keep turning while your minigun is spinning I would not be able to hit you.

The counter is not letting it happen in the first place. A ball you can launch safely from afar that magically regens every 10 seconds and completely devastates a minute of keeping the highest priority target on your team alive is not balanced in competitive play. I think it's fine-ish in casual play, though, due to more mayhem, more people, no medic limits, etc.

It regens every 15 seconds (or a visit to a resupply closet), and the farther away it is, the more likely it is to miss.

Let me make it clear for you: The Sandman's stun effect is not likely to go away, nor is its ability to stun ubers (see: The Big Hurt achievement).

It's intended as a counter for part of an uber, if you can time it properly.

No, part of the problem is that these 6v6 leagues have fixed teams (2 Scouts, 2 Soldiers, 1 Medic, and 1 Demoman)... and two Scouts means you're twice as likely to get bonked.

It seriously never occurred to the people who set up these leagues that some of the weapons added are going to be counters to the things those classes are worst against?

hey guys i was recently introduced to this plugin and gave it a test run on my server today

it replaces the scramble plugin that you have with a much more intelligent plugin that will automatically scramble the teams if one is seriously rolling the other (if one team has X more dominations, more than X times the kills, or the average points of both teams differs by X, all able to be set by the admin) so if there really NEEDS to be a scramble itll take care of it, and as always admins can do their own, with players still able to initiate a votescramble

you probably know how much i CANT STAND scrambling, but i really like how this works


After the sheer number of steamrolls today, I can guarantee you that this mod is going on the server as soon as I have a chance to install and configure it. Probably Wednesday after I get out of work.

After the sheer number of steamrolls today, I can guarantee you that this mod is going on the server as soon as I have a chance to install and configure it. Probably Wednesday after I get out of work.

The better portion of all the games I've played in the last week have been steamrolls. The bad thing about getting rolled, is that the good players leave first. It's a self-perpetuating problem. lol

After the sheer number of steamrolls today, I can guarantee you that this mod is going on the server as soon as I have a chance to install and configure it. Probably Wednesday after I get out of work.

i use the default cfg

it works great you dont have to mess with it at all

just change the autobalance cvar that lets people pick which team they wanna be balanced to to 0 because that gives an annoying text popup and no one likes those

plus the autobalance replacement is disabled by default anyways so idk why that cvar is default set to 1

It regens every 15 seconds (or a visit to a resupply closet), and the farther away it is, the more likely it is to miss.

Let me make it clear for you: The Sandman's stun effect is not likely to go away, nor is its ability to stun ubers (see: The Big Hurt achievement).

It's intended as a counter for part of an uber, if you can time it properly.

No, part of the problem is that these 6v6 leagues have fixed teams (2 Scouts, 2 Soldiers, 1 Medic, and 1 Demoman)... and two Scouts means you're twice as likely to get bonked.

It seriously never occurred to the people who set up these leagues that some of the weapons added are going to be counters to the things those classes are worst against?

didnt see this post at first

well i wouldnt mind it if when mp_tournament was switched to 1 the sandman had some sort of change but in regular play it stays the same

the problem is simply that it is TOO useful and i dont really wanna go into why as it would be a really long post and i dont wanna do anymore of those

and the reasons that 6v6 teams always have the same setup is simply because that is what works the best, no other reason (some teams will mix this up but its not very common)

'fox only'

now just put it so every shot is a crit (no items) and everyone only plays fastlane (final destination)

sorry that people enjoy playing the game a specific way man it sucks so bad that valve gave all these options that we can change


"You're doing it wrong" all over again. Damn those people for playing differently and that somehow matters so much to me that I must talk smack!

Yes and as far as I know, yes.

SourceMod is showing up as 1.3.0-dev. I'm going to install 1.2.1 over top of it, as the dev version predates 1.2.1 and its security fixes.

Edit: This crashed the server, as the server tried to change maps while I was uploading new versions of files it was trying to access.

Edit 2: Server should be back now, and reports it's running MetaMod: Source 1.7.1 and Sourcemod 1.2.1.

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