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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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If you want to play dustbowl, just call for a scramble teams vote :D

*points up* That command may still be on the menu, but the plugin that actually does the scrambling is disabled now.


Just conducted a mini-experiment, if you will.

I logged on and waited until there were more than 6 people in the server. I began to play normally and counted my 'deaths by crit' and 'deaths by my error.'

Unsurprisingly, here's what I found:

Crits: 8

Error: 6

I also would like to note that the last 3 deaths (normal) were all when I had +400 ping, although one of them I'm fairly sure I woulda been screwed anyways.

So, even with those last 3 deaths, crits are still making up for over 50% of my deaths. That is silly. Crits are silly.

And before anyone says anything about it, yes, I know this is Q.Qing, but it's justified.


yeah I'm tired of getting one hit killed with crits

I guess I'll go play counter-strike where potentially every shot is a one hit kill


I'm sorry that you find my whining annoying. Feel free to just disregard/not listen to anything I say.



Actually, I don't mind the one hit kills thing (this is in response to Bleck). I mean, in CS, it's usually people who are pretty talented that can successfully pull off headshots on command. Snipers/Spies don't bother me in TF2 either. It's not the 'oh man, I got hit and I'm dead' thing that bothers me, it's the [stop reading if you're tired of crit whining] 'alright, I've got this guy pinned because I worked hard to set things up right and now he's gonna -- crit shotgun.' [start reading again]


Kids, kids, kids....they listen to the rap music...


okay uh there was a ZUZ medic (and it was only one medic, I checked) getting ubers at least four times faster than is normally possible playing just now

and nobody seemed to question this

I find both the ubers and the lack of concern over the ubers both to be suspicious

and no he wasn't using the ubersaw


This is way off topic. Sorry.

Has anyone else tried Age of Chivalry? It's one of the five mods being hosted by Steam...and it's really amazing. It gives you the feel of an epic clash between two kingdoms.

Jeah, it's really good. Figured I'd recommend it.

This is way off topic. Sorry.

Has anyone else tried Age of Chivalry? It's one of the five mods being hosted by Steam...and it's really amazing. It gives you the feel of an epic clash between two kingdoms.

Jeah, it's really good. Figured I'd recommend it.

I've been wanting to try Age of Chivalry but haven't had the time. You might wanna bump Zephyr's HL2 mods thread with it.


@Powerlord: Can you please switch "Goldrush" and "Steel" in the rotation? We previously discussed not like having Dustbowl and Goldrush maps next to each other because of their similarities. I know one is cp and one is pl, but what I mean is that they are played so much that everybody knows them to death.

In addition, cave and steel have the same problem, but backwards. They are both similarly new and rare to play, so having both in a row really empties the server.

Other than that, I'm OK with it.


I played the old Day of Defeat the other day, which I used to play religiously about 3 years ago. I totally forgot how quickly you died in that game. If you got the first shot in, you lived. every time. Every gun could kill you with one headshot.

TF2's method is much better. SOMETIMES you might die instantly, but most of the time, other factors matter much more. They are annoying sometimes, but they work as headshots without the need to be insanely good or accurate. Which is a good thing, because it opens the game up to more people. Anyone can have fun in TF2, regardless of skill level.

I think the game in general is just better for casual play than competitive play, which is why I go to the OCR server and not some ranked clan server.

okay uh there was a ZUZ medic (and it was only one medic, I checked) getting ubers at least four times faster than is normally possible playing just now

and nobody seemed to question this

I find both the ubers and the lack of concern over the ubers both to be suspicious

and no he wasn't using the ubersaw

Pretty likely he had a demoman or soldier to help him farm it.

Just conducted a mini-experiment, if you will.

I logged on and waited until there were more than 6 people in the server. I began to play normally and counted my 'deaths by crit' and 'deaths by my error.'

Unsurprisingly, here's what I found:

Crits: 8

Error: 6

I also would like to note that the last 3 deaths (normal) were all when I had +400 ping, although one of them I'm fairly sure I woulda been screwed anyways.

So, even with those last 3 deaths, crits are still making up for over 50% of my deaths. That is silly. Crits are silly.

And before anyone says anything about it, yes, I know this is Q.Qing, but it's justified.

I know a lot of people don't realize this, but this is exactly why crits are in the game in the first place. It is *not* fun for *either* side to have one pyro dominating the same noob (or noob team) for entire matches, so once in a while the handicap system kicks in and the pyro gets owned. This is to balance (and is balanced by) the fact that *your* crit rates skyrocket when you start dominating people.

So yeah, basically if you are really that intent on picking on noobs, find a no-crit server and you can wank to your 25:1 kpd to your heart's content.

I think the game in general is just better for casual play than competitive play, which is why I go to the OCR server and not some ranked clan server.

This is why I pretty much play it at all. I didn't like Counter-Strike for the hyper-competitive level it's often played on. It's not really my style. I prefer games that are chaotic in nature. Half the time, I don't even give a damn if I win, so long as I have a blast trying.


@ Moseph: Thanks, I'll be bumping that thread and looking into it.

@ everybody else concerning crits: I'm really sorry (I'm being sincere, not sarcastic) that I derail this thread and bitch about crits so much. I'mma do my best to stop.

@ Dhsu: You're absolutely right, although I'm a little offended that you think that I just enjoy picking on noobs. I enjoy having fun as much as the next person (which is why the axtinguisher is my 3rd favorite weapon according to HLXstats)...it just detracts from getting critted more often than not.

But, I'm done. Really. I'll still apologize for critting people (especially when I shoulda died otherwise) and occasionally pointing it out on the server. But no more here. It erupts into too big a deal. Sorry again.


Sorry I didn't mean it to come off that way...what I was trying to convey is that crits are not a big deal *unless* you're one of those guys who just absolutely can't stand having his 50-kill streak broken in the interest of allowing the other players to actually enjoy themselves for 10 seconds before he respawns.


Yes, I can tell the Axtinguisher is one of your favorites. I've been on the receiving end of it quite a bit. XD

Good times, though. And I usually laugh because of it because for some reason I find it hilarious.

@Powerlord: Can you please switch "Goldrush" and "Steel" in the rotation? We previously discussed not like having Dustbowl and Goldrush maps next to each other because of their similarities. I know one is cp and one is pl, but what I mean is that they are played so much that everybody knows them to death.

In addition, cave and steel have the same problem, but backwards. They are both similarly new and rare to play, so having both in a row really empties the server.

Other than that, I'm OK with it.

I've swapped Steel and Well, and upon reconsideration, removed the second cp_dustbowl... pl_dustbowl_b4 is still there, though.

Map Cycle is now:















I've been going on a little axtinguishing rampage lately too (when I'm not spying that is) it's quite enjoyable and I actually find it the most effective way to take down heavies.


Just to be different lately, I've only been playing Engineer on payload/control point maps when my team is attacking.

I really need to play certain classes more, though... such as