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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Kay, I did record some OCR stuff today that will probably end up going Youtube. I haven't looked through it since recording it but I remember way too much fun stuff.



Can we please look into the plugin that displays the current tally for individual maps during a map vote? Tonight this happened:

[sM] Map voting has finished. The next map will be ctf_bball2. (Received 2713523251533f 22 votes)

And the server went from a population of 22, to a population of 3. :|

Can we please look into the plugin that displays the current tally for individual maps during a map vote? Tonight this happened:

[sM] Map voting has finished. The next map will be ctf_bball2. (Received 2713523251533f 22 votes)

And the server went from a population of 22, to a population of 3. :|

it went down to 3 because the map apparently wasnt on powerlords mirror so no one could download it

the plugin doesnt work fyi it just shows who voted for what sm doesnt have the clean layout for rtv like beatlesmod did when we used that back in the day and it never will


I don't know why bball is even on the server, anything more than 4v4 on that map is just bad.

It's designed for practicing airshots with soldiers/pipes. I tried to warn but whatever they voted for it anyway.

I don't see why that was nominated in the first place

I don't know why bball is even on the server, anything more than 4v4 on that map is just bad.

It's designed for practicing airshots with soldiers/pipes. I tried to warn but whatever they voted for it anyway.

I don't see why that was nominated in the first place

because i wanna see a hilarious 12v12 game of bball obviously!

but really its much more for practicing rocket jumps than practicing airshots

cp_turris is more for that (i LOVE cp_turris)

if anyone ever wants to play a 1v1 (or possibly 2v2) game of bball, a 1v1 game of turris, or a runthough on a jump map lemme know ill use my server for things like that

im up for turris or bball matches pretty much anytime


the plugin doesnt work fyi it just shows who voted for what sm doesnt have the clean layout for rtv like beatlesmod did when we used that back in the day and it never will

Ah. Okay thanks. I didn't know that was exclusively for beetlesmod.



an alltalk vote during pregame mayhem of each map

its not really a big deal since youre killing each other anyways and itd be nice to have alltalk off every once in a while if people want it off

an alltalk vote during pregame mayhem of each mapf

And in the rare moments where Atmuh makes sense... It would be nice to have an alltalk vote somewhere. Sometimes it's nice to have a strategic game without opponents listening in.


an alltalk vote during pregame mayhem of each map

its not really a big deal since youre killing each other anyways and itd be nice to have alltalk off every once in a while if people want it off

Two problems with this that I can think of (well, 3 actually):

1. Sourcemod (rightfully) won't let you do votes during Waiting For Players, which is when Pregame Mayhem happens.

2. I'm unaware of a mod to force a vote once a map, which means someone would have to manually start one during the first Setup period/Round on a map.

3. Larger maps take exponentially longer to load on some computers than others. It's not uncommon to have people still joining during the Setup round.

I thought I had four reasons, but I must have had two that overlapped or forgot what the last one was while typing this.

Two problems with this that I can think of (well, 3 actually):

1. Sourcemod (rightfully) won't let you do votes during Waiting For Players, which is when Pregame Mayhem happens.

2. I'm unaware of a mod to force a vote once a map, which means someone would have to manually start one during the first Setup period/Round on a map.

3. Larger maps take exponentially longer to load on some computers than others. It's not uncommon to have people still joining during the Setup round.

I thought I had four reasons, but I must have had two that overlapped or forgot what the last one was while typing this.

dur im sorry i forgot you cant do votes during waiting for players

well the first 30 seconds of a map after waiting for players isnt too crucial and for many maps is only setup i think that would work fine too maybe?

i dont think people loading maps would be a problem i dont see how people wouldnt make it in until after the minute and a half mark (waiting for players+30 seconds of setup) unless its a huge custom we've never played before which is almost never the case

as far as the plugin not existing, i just wrote it (mainly edited pieces of other ones) and tested it and it works fine if youd like it

quick screenshot



I was playing on the server today and I ran into a number of problems. First and foremost, weird lag that made gameplay really jumpy. My ping was normal; the same I always play at without problems.

