Clefairy Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Page-breaking, but worth it. That was somebody's labor of love right there.
Bahamut Posted August 19, 2009 Author Posted August 19, 2009 So I'm proposing this rotation for a week until the next OCR night hits - thoughts? koth_viaduct cp_granary pl_badwater cp_badlands ctf_sawmill cp_gravelpit pl_goldrush cp_yukon_final ctf_2fort cp_follower koth_nucleus pl_dbheights_b5 cp_steel pl_terran_b4b arena_offblast_final ctf_turbine tc_hydro
Powerlord Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 pl_terran_b4b Oh yeah, forgot to mention I updated a few maps on the server last week... pl_terran_b4b, pl_zig_z2a, cp_piratelife_b5b, ctf_cruise_b4b, and also added cp_toy_fort_alt3 (a modified version of cp_toy_fort_elite with some fixes and changes).
Trianine Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Woot Updates! That training map looks awesome, thanks for sharing it. I know I'd like to hone skills with a few weapons.
atmuh Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 you guys really need to just use the hat mod idling for hats that youll never get is so dumb plus
FireSlash Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Introducing FireSlash's Emporium of Credit To Team! Server Map Cycle tr_walkway_rc tr_rocket_shooting2 tr_airshot_v0 rj_rckteer tr_airstab_300 Password ocremix Why practice on a real server when I can just do it locally? Real world conditions can make a significant different in airshots, stabs, and snipes. Most importantly, latency is a real factor that simply isn't replicated in a localhost situation. What if the map I want isn't running at the moment? rtv Can I suggest new maps? Yes plz.
Tensei Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Fireslash, I tried playing on your server this morning but for some reason, typing 'rtv' wouldn't do anything at all.
atmuh Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 Why practice on a real server when I can just do it locally?Real world conditions can make a significant different in airshots, stabs, and snipes. Most importantly, latency is a real factor that simply isn't replicated in a localhost situation. it is when you only play on servers where you have 5 ping
Powerlord Posted August 19, 2009 Posted August 19, 2009 it is when you only play on servers where you have 5 ping Hmm, that's true... for yourself, but lag compensation in your opponent's favor is also a factor in TF2.
duckyboycantfly Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I think I'm doing something wrong...but tf2 now only runs at 10 fps and 900 ping. So yeah.
Bahamut Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 I think I'm doing something wrong...but tf2 now only runs at 10 fps and 900 ping.So yeah. Could be the freshman effect.
Garian Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 maybe he should stop playing at nekofrog's house
atmuh Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 seriously im having too much fun with this plugin
FireSlash Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Fireslash, I tried playing on your server this morning but for some reason, typing 'rtv' wouldn't do anything at all. Yeah, I noticed this. Not sure what's going on, I'll dig through the configs later. FOr now just nab me on IRC.
SporkNinjaDraken Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I just have to say as much as I like OCR Tuesdays it's on the worst day imaginable for me xD after September 2nd I won't be able to attend at all due to having to actually sleep on tuesdays for early morning wednesday stuff... Ah well I'll just have to enjoy it while I can.
atmuh Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 why is that awful pl terran whatever on the rotation JUST SO YOU KNOW I THINK THERE ARE ENOUGH STOCK MAPS NOW TO MERIT A STRAIGHT STOCK ROTATION WITH MAYBE ONE OR TWO FINAL RELEASE CUSTOMS THAT IS IT ps plz install hat plugin
Lumpy Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 This sucks. I've only been able to get on at like 3 in the morning and the server is always empty.
Secret Agent Man Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 why is that awful pl terran whatever on the rotationJUST SO YOU KNOW I THINK THERE ARE ENOUGH STOCK MAPS NOW TO MERIT A STRAIGHT STOCK ROTATION WITH MAYBE ONE OR TWO FINAL RELEASE CUSTOMS THAT IS IT In a rare turn of events, I agree with you 100%.
Bahamut Posted August 21, 2009 Author Posted August 21, 2009 I took terran off of the rotation - wasn't satisfied with it either. There's only 2 customs on the rotation though, so the bitching is kinda silly.
D-Lux Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 JUST SO YOU KNOW I THINK THERE ARE ENOUGH STOCK MAPS NOW TO MERIT A STRAIGHT STOCK ROTATION WITH MAYBE ONE OR TWO FINAL RELEASE CUSTOMS THAT IS ITps plz install hat plugin 1) Stop being anti-fun. 2) OK, so you're not completely anti-fun. (I'm on the fence about the plugin though)
duckyboycantfly Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 So I figured out what was wrong (something went terribly wrong with my directx or something but everything is back with a quick system restore). Anyways, probably going out again tonight and the next night so maybe tf2 in a week or so.
A Random Tiger Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I took terran off of the rotation - wasn't satisfied with it either. There's only 2 customs on the rotation though, so the bitching is kinda silly. Yeah I think terran had way too much going on. Its like they packed in everything they could into one map
atmuh Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I took terran off of the rotation - wasn't satisfied with it either. There's only 2 customs on the rotation though, so the bitching is kinda silly. well yeah i said with one or two final release customs (i surprisingly dont hate cp_glacier_rc) which you have so that is a-ok with me!
Powerlord Posted August 22, 2009 Posted August 22, 2009 I'm going to be installing the Big King map pack mentioned on the TF2 Official Blog's This point ain't gonna cap itself! post shortly. This will add the following maps: koth_garbage_day - Just like the old garbage_day with its quick cap times, but with the shiny new KOTH interface! koth_waste - Just like pl_waste, but with a point in the place of the cart's starting spot koth_harvest - Just like arena_harvest, but different mode. koth_oilfield koth_lighthouse_rc5 Uploading to the server is crawling today, it'll take at least an hour to upload all five. Edit: Server is updated Edit 2: Also updating cp_furnace to b4
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