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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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Just speaking up here, as there's been a lot of mumbling on both sides of the custom maps argument. I think it's time we allow a few of the better community maps on the rotation for Blu, with a few more added to the rtv list. Generally the only use that Red gets is for events, so I think repurposing Red to Events/Overflow and Blu to being Primary and allowing a handfull of customs would probably be a good choice. From what I've read, the general argument against customs on Blu was because it was labeled a "Stock" server, now that the original labels are gone I think there is a lot more room for flexibility in that department.

Just speaking up here, as there's been a lot of mumbling on both sides of the custom maps argument. I think it's time we allow a few of the better community maps on the rotation for Blu, with a few more added to the rtv list. Generally the only use that Red gets is for events, so I think repurposing Red to Events/Overflow and Blu to being Primary and allowing a handfull of customs would probably be a good choice. From what I've read, the general argument against customs on Blu was because it was labeled a "Stock" server, now that the original labels are gone I think there is a lot more room for flexibility in that department.

That was the purpose for removing the Stock label.

Also, I suggest a complete removal of all customs on both servers and just put back the ones we like. Agreeing on what we like is the hard part.

P.S. It appears that I'm not the only one with Steam connection issues. I think it's trying to tell me to go play Zelda: Spirit Tracks instead of TF2.

Hey, is anyone else having trouble connecting to Steam? I can't connect to Steam at all (it just immediately prompts me to Retry or connect in Offline mode).

this happens to me every once in a while and after going to get a drink or something it works when i get back

another thing garian suggested is that if we really are gonna get a content update to lock RED so that the community here has somewhere to play that isnt infested by the zillions of pubs that will be playing once the pack hits and leave BLU for pub play like it is now

i think this is a very good idea

Also, I suggest a complete removal of all customs on both servers and just put back the ones we like. Agreeing on what we like is the hard part.

this is exactly what i was suggesting in the past and its good to see you wanna do that too

obviously not everyone will like every map but still i think if enough people like particular maps they should be given a try so why not have everyone list the customs that theyd like to see

heres my list

ctf_vector_b3 plr_solitude_bsomething cp_freight pl_frontier and possibly ctf_snowfield

the only other one that i havent gotten to try yet but have heard good things about was ctf_haarp

and i think we know pretty much everyone else likes waste so i guess that is a given


Turns out the Steam issue was on Valve's side. They've fixed it now.

However, I'm doing other stuff now and should go to bed early anyway... haven't had enough sleep lately.

this happens to me every once in a while and after going to get a drink or something it works when i get back

another thing garian suggested is that if we really are gonna get a content update to lock RED so that the community here has somewhere to play that isnt infested by the zillions of pubs that will be playing once the pack hits and leave BLU for pub play like it is now

i think this is a very good idea

this is exactly what i was suggesting in the past and its good to see you wanna do that too

obviously not everyone will like every map but still i think if enough people like particular maps they should be given a try so why not have everyone list the customs that theyd like to see

heres my list

ctf_vector_b3 plr_solitude_bsomething cp_freight pl_frontier and possibly ctf_snowfield

the only other one that i havent gotten to try yet but have heard good things about was ctf_haarp

and i think we know pretty much everyone else likes waste so i guess that is a given

Actually, locking RED may be a good idea if/when the next class update hits. Although I'll be sorely tempted to join the pubbies and own face as Spy. It's always refreshing when I'm able to DR right behind someone and leave them none the wiser.

Customs: I'd love to see the top entries from the CTF/PLR contest. If I were to list every custom I liked I'd be here forever, so I'll just add Aerospace and Glacier to that list and leave it at that. (Especially Glacier now that they fixed the particle bug.)

I want more A/D maps

Premuda seemed really neat

i played premuda probably 4 or 5 times and there were some glaring problems with it

for one thing, in some cases the capping with the flag doesnt actually work and you need to wait for a teammate to come there as well and drop it and have him try to cap

its also unbalanced in that offense almost always wins

its not a HORRIBLE map and i wouldnt be opposed to you adding it but there are definitely better examples of a/d ctf maps

its also unbalanced in that offense almost always wins

In light of maps like Dustbowl and Gold Rush, this is probably a good thing. <_<

Okay, not really, but a map that's actually in BLU's favor is definitely a change of pace, if nothing else. (Capture bug aside.)


My theory about the whole friendship thing? Mini competitions between friends. I dunno, whoever gets the most kills between the two of 'em gets a hat?

Because we all know people suddenly turn release-day-PS3-rabid over a bloody hat.

My theory about the whole friendship thing? Mini competitions between friends. I dunno, whoever gets the most kills between the two of 'em gets a hat?

Because we all know people suddenly turn release-day-PS3-rabid over a bloody hat.

valve has stated that contrary to people's ideas, it has nothing to do with steam friends


If this really is Soldier/Demo Update, it's both great and terrifying at the same time. On one hand, even more projectile spam than usual. On the other, AIRBALST. Here's to a crappy shotgun replacement that makes Soldiers helpless to my Pyroing!

Even if it's not the update, Valve is obviously is trying to imply it is. Why else would they choose Soldier and Demoman?


According to Valve's HLDS Linux server mailing list, there's a required update coming later today. No word on whether it's the actual class update or not (which was implied by the text on the TF2 page).

My brother an I were discussing this class update, and he suggested something that made a lot of sense - what if the class update is determined by who has the most total kills made today, between the demo and the soldier?

If both updates are essentially finished, why implement only one?


The first details of the War update are upon us.

It turns out that both Demo and Soldier will get 3 new weapons... but whichever class kills more of the other in the next week will also get a fourth weapon.

For those of us who really don't care that much, Valve has noted that we'll have new maps this update, too.

Details on the update will be released over the next week, including the new maps, achievements, weapons, and "surprises."

Makes me wonder if surprises deals with the Engineer update... ;)

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