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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Or you could just pay to register it.

I figure that's only proper for a program that I've been using for 11 or more years.

this post actually made me feel sort of bad not gonna lie

fffffffffffffff why does everybody do this

trillian 4.

/end hijack

Stats are nothing more than a measurement. You shouldn't let them rule your life/have your babies/own your soul.

My stats don't matter to me. What matters is having fun and winning now and then.


What part of "only two people" do you not get? You are outvoted. Only a few people said they remotely cared, and only you and atmuh say it bothers them. In addition, the solution on your end is simple: quit bitching and go to a server where anyone cares.

I'm sorry I can't be as good of a troll as you, atmuh, and bleck. I'll sure try harder massa. But maybe if atmuh didn't come here whining about whatever little detail got his undies in a bunch that day, it wouldn't be needed. I mean, we all know how successful his server is, as pointed out by brushfire. OMGWTFBBQROFL.

I'm a troll only in the sense that I don't typically take my posts terribly seriously. Your recent posts in this thread have had nothing to do with the topic and have existed only to insult another forum member (without even addressing his point). It does not matter how much or how little atmuh is respected in the community. You are directly and maliciously trolling.

I believe atmuh's complaint is a reasonable one that deserves serious discussion rather than dismissing it because "no one cares!" I can understand why someone would want better record-keeping (although I personally am not one of these people). If the majority does not care one way or the other, however, then why not implement it for the sake of those who do care?

I don't think the server admins are denying the request necessarily because of who made it (although that probably had quite an impact on the general community's response), but because of how it was presented. It is simply not an important issue to them. Given that the moderators and admins in the OCR community have always generally acted autonomously, you would be better off attempting to convince one directly and in private conversation of the benefits of your idea.

As has been pointed out, the tone in this thread has gotten quite belligerent. What's up, guys? Even if you can't be friends with everyone (like I am), discussion will go more smoothly try to treat your fellow posters with civility and respect (whether you think they deserve it or not).


A reinstall of hlstats is already on the todo list between powerlord and I due to backstab tracking being broken since the server move, but if that doesn't fix it then there's a legitimate flaw in the program. It is still claiming that it's ignoring frags during the bonus round though, so I doubt this is going to solve it.

If a minor statistical difference is really going to cause THIS MUCH drama, we can just remove hlstats and people can use their own programs to track their stats.

Please don't bring me into this argument. I have said that I care about long-term stats because I get an accurate representation of how well I do overall. Getting slain by admin command at the end of a map is a drop in the bucket for me and doesn't affect my long term trends.

For slays, this may be true, but pregame mayhem for 40 seconds every map is definitely going to have an effect.

Does this mean that you don't push the cart (or defend it) near the ends of round 3 on payload maps, knowing that humiliation affects stats, because you'll be charged with a suicide when it explodes?

Absolutely not. I do, however, try to get away from the bomb as soon as the round is over which does actually work sometimes, and even if the bomb does kill you it almost always registers as a kill from someone rather than a suicide.

I'm sorry I can't be as good of a troll as you, atmuh, and bleck. I'll sure try harder massa. But maybe if atmuh didn't come here whining about whatever little detail got his undies in a bunch that day, it wouldn't be needed. I mean, we all know how successful his server is, as pointed out by brushfire. OMGWTFBBQROFL.

As Eulogic said, you contribute absolutely nothing to whatever discussion is going on and only ever focus on trying to get someone mad (which thankfully you are incredibly bad at). My server was incredibly successful though, and the only reason I stopped caring about it was because I really didn't like owning a server much anymore.

Why would I file a ticket? This is an incredibly simple problem to solve in that all that needs to happen is that an admin should be using his authority for the one reason he has it, which is very simply to enforce the rules of the server. It's not like there's even any time for comical reactions to it, because it's always at the end of the map and right after he does it the map switches. Why not just simply let the map end like it's supposed to? It's really silly that one side of this is "I'M GOING TO ABUSE MY ADMIN POWERS EVEN IF IT UPSETS YOU" and all I'm asking is to show a little consideration for those that are bothered by it, and already 4 people in this thread have said that they are.

And Bleck, there really isn't any reason to pester Tiger about what IRC client he uses. Sure mIRC is much better than something like Chatzilla, but if he doesn't wanna deal with the nag screen (which will stay there forever not just 30 days) or register and would rather use some other client that's perfectly fine.


it's not so much that I care about his IRC client as much as I get really irritated when people assume things about things without taking two seconds to check

If a minor statistical difference is really going to cause THIS MUCH drama, we can just remove hlstats and people can use their own programs to track their stats.

I'd say go for it, that way the crybaby minority can STFU.


Oh, what the hell.

For slays, this may be true, but pregame mayhem for 40 seconds every map is definitely going to have an effect.

You've already stated you don't participate in pregame for this reason. I don't see what the problem is.

My server was incredibly successful though, and the only reason I stopped caring about it was because I really didn't like owning a server much anymore.

You sure seem to like having a controlling interest in one. Which brings us to the current discussion.

Why would I file a ticket?

Because a bug is a bug, and it should be fixed regardless.

an admin should be using his authority for the one reason he has it, which is very simply to enforce the rules of the server.

In your opinion. Slay and the other non-essential admin commands were put into Sourcemod for a reason; it just happens to be a reason that doesn't line up with what you believe is right and proper.

all I'm asking is to show a little consideration for those that are bothered by it, and already 4 people in this thread have said that they are.

There's an important difference between "This bothers me" and "This bothers me and I'd like you to stop". Bring the other people onside, then you'll have a case.

Frankly, I'm kind of mystified at the fact you still want to play with us. You don't get along with a lot of people in the community, and you seem to prefer the experience offered by basically every other server on the Internet. I'd genuinely like to know what keeps you coming back.

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