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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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bleck: demoman is op if you're too good with it

pros: sandman is op if you're too good with it


both whiners both cant adapt

either that or bleck = pro

So basically for this to be pro, everyone must be medics or soldiers and be in square room map right? Cause all I see is complaining.

medics are cheap their ubercharge prevents me from winning


I'm not sure if we're being sarcastic or not anymore...

The Sandman ban doesn't affect me because I never use it (although I still need that achievement), but I'd still prefer it allowed because my inner OCD goes whaarblgarbl at only one weapon being banned. Also because I honestly don't see what the big deal is with it anymore since it can't stun Ubers and -30 HP is huge.

The Sandman ban doesn't affect me because I never use it (although I still need that achievement), but I'd still prefer it allowed because my inner OCD goes whaarblgarbl at only one weapon being banned. Also because I honestly don't see what the big deal is with it anymore since it can't stun Ubers and -30 HP is huge.

I agree. At first I didn't think 30 HP was that big a deal, but it's the difference between being killed by one rocket versus being killed by two.

However, I'm not arranging or participating in the scrims, I'm only configuring the server.

i only did it for minute

This is not a valid excuse.

I'm tired of saying this. If you have a problem with an admin, bring it up with me, Powerlord, or Bahamut. If none of us are around at the moment, there are plenty of other servers out there, or other things you could be doing than insulting an admin or join flooding the server.


Eh I just get angry recently at Demomen and Soldiers because I have recently discovered I can actually fight them as a pyro just on other servers where my ping isn't enormous and I can actually reflect pipes and Missiles xD

So it's kind of a slap in the face when I'm getting dominated by Soldiers and Demos on the OCR server due to my ping and especially when they taunt like jerks afterward.

I need some kinda ESP on the OCR server to reflect anything unless they're miles away and I have prewarning of it.

It's saddening that I also seem to be unable to do... anything I can do on other servers here. Makes me feel like the most colossal of noobs.

And that was the Draken-Korin random TF2 emo moment of the day! huzzah!

Tune in next time for more.


Question. Why the fuck has the OCReMix TF2 #1 Stock server been running customs all day. Are these servers a complete joke now? Does anyone give a crap about anything that's going on anymore? Just curious.

Question. Why the fuck has the OCReMix TF2 #1 Stock server been running customs all day. Are these servers a complete joke now? Does anyone give a crap about anything that's going on anymore? Just curious.

No, I obviously don't care. I mean, just because I left the server several times yesterday in the middle of a game to see what's up with the mapcycle and mentioned in several posts in the last few pages that I was trying to figure out what was up with it..

You know what, screw it, I'll just leave it the way it is. I don't have time right now to waste debugging srcds for Valve or sourcemod for the Sourcemod team.

No, I obviously don't care. I mean, just because I left the server several times yesterday in the middle of a game to see what's up with the mapcycle and mentioned in several posts in the last few pages that I was trying to figure out what was up with it..

You know what, screw it, I'll just leave it the way it is. I don't have time right now to waste debugging srcds for Valve or sourcemod for the Sourcemod team.

I saw your post a few pages back. You didn't make it out to be a big problem. I'm computer illiterate, so I don't understand the technical aspects of running a server. I just figured with a STOCK map server, implementing a very small set of stock maps wouldn't be an issue. I didn't know there were bugs and what have you.

I'm just angry about the serious lack of communication in and about the community in the last month. There have been A LOT of problems lately, and everyone always says they're due to someone else's part.

Moreover, there were a few individuals in the server earlier, right before we switched maps to a custom, who were being inappropriately crude. There were plenty of regulars on but no one said a thing. It started when Bonzai used her mic and one of the players typed out "ITS A GIRL" followed by "QUICK RAPE HER". I'm supposed to be an admin. I have the power to, and felt inclined to just insta-ban them. But not a single person, said anything. And some might say I have a conflict of interest in the matter. Anyway. Eventually we just both left. Which appears to be the appropriate action more and more when something stupid is happening in the OCR server. That's what used to separate ours from others.

