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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Before you take anything into consideration, you need to seriously decide what direction you want to take the OCR TF2 community in. Do you want a dedicated server (that would be generally useless if pubbies didn't join) or do you want one set aside for special events (that would be useless unless we started actually scheduling events)? If you plan on having one serious and one fun server, who would be welcome on the serious server? Pubbies? Only good demonstrated players?

Now for my two cents:

I've been splitting my time between OCR and another TF2 community, and they run three servers (one being set aside for testing and special events). They don't do reserved slots, and they still have enough people coming back to warrant a community (they even have a clan tag which is always present when I'm on).

OCR does not have enough of a community to host two servers simultaneously for "OCR community members". If you ABSOLUTELY want a second dedicated server, it'll change the structure of the community. Do you really want that? Removing reserved slots altogether in order to ensure that pubbies keep coming back and keep both servers full would probably be necessary. If we're really moving from Gameservers and pav and Fireslash's network can handle it, we could consider upping the player limit. This would give us a lot more traffic, which should be valued if both servers are dedicated.

If the second server is just for special events and scrims, it'll be useless unless we actually schedule events. Scheduling events will only continue if people continually show up for the events. Will that happen? It's doubtful from looking at the frequency of events in the past.

Yeah, you could keep one open to pubbies until an event is scheduled, but that's a bad idea imo.

tl;dr: atmuh might agree with what I have to say. Read it you lazy ass.


i actually read it before i read the end dlux and hey i agree!!!

very well said and yeah sorry rambo but i doubt ocr scrims will get off the ground with ~15-20 people but hey i could be wrong

fa scrims didnt start getting popular until we got tons (maybe 100+) people interested

oh and in a scrim yesterday i battlemediced a little and thought of you guys!

man after watching that i was an idiot in the intel room sorry seldon

Men, we have a mission tonight.



However, tonight's also the night the L4D2 early access demo comes out.

I'm cool with a crits server with teamtalk. The latter is far more important to me anyways. Plus, as was previously mentioned, there is always votecrits.

I assume this would be the more serious server.

Anyway, crits are in the game to help randomize it. Some weapons are more likely to crit than others, such as the eight standard melee weapons (nine minus the Spy's knife) having a default crit rate of 15-20%. Yes, your skill does affect the crit rate, but only by a maximum of 10% (whereas it was 15% when TF2 first launched).

Men, we have a mission tonight.



tl;dr: atmuh might agree with what I have to say. Read it you lazy ass.

i loled

D-Lux has a point here. My one penny:

If we get 32-player servers, I'm not showing up. I hate 32 player servers, the game becomes impossibly chaotic (and my computer cries too).

If we do make the second server private events only, that might encourage someone to pick up the flag and start scheduling regular scrims, an actual league of sorts, or pacman brawls, knowing that we'll have a second server ready anytime. I would think that part of getting events up and running would be finding a server to scrim in.

b> strikeout bbcode

i dont really get angry but i like to see what i did wrong every time i die and if its me vs a scout and im shooting at him and hes shooting back at me and he gets a crit that happens to take me from full health down to zero i cant stand that if he didnt get lucky i might have been able to kill him and i dont see any way to improve because it wasnt a skill based defeat

Holy crap. I agree with atmuh.* Is the world ending?

The only problem with nocrits is that the melee weapons are basically expected to get a crit every few swings. If you do nocrits, you'd also have to bump up the melee damage to compensate. (Nocrits would also make kritzkrieg a hell of a bigger deal, too, which I'm honestly okay with.) But yeah, I'm no sort of "pro" or "hardcore" player but I'd totally play on a nocrits/teamtalk server. Not exclusively, but it'd be a nice change.

*except I'll totally admit to getting pissed when I get killed by a random crit or a facestab or a pocket medic/soldier/pyro/heavy/whatever duo spawncamping or basically anything else that I feel like there's nothing I could have done to avoid getting annihilated


+1 on 32 player servers sucking.

As for restructuring, maybe we should rethink this a bit. I agree that reserved slots are annoying for pubs, and makes building a community harder, so with that in mind maybe we should go back to paid slots? Since there will be twice the server, it affects fewer people (less QQ) and helps to cover Bahamut's overhead.

also, damn, too much stuff to do tonight. L4D2, DJ Hero, koth_pacman... :sleepdepriv:

+1 on 32 player servers sucking.

