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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Voting, serious business.

actually serious business would be disabling alltalk altogether, but thank you for you very insightful and constructive contribution to this discussion


Just ignore me atmuh, since I'm such a troll and all. Kinda like how you want to bitch about alltalk but say you turn off voice on the server. Oh yeah, thats right, I remember someone by the name of atmuh bitching back when we first started playing TF2 cause I didn't have my voice chat on. Hmmm, odd. But yes, I'm such a troll it hurts.

and anyone that actually WANTS to play 100% crits melee only fast respawn can get out

You could say the same thing about team-only talk. If they want to play super serious they can get out.

And yes, there is a critvote but my point was that it wasn't automatically initiated at the beginning of every game. It only starts when someone has said they wanted to initiate said vote. That's the sort of system I'd like to see with alltalk vote; it's only brought up when requested and not systematically at the beginning of every map where it might not be neccesary.

I'm kinda liking Tiger's suggestion. Make sure to leave all the weekend days alltalk and you have my support for a test run.

thats why the people on the server should vote for it map by map instead of there being a whole day devoted to it

itd be dumb to force alltalk off just because its alltalk off day if the people on the server want it on

No. This idea is dumb. OCR is Alltalk for a reason, and I know we have permission to use other servers if people want to play serious matches.

Just ignore me atmuh, since I'm such a troll and all. Kinda like how you want to bitch about alltalk but say you turn off voice on the server. Oh yeah, thats right, I remember someone by the name of atmuh bitching back when we first started playing TF2 cause I didn't have my voice chat on. Hmmm, odd. But yes, I'm such a troll it hurts.

i dont ignore people on the forums


i have a key bound to voice_enable 0 that i press (rather often lately) when its just a bunch of people talking about nothing that has to do with the game, usually over each other and just way too loud for my liking

which is why i like occasional games with alltalk off

and back then alltalk was ALWAYS off

if you remember

You could say the same thing about team-only talk. If they want to play super serious they can get out.

no not really

plenty of people besides me like serious matches and cant stand silly ones

fireslash himself said a ton of pages ago that going melee only or battlemedic when your team really needs all the help they can get is a real jerk move

i know rambo thought it was a pretty decent idea to have the vote at mapstart

And yes, there is a critvote but my point was that it wasn't automatically initiated at the beginning of every game. It only starts when someone has said they wanted to initiate said vote.

thats one of those chat triggered votes

have you ever noticed that they never actually work?

even if the server wants to ban someone being outrightly racist they will NEVER type voteban xxxx

but if i then put up a vote to ban them it will always pass

ever wonder why?

also nocrits is a little too serious business for the ocr server anyways

even ill admit that, although i enjoy playing with crits off a TON more than with them on

No. This idea is dumb. OCR is Alltalk for a reason, and I know we have permission to use other servers if people want to play serious matches.

youre an admin

if you REALLY wanted alltalk on you could easily override it

im sure brushfire would

and what do you mean by other servers there is only one server that all the ocr people play on any scrim organization fails every time

Skipping over all this drama, tyvm.

Apparently the server decided to shit itself a few minutes ago. We had just swapped teams on Gold Rush if it matters.

i wouldnt call it drama no one is really angry about anything at all

and see:

gameservers is having a problem with their chicago hub

all the servers on there just crashed at the same time

Honestly, atma, your constant suggestions of what the OCR should have / do is starting to get annoying. You always want to change something. What happened to just playing the game?

thats the way i am with everything

and what suggestion/change thats resulted that ive thrown out there has pissed you off so bad really now (besides the weather plugin that had silly issues that no one realized until later)


Haven't we tried an all-teamtalk day in the past? I don't remember it working out too well.

I wouldn't mind having the teamtalk-only option available, but I'd rather leave it to the voting mechanics that the other options (nocrits, etc) are subjected to than have it come up at the beginning of every single map.

Speaking of those voting mechanics, the percentages across the board to get those to pass should be lowered a bit, I think.


