Powerlord Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 As a reminder, the Halloween event is still up until Monday, in case you still need the achievements/hats from it... old is now the 24/7 Harvest Event server. Oh, anyone know why #2 is set to scrim mode?
atmuh Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 because one server is enough oh and whatever happened to stv demos some nqa guy was stickycamping today and i told dlux to ban him (dlux joined a minute later) and dlux didnt really wanna because it was just my word and whoever was saying it over mic that he did instead of seeing it for himself, which is understandable with stv demos you can just watch it afterwards and see it plain and simple if you need to know how to do it 15:02 | <<atmuh>> you put this in server.cfg 15:02 | <<atmuh>> tv_enable 1 15:02 | <<atmuh>> tv_maxclients 0 15:02 | <<atmuh>> tv_autorecord 0 15:02 | <<atmuh>> tv_name "Live Studio Audience" 15:02 | <<atmuh>> well change the tv name 15:02 | <<atmuh>> thats just the one i used 15:03 | <<pavlvs>> mk 15:04 | <<atmuh>> compile this and put it in sourcemod plugins folder 15:04 | <<atmuh>> http://wakimiko.wwwchan.com/prog/demodeletion.sp 15:04 | <<atmuh>> so it deletes demos after a day and you dont get overloaded 15:05 | <<pavlvs>> so how does it record if you have autorecord set to 0? 15:05 | <<atmuh>> i was getting to that! 15:05 | <<pavlvs>> ok 15:05 | <<atmuh>> :] 15:05 | <<atmuh>> http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=824438 15:05 | <<atmuh>> that is a plugin so you can set it to only record when there are 4+ people on the server 15:06 | <<atmuh>> otherwise you get tons of stupid demos of 1 person 15:06 | <<pavlvs>> cool 15:06 | <<atmuh>> and that is it 15:07 | <<atmuh>> you need powerlord or someone to set up a cron job to automatically put it on ocrtf2.com if that is where these will be hosted 15:07 | <<atmuh>> but this sets it all up
Powerlord Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 because one server is enough That depends on the time of day and day of week. Pretty sure we have more than enough people to fill a server and a half just in regulars on weekends. oh and whatever happened to stv demossome nqa guy was stickycamping today and i told dlux to ban him (dlux joined a minute later) and dlux didnt really wanna because it was just my word and whoever was saying it over mic that he did instead of seeing it for himself, which is understandable with stv demos you can just watch it afterwards and see it plain and simple Exactly how much space do demos take?
Clefairy Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 Exactly how much space do demos take? 40-ish megs for a half hour, if memory serves.
atmuh Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 That depends on the time of day and day of week. Pretty sure we have more than enough people to fill a server and a half just in regulars on weekends.Exactly how much space do demos take? im not sure if ive ever had the situation where the server's been full of reserved slots (regulars) in which case theyd need to start going to another server oh wait no that happened ONCE right after the spysniper update hardly reason to have a second server imo and http://atmuh.com/tf2/demos/ are an example of some demos ~15-20MB remember though these are demos from a micspam server so theres gonna be probably more recorded voice than youll have id recommend setting up a cron job to delete them after 4 days (i have no idea how to do that but id imagine you do)
ParanoidDrone Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 If none of the community members give a shit about making the community better, why should admins. Admins aren't supposed to babysit the regulars. They're supposed to regulate the pubbies in an effort to protect the interests of the community. When the community doesn't feel the need to correct their own problems who are admins serving? I ended up just leaving.[That's pretty terrible atmuh/tiger] I make a point of not starting drama whenever possible, so I'm generally never the one calling for a scramble. Because it tend to come with drama. </captain obvious> If it comes to a vote, I'll generally pick yes FWIW.
D-Lux Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 ...and yet, people complain when I scramble. Captain Yahoo in particular bitches if there's a scramble when one side rolls the other in attack/defense maps. I bitch at you specifically for a few reasons. (A) Do not scramble teams (in att/def for example) before both sides get a chance to attack and defend. If both sides steamroll, then it's arguably fair, so no scramble is necessary. ( Do not scramble teams in the middle of a game. Just because BLU has captured the intel 3 times before RED gets it once does not mean teams are unbalanced. This annoys the hell out of me. © Don't use admin to switch maps in the middle of a game just because you feel like it. This pisses me off more than ( and you've NEVER given a good reason for it.
