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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Yeah, at the most theres what, 4 or 5 people talking in the IRC channel? That is not a good place to discuss server changes. In fact, last night when the plugin was on and lagging half the server out, everyone in there said they had no idea what was going on, only that atmuh posted the plugin in the forum, and it just randomly appeared. Over half of these people complaining were forum and server regulars.

Besides, how many people are opposed to sawmill when it comes up due to rain lagging them? Not everyone can have a awesome machine (even I have a quad core with 4 gigs of ram and 9800 GT and still get lagged by weather effects).

(even I have a quad core with 4 gigs of ram and 9800 GT and still get lagged by weather effects).

Odd; my machine has no trouble with them and it's about equal to your machine (roughly any way). I still agree with losing the plugin though just because other people do have trouble playing with the weather effects. If there's some way to keep the skybox changes but ditch the weather effects I'd be cool with that.

IRC isn't the place to discuss these things. And I doubt very many people in IRC even knew.

Also I don't know what's caused it, but since the plugin, explosion and fire animations have been messed up. Many people reporting the same thing. (EDIT: I just joined another server, and the problem still exists. That plugin alters our client-side files?!)

+1. Oddly enough, it was fine for exactly one map when I first joined, then it all went to hell on the next map switch, and stayed for the rest of the night. (And I have a pretty good machine, too.) And yeah, when the plugin was active, each time the server changed maps my machine would note that it had downloaded some file, usually mapname_fix.bsp.bz2 or somesuch.

Besides, how many people are opposed to sawmill when it comes up due to rain lagging them? Not everyone can have a awesome machine (even I have a quad core with 4 gigs of ram and 9800 GT and still get lagged by weather effects).

Turn your settings down, geez. I've got a 9800 GT as well and 2GB of RAM and a dual-core, and I have no problems with sawmill because I've turned down shadows and water reflections.

Then again, I am a whore for a good framerate, so that takes priority even over things like model and texture quality.

EDIT: There's an IRC channel for this stuff?

Turn your settings down, geez. I've got a 9800 GT as well and 2GB of RAM and a dual-core, and I have no problems with sawmill because I've turned down shadows and water reflections.

Then again, I am a whore for a good framerate, so that takes priority even over things like model and texture quality.

EDIT: There's an IRC channel for this stuff?

Well, considering my machine runs the game great at 1440x900 with most details on high, but doesn't take a performance hit until the plugin was added yesterday, no, I'm not turning my settings down. Even sawmill doesn't really bother me with rain, but that plugin was just trash. I get anywhere from 70 to 100+ fps on every official map, but goldrush with rain was lagging horribly, especially during conflicts with demos/pyros/or soldiers. It just doesn't work well, and I can imagine how bad it is for people with crappier computers.

Tried to get on irc but apparently the server doesn't like me and blocks every attempt I make to connect to it. I'll save the information and try again later.

When I used mIRC, it kept kicking me and telling me I had a trojan. I went back to trillian and had no problems.

Apparently Enterthegame is a royal bastard about who and how connections can be made. I don't understand the details. But if you want to, try a few different things out.


Ah. Well, I guess I could try with Chatzilla. I don't use it anymore but it could work. Maybe.

I got a ton of good recording from the server today. I will be making a video for sure so expect that sometime.

Ah. Well, I guess I could try with Chatzilla. I don't use it anymore but it could work. Maybe.

I got a ton of good recording from the server today. I will be making a video for sure so expect that sometime.

Woo, I might make an appearance during Indiana Jones along with our horrible round of goldrush.

Hurray for Brushfire! Keeps me coming back :D


Bad news. The whole "Indiana Jone" part wasn't recorded. A bunch of stuff I thought had been recorded wasn't. When I got off for a sec due to weird +300 ping I forgot to start a demo when I returned. Whoops!


and now for an entirely different question

can someone (fireslash or powerlord) list the flags that the admins on the server have access to

when the customvotes plugin broke absolutely no one it seemed had access to sm_rcon (l flag i think) and when badwater was set to an indefinite timelimit no one had cvar access either

those are kind of important although i think powerlord and fireslash are probably the only admins that know how to do that kinda stuff (besides me i know pav knows quite a bit as well)

and now for an entirely different question

can someone (fireslash or powerlord) list the flags that the admins on the server have access to

when the customvotes plugin broke absolutely no one it seemed had access to sm_rcon (l flag i think) and when badwater was set to an indefinite timelimit no one had cvar access either

those are kind of important although i think powerlord and fireslash are probably the only admins that know how to do that kinda stuff (besides me i know pav knows quite a bit as well)

Super Admins

(Group consists of Bahamut, Fireslash, and Powerlord)

(Note: This group was only implemented last week)




Reserved Slots:


Super Admins

(Group consists of Bahamut, Fireslash, and Powerlord)

(Note: This group was only implemented last week)




Reserved Slots:


ok you changed it a week ago because yeah when fireslash couldnt sm_rcon i was like ?????????????


22:13 | <<F4T4L>> how do I fix the WAFFLEFIRE that that dumb environment plugin messed up?

22:14 | <<atmuh>> if it keeps happening (idk why it should) just delete the particles folder in your tf/materials folder

22:14 | <<F4T4L>> it only happens after that one map where it's snowing, then it kicks in

22:14 | <<atmuh>> yeah delete that folder then

22:15 | <<F4T4L>> but... MY SPRAYS. D:!!