I have a new video for you guys. It's a chilling docudrama about the effects of teamstacking on the OCR server, which you can watch here.

i have a key bound to voice_enable 0 that i press (rather often lately)

Hahaha. Actually, that's a really good idea. I've never had to disable voice before but having a key bind or toggle for it sounds rather helpful. I might steal this idea from you.

no not really

plenty of people besides me like serious matches and cant stand silly ones

fireslash himself said a ton of pages ago that going melee only or battlemedic when your team really needs all the help they can get is a real jerk move

I wasn't literally saying to get out. I was just making a point that people with the exact opposite opinion frequent the server. People who get bored with serious matches and always play silly to a certain extent. I could name names but...

And (going off-topic)why is playing Battle Medic such a big deal? Seriously, I've never understood this before coming from any server. Just because it's not the way the class was meant to be played doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed. Could you be more productive as another class or by playing the class 'correctly'? Of course you could. Yet people get kicked for playing battle medic, at least on some servers (does that happen on OCR? I haven't noticed...). It's like people rage because someone went medic and isn't giving them the heals they feel they are entitled to. But anyway, enough of that.

thats one of those chat triggered votes

have you ever noticed that they never actually work?

even if the server wants to ban someone being outrightly racist they will NEVER type voteban xxxx

but if i then put up a vote to ban them it will always pass

ever wonder why?

While I agree, they never have really worked in the past I think they are ideal for alltalk votes. We just have to put together the command correctly...or I assume that's what you do. I have no experience with running a TF2 server but could we improve on it? Like, three people !talkvote and a vote is initiated? If you can't I understand. That's just my ideal and it COULD work. You would just have to make sure the people on the server knew about it, probably through in-game messages in the chat area.

if you REALLY wanted alltalk on you could easily override it

im sure brushfire would

Yes, I'm sure Brushfire would do that too. :razz:


And (going off-topic)why is playing Battle Medic such a big deal? Seriously, I've never understood this before coming from any server. Just because it's not the way the class was meant to be played doesn't mean it shouldn't be allowed. Could you be more productive as another class or by playing the class 'correctly'? Of course you could. Yet people get kicked for playing battle medic, at least on some servers (does that happen on OCR? I haven't noticed...). It's like people rage because someone went medic and isn't giving them the heals they feel they are entitled to. But anyway, enough of that.

That's because some classes have an obligation to do their intended job.

Engi's should be building sentries, and Medic's should be healing teammates.

You want to deviate a bit? That's fine.

But if I'm dying, and I run by a Medic that is choosing not to heal people, I'm going to be pretty pissed.


I'll only go hardcore Battle Medic when it's obvious the whole server is just dicking around. (Or if we're on 2Fort/Turbine, I guess. I hate those maps.) I hope you don't have a problem with a Medic trying to defend himself if it comes to that. <_<


I don't have a single problem with someone being a battle medic or a melee only. If they wanna be retards, let them. Mainly cause I wanna play to play, this isn't a league and we're not "serious business". Only thing that bothers me is if we get a shitty map rotation or if people are stacking to be douches.


how the heck am i trolling

and no i dont have a problem with a medic defending himself if theres no one around to heal or the dude he's healing doesnt see the scout pounding at him

and dont install that plugin you cant mute people with it afaik

theres a voice channels plugin that lets you talk to and listen to only specific things (like team talk or all talk or whatnot) that i think we should give a try to instead i just cant find a link to download it ill find it later

it even has a setting that will make it so you automatically wont hear micspam (a setting id definitely use because of those people that play the same clips every map which is rather uninteresting and annoying)

edit ok i found it so can we try this (ill test it as far as if muting works and stuff first)

its still not ideal to me because even if i set it to only listen to my team i could have someone on there blabbing to the other team about nothing but i guess its better than nothing

oh yeah and another thing sm_votealltalk which is a simple alltalk vote used to be available to all reserved slot people now it isnt

If they wanna be retards, let them. Mainly cause I wanna play to play, this isn't a league and we're not "serious business".
Only thing that bothers me is if people are stacking to be douches.




kamikaze: so are you but i still like you

[FTF]Sensai: Ooooooooooooooooooh, kamikaze's got a crush on me.


kamikaze: fine

You heard it here first.

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