Garian was kicked for not playing Pyro-Tennis in OCR#1? Wasn't the entire purpose of having a second server for "experimental" stuff like that?

There are other things. But most people already know them.

its a game, fella

It used to be a community, fella

Moreover, there were a few individuals in the server earlier, right before we switched maps to a custom, who were being inappropriately crude. There were plenty of regulars on but no one said a thing. It started when Bonzai used her mic and one of the players typed out "ITS A GIRL" followed by "QUICK RAPE HER". I'm supposed to be an admin. I have the power to, and felt inclined to just insta-ban them. But not a single person, said anything. And some might say I have a conflict of interest in the matter. Anyway. Eventually we just both left. Which appears to be the appropriate action more and more when something stupid is happening in the OCR server. That's what used to separate ours from others.

Regardless of any conflict of interest I don't think anyone would question an instant ban for something like that, especially if others did see it. I don't even see a conflict to be honest since it's not giving Bonzai special treatment by requiring that people be respectful of others.

Now to be fair, if it was typed a lot of people may have just missed it. I know I often miss half of what goes into text chat because I'm otherwise occupied trying not to die. Others might simply not have said anything because they figured if there was an admin there then the player would be banned or they planned on bringing it up here. Not saying it excuses what was (or wasn't by those who did see it) said, but it might be understandable if a lot of people missed it entirely.

That said, I haven't seen stuff like this going on much to be honest. In fact, when I have seen crap like that it's generally been dealt with quite quickly when it happens (including someone being booted the other day for calling me the N-word. Ironic considering I don't even have a tan but I digress).

And some might say I have a conflict of interest in the matter.

This is sort of bullshit. If somebody is mistreating another on the server, it's up to the admins to put a stop to it, regardless of who the person or the admin is. Anyone who would call out Rambo for defending Bonzai is a retard.

That being said, I know I haven't been around much lately, but I'd probably take issue with everything else Rambo is in his previous post.

Question. Why the fuck has the OCReMix TF2 #1 Stock server been running customs all day. Are these servers a complete joke now? Does anyone give a crap about anything that's going on anymore? Just curious.

hey man i care but everytime i join its just brushfire treating server like his playpen so w/e

and yeah anyone that thinks rambo is stupid for kicking someone for being an idiot to bonzai is a moron

youd all do that if you were in his situation i sure as hell would

I saw your post a few pages back. You didn't make it out to be a big problem. I'm computer illiterate, so I don't understand the technical aspects of running a server. I just figured with a STOCK map server, implementing a very small set of stock maps wouldn't be an issue. I didn't know there were bugs and what have you.

I'm just angry about the serious lack of communication in and about the community in the last month. There have been A LOT of problems lately, and everyone always says they're due to someone else's part.

Moreover, there were a few individuals in the server earlier, right before we switched maps to a custom, who were being inappropriately crude. There were plenty of regulars on but no one said a thing. It started when Bonzai used her mic and one of the players typed out "ITS A GIRL" followed by "QUICK RAPE HER". I'm supposed to be an admin. I have the power to, and felt inclined to just insta-ban them. But not a single person, said anything. And some might say I have a conflict of interest in the matter. Anyway. Eventually we just both left. Which appears to be the appropriate action more and more when something stupid is happening in the OCR server. That's what used to separate ours from others.

Garian was kicked for not playing Pyro-Tennis in OCR#1? Wasn't the entire purpose of having a second server for "experimental" stuff like that?

There are other things. But most people already know them.

It used to be a community, fella

its a video game


More importantly, it's the Internet, and there are random people from the Internet on the server. Stick a password on the server if you can't deal with (very tame) rape jokes.

More importantly, it's the Internet, and there are random people from the Internet on the server. Stick a password on the server if you can't deal with rape jokes.

Anyone getting this?

EDIT: Glad to know what kind of community I accidentally made myself part of.


Have you never played an online FPS before? It's a wonder the server isn't filled with 11-year-olds screaming about raping everyone else's mothers.

Not to mention that it is absurd that you could possibly construe "omg its a girl rape her!!!!" as any kind of personal slight.

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