As for restructuring, maybe we should rethink this a bit. I agree that reserved slots are annoying for pubs, and makes building a community harder, so with that in mind maybe we should go back to paid slots? Since there will be twice the server, it affects fewer people (less QQ) and helps to cover Bahamut's overhead.

also, damn, too much stuff to do tonight. L4D2, DJ Hero, koth_pacman... :sleepdepriv:

bahamut wont have to pay for anything anymore (hint get rid of paid hlstats)

reserved slots are really good the current way they are implemented just keep it the way it is on one server the community is fine the way it is getting rid of reserved slots isnt gonna build it anymore than it is and if i recall its reserved slots which are the reason people enjoy playing on here

so they dont have to wait

If we're really moving from Gameservers and pav and Fireslash's network can handle it, we could consider upping the player limit. This would give us a lot more traffic, which should be valued if both servers are dedicated.

If we went up to 32 man games I might have to find another place to play. Here's what attracted me to OCR and what keeps me coming back:

  • no instant or fast respawn bs
  • isn't 32 man, or anything over 24. even 24 is a bit high sometimes, but it generally works well
  • map choices are usually semi-decent unless it's for lols. if we played goldrush less I'd have little to really complain about
  • casual, but not necessarily bad, players
  • alltalk, although team talk from time to time would be nice
  • "notorious silliness" and other entertaining stuff while still being able to have a decent game

Once you bring 32 man into the server no amount of notorious silliness will let us have decent games. OCRemix deserves to have a good server and I don't want to see it become another run-of-the-mill 32 person server, because that's exactly what I avoid.

In other news, I'm recording for my next big video starting the next time I play. From what I have in mind it won't really be a frag video per say, or at least not a traditional one. Regardless, you have been warned.

nocrits. ROFL.

how is that comical in any way

i really would like to know how many of the people that expressed their HATRED for nocrit servers have ever played on a nocrit server

and oh dlux suggested we up the player limit

yeah thats a bad idea 1 24 slot server is just fine

I'm not sure why everyone is commenting about 32-player servers, considering the new servers are already up and running and clearly show a maxplayers of 24 each.

its because dlux suggested it

what im more confused about is why no ones commenting on both his and my suggestion that having 2 24 slot public servers is a really bad idea

because it is


I think what atma & d-lux said is correct - the server doesn't seem to be as busy as in the summer. Perhaps we could have two servers running when it's summer again, but currently it might be best to keep to one server and have the other for scrims and stuff. Stuff should be set up sometime in the next few days, perhaps tomorrow night when I should be free to help do so if it isn't somehow done tonight.

I intend to have the current server locked with OC ReMix Server: Moved to [insert new IP] once this does happen. The suggestion has been made to make ocrtf2.com redirect to the .227 server, and perhaps some other subdomain.ocrtf2.com direct to the second server - sound good?

I think what atma & d-lux said is correct - the server doesn't seem to be as busy as in the summer. Perhaps we could have two servers running when it's summer again, but currently it might be best to keep to one server and have the other for scrims and stuff.

Oh hey, I made the mistake of not writing down the u/p you sent me yesterday. Contact me when you get a chance.

Anyway, I'm not sure how SourceBans integrates with SourceMod. It appears to keep its own Admin list, which would be extremely inconvenient.

Anyway, I'm not sure how SourceBans integrates with SourceMod. It appears to keep its own Admin list, which would be extremely inconvenient.

does anyone read my posts

i said already a long time ago to just disable the admin portion of the plugin

its very simple just set it to 0 in the config file

does anyone read my posts

i said already a long time ago to just disable the admin portion of the plugin

its very simple just set it to 0 in the config file

Actually, I was hoping I could import admins from the SourceMod config for use in the Web Admin part, but thanks for playing!


  • alltalk, although team talk from time to time would be nice

I play on other servers for this reason alone. I can't fucking stand having to hear the other team ALL THE TIME (unless it's micspam).

I'd love you to elaborate, because being anti-alltalk and pro-micspam seems like an odd combination.

micspam servers are a lot different in that (provided its managed properly) its organized in that only one person will ever be using the mic at a time and the music playing isnt as much a distraction as youd think

instead it becomes just part of the game, basically a different kind of radio where everyone gets to contribute

on an alltalk server there are plenty of times when you will have 3+ people talking over one another and the lack of organization serves to be a distraction

in both cases the mic is basically never used to promote teamplay or anything really related to the current task at hand but in the case of micspam servers its much less aggravating

micspam servers are a lot different in that (provided its managed properly) its organized in that only one person will ever be using the mic at a time and the music playing isnt as much a distraction as youd think

instead it becomes just part of the game, basically a different kind of radio where everyone gets to contribute

on an alltalk server there are plenty of times when you will have 3+ people talking over one another and the lack of organization serves to be a distraction

in both cases the mic is basically never used to promote teamplay or anything really related to the current task at hand but in the case of micspam servers its much less aggravating

This. If it's going to be alltalk, I'd rather hear music than people talking constantly about nothing relevant.

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