22:15 | <<atmuh>> thats the particles folder

22:15 | <<atmuh>> sprays arent kept there

22:15 | <<F4T4L>> mine are. lol

22:15 | <<atmuh>> sprays are in the vgui folder

22:15 | <<atmuh>> well move them

22:15 | <<F4T4L>> the vgui folder is in the materials folder?

22:15 | <<atmuh>> it should be?

22:15 | <<atmuh>> leme chek

22:16 | <<atmuh>> delete tf/matarials/particles and ../correction

22:16 | <<F4T4L>> k

22:16 | <<F4T4L>> I did temp too for the hell of it

22:16 | <<atmuh>> also idk if this does anything

22:16 | <<atmuh>> but in your maps folder

22:17 | <<atmuh>> delete all the xxxx_particles.txt

22:17 | <<F4T4L>> done

22:17 | <<atmuh>> you should be fine now

22:17 | <<F4T4L>> make a post about this in the OCR forums if this actually works. lots of people are bitching about this


Another day, and more drama.

I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today (one being miyako under a different name), so he whined to Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of miyako just because he made the initial complaint. I don't know how good of friends they are/were, but it was handled very poorly.

Edited for clarification.


With respect to removing viaduct and sawmill:

but as with viaduct's snow, sawmill's rain is real fps killer

With respect to the lulz:

lets install a plugin that enables fps-reducing particle effects on all levels
Another day, and more drama.

I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today, so they whined to their friend Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of a non-regular just because it was his friend.

how about not abusing your admins

With respect to removing viaduct and sawmill:

With respect to the lulz:

hey come on i had only tried it briefly before that i didnt know!


hey come on i had only tried it briefly before that i didnt know!

That's fine. You only suggested it. It's not as though you put it up on the server.

That's fine. You only suggested it. You didn't put it up on the server.

yeah but it definitely was my fault that it went on

it really is a nice plugin it just needs that main bug with particles getting screwed up for no reason to get fixed along with valve adding support for hiding weather effects to also hide all the custom particle effects

Another day, and more drama.

I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today (one being miyako under a different name), so he whined to Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of miyako just because he made the initial complaint. I don't know how good of friends they are/were, but it was handled very poorly.

Edited for clarification.

For the record, I though holden was rambo. To be fair, I didn't check who it was before responding, but I know everyone in my friends list is an OCR regular who I trust, so it was moot.

Moving on: Your circumstance was blinding a player trying to play the game. He asked you to stop, you didn't. I couldn't easily get in the game so I had him inform you that if you didn't stop, I'd begrudgingly load up tf2 to ban you. You didn't stop. I banned you.

It was a 10 minute ban. That's pretty light slap on the wrist for admin abuse.

Oh, I updated the themes plugin to v0.6. It has some bug fixes, seems like the waffling was fixed as well. I've disabled it for now, but if people want to bring it back let me know.

Another day, and more drama.

I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today (one being miyako under a different name), so he whined to Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of miyako just because he made the initial complaint. I don't know how good of friends they are/were, but it was handled very poorly.

Edited for clarification.

Well I do think Fireslash should have at least asked about it.

However, those demo's weren't breaking any rules, so you were pretty much just harassing them :/

Another day, and more drama.

I pulled a Brushfire and went happy with the blind command on some demos who were acting tough today (one being miyako under a different name), so he whined to Fireslash (after they accused me of whining). He came in and banned me (not kicked, but banned) without saying a word or asking anyone (garian was there too). I didn't appreciate it, and I think he acted out of line in favor of miyako just because he made the initial complaint. I don't know how good of friends they are/were, but it was handled very poorly.

Edited for clarification.

I don't know where you got the idea that I accused you of anything. I didn't say anything to you and you were the one that was doing all the talking in the chat+mic until you started using the blind command on me and that other demo for stickying a perfectly legimately door to sticky. This is when I said in the chat to stop blinding us, and then you replied "Who's crying now?" I thought, okay, whatever, so I killed myself and went back to playing thinking you were being a bit playful, but you proceeded to do it repeatedly, at least five times. This is where I told Fireslash that you were abusing your admin and told you in the chat about Fireslash telling you to stop, and you didn't stop after that either.

And then you have the nerve to say that you only deserved a kick? Wow. Thank you for ruining my experience on the server for a good 5-10 minutes and then complain about it when I was not breaking any rules. "Pulled a Brushfire?" Hardly. Brushfire doesn't single out two individuals and blind them repeatedly over and over again, and he certainly wouldn't do it because he died to two demomen doing a legitimate strategy. I really thought you were one of the better admins that looked out for the server because of your votescrambles to even teams and so on, but I guess not. Your complete childishness in handling the situation is surprising to me and disappointing at the same time.

I just realized you also accused me of 'acting tough.' That's funny considering I didn't say anything to you through the mic or the chat. Way to twist my image and make me look like I did something wrong for you to initiate the abuse, and also to make me look like someone who thinks he is above admins and the server rules.

Moving on: Your circumstance was blinding a player trying to play the game. He asked you to stop, you didn't. I couldn't easily get in the game so I had him inform you that if you didn't stop, I'd begrudgingly load up tf2 to ban you. You didn't stop. I banned you.

It was a 10 minute ban. That's pretty light slap on the wrist for admin abuse.

No one said anything to me about being banned if I didn't stop. Relying on him to pass the word along wasn't the best idea either. And other people were asking for drugs and blinds, too, so don't tell me that one superserious player justifies it.

If it was rambo, he could have banned me himself. Way to jump to conclusions.

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