Secondly, a weird bug regarding weapon switching. Sometimes when switching weapons, usually between flamethrower and shotgun, shotgun and flamethrower, the weapon I wanted to switch to is taken out for a brief second then it immediately reverts back to the previous weapon.

This, combined with the jumpiness, made playing so difficult that I just quit. It's not me because I tried a few other servers and I don't have either problem. Did something about the server get changed recently? Is anyone else experiencing these problems?

I was playing on the server today and I ran into a number of problems. First and foremost, weird lag that made gameplay really jumpy. My ping was normal; the same I always play at without problems.

Secondly, a weird bug regarding weapon switching. Sometimes when switching weapons, usually between flamethrower and shotgun, shotgun and flamethrower, the weapon I wanted to switch to is taken out for a brief second then it immediately reverts back to the previous weapon.

This, combined with the jumpiness, made playing so difficult that I just quit. It's not me because I tried a few other servers and I don't have either problem. Did something about the server get changed recently? Is anyone else experiencing these problems?

I get these problems occasionally. It's usually a high packet loss between your ISP and the server's ISP.

Shortly after you left, nearly everyone got disconnected from the server as well.

I was playing on the server today and I ran into a number of problems. First and foremost, weird lag that made gameplay really jumpy. My ping was normal; the same I always play at without problems.

Secondly, a weird bug regarding weapon switching. Sometimes when switching weapons, usually between flamethrower and shotgun, shotgun and flamethrower, the weapon I wanted to switch to is taken out for a brief second then it immediately reverts back to the previous weapon.

This, combined with the jumpiness, made playing so difficult that I just quit. It's not me because I tried a few other servers and I don't have either problem. Did something about the server get changed recently? Is anyone else experiencing these problems?

gameservers is having a problem with their chicago hub

all the servers on there just crashed at the same time


Since when did TF2 on OCR become so serious that we'd consider having a poll at the beginning of every single game to see if Alltalk would be on?

I thought that was one of the features of the OCR group; it's, and I'm quoting players here, "notoriously goofy". Alltalk is one of the things that gives OCR that distinct no-seriousness aura.

This isn't to say I'm against having normal team talk sometimes. I like to play a serious game as much as anybody else (did I mention I played as a ringer for a Scout in a scrimmage the other night? :D). However, having to vote at the beginning of every match seems like a bit much and in the long run could be overkill. Why not have a way people could bring up a Team Talk vote, much like other commands on servers?

In essence this is a good idea. I'd just like to see it implemented in a more pleasing and convenient way. If, at a specific point and time, a group of people want to start playing seriously without the constraints of alltalk there should be a vote on it. If nobody has come up and said they specifically want the vote I don't want to be bothered with it on my screen. Maybe we should also have votes on 100%-crits, fast-respawn and melee-only at the beginning of every match, just in case people want it.

Maybe rather than have a vote at the beginning of every match, we should just set aside a day or two for more serious games

This. I don't want to have to hear the other team all the god damn time.

This. I don't want to have to hear the other team all the god damn time.

thats why the people on the server should vote for it map by map instead of there being a whole day devoted to it

itd be dumb to force alltalk off just because its alltalk off day if the people on the server want it on

In essence this is a good idea. I'd just like to see it implemented in a more pleasing and convenient way. If, at a specific point and time, a group of people want to start playing seriously without the constraints of alltalk there should be a vote on it. If nobody has come up and said they specifically want the vote I don't want to be bothered with it on my screen. Maybe we should also have votes on 100%-crits, fast-respawn and melee-only at the beginning of every match, just in case people want it.

it isnt bothering you on your screen its the BEGINNING of the map you pretty much said the exact reason why i think it should be implemented

thats the whole point of a vote buddy

there is already a crit vote thing and anyone that actually WANTS to play 100% crits melee only fast respawn can get out those were terrible examples

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