Powerlord Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 I bitch at you specifically for a few reasons.(A) Do not scramble teams (in att/def for example) before both sides get a chance to attack and defend. If both sides steamroll, then it's arguably fair, so no scramble is necessary. Except that, say, on Dustbowl, if one team manages to capture all 7 points across all 3 parts of the map in less than 15 minutes, there's a definite imbalance there. The last time I didn't scramble (on Dustbowl) when this happened, the other team barely managed to cap each point... as I recall, I ended up spycapping the three points we did take, and every one of them was at the last minute. ( Do not scramble teams in the middle of a game. Just because BLU has captured the intel 3 times before RED gets it once does not mean teams are unbalanced. This annoys the hell out of me. er... when have I ever done this? On a totally unrelated note, capturing 3 times ends the round. © Don't use admin to switch maps in the middle of a game just because you feel like it. This pisses me off more than ( and you've NEVER given a good reason for it. I can only remember doing this once ever, and it was after two (!) team scrambles that appeared to have absolutely no effect.
Meeting_Gman Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 hahaha a flamming uber, good God that's fantastic.
Bleck Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 On a totally unrelated note, capturing 3 times ends the round. Isn't it 4 captures?
Powerlord Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Isn't it 4 captures? It was changed to 3 a while back, as that's what most servers use. It's the whole Principle of Least Surprise thing.
atmuh Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Isn't it 4 captures? it was reduced to 3 and yeah ive only seen powerlord ever do the first one on there now that i really think about it
FireSlash Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 I just want to make it abundantly clear that a join flood script during a ban, for any reason will result in an a permanent ban.
atmuh Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 I just want to make it abundantly clear that a join flood script during a ban, for any reason will result in an a permanent ban. i only did it for minute and then just kept joining the server myself because after a minute i figured it should have been up and seriously stupid joke 1 minute bans are RETARDED and should not be administered at all i got banned for telling brushfire he was dumb for permabanning someone who has an annoying mic (i didnt hear it i had voice off) instead of simply muting him how is that not a stupid thing to do
atmuh Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 but really now yesterday sporknight switches to winning team after a MAJOR roll 3 admins are on nothing happens today brushfire does something stupid i said it was stupid just one line and i get instant banned
Dr. Tran! Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Did you point out his switching? And again, don't insult the admins. I can imagine you're not well-liked in the first place among them, and it probably isn't a good idea...for you that is...to give them a reason to finally get rid of you.
A Random Tiger Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 Did you point out his switching?And again, don't insult the admins. I can imagine you're not well-liked in the first place among them, and it probably isn't a good idea...for you that is...to give them a reason to finally get rid of you. We did point out the switch. The reasoning he gave was he wanted to play with the people on that team. I then said that doesn't matter, and it was pretty much left at that because there was clearly no attention being brought to switch so pointing it out was useless. I don't have hard feelings about what I was annoyed with yesterday, but I want the facts to be laid out.
Bleck Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 There is a large difference between insulting someone and insulting something a person has done.
atmuh Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 on the lighter side of things (mXENO is from valve)
Rambo Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 OCR Scrims (IP; password ocrscrim) This monday Nov. 9th we'll be having scrims between 7-11PM EST. Any and every community member is welcome. If you know a regular who doesn't frequently browse these forums, fell free to let them know. Scrims are organized, but not "serious" games. We'll be trying to win, but the main goal will still be having fun. Please be prepared to have a positive attitude. It's a community event. "Signup" I'll take names of people, just so we get a good idea of how many are coming out. If you're going to play, let us know what time you'll be dropping by. (People who have already said that they'll play, sorry for not already marking your names down. I want to know approximate times.) If you want to watch but not play, thats okay too. Just put [sPEC] in your display name. People who didn't get a chance to play last week will get first dibs on the first game this week. The rest of this post is just for people interesting in how the scrims will work. Rules This is an intro to competitive play. Scrims will be 6v6 and take place on 5CP maps or GPit. Last week we played to 5 wins, but if we get more people, we can make the number of wins lower, to accommodate substitute players or full substitute teams. Class limits at any given time are: Scout(2) Soldier(2) Pyro(2) Heavy(2) Engie(2) Sniper(2) Spy(2) Medic(1) Demo(1) You don't NEED to play one of the "standard" competitive classes. We had plenty of spies, pyros, heavies, and a few engies last week and it still went great. Talk to your teammates and play what your team needs, or what you're good at. Random crits and random damage will be off. No Sandman Teams Players who are participating in the current scrim will be determined before teams are picked. From those players 2 voluntary captains will start picking. (Captains can duel for first pick in a ditto match. For God's sake, not as spies.) Teams will probably be balanced, but if they're agreed to be imbalanced, there's no harm is switching them up a bit. After one team wins 5(maybe less) times, we can switch up the idle players. Current list of attendees: Kiyobi Depo Vivi Random Tiger Rambo Bonzai
atmuh Posted November 7, 2009 Posted November 7, 2009 After one team wins 5(maybe less) times, we can switch up the idle players. you should do it 5 or 30 minutes for abcba, best 2/3 for attack defend maps like gravelpit or furnace, and 20 minutes most caps for turbine (i highly recommend turbine its so much fun in 6v6) those are the general cevo rules but they work well for running scrims too ive found you wont have to worry about me coming though im working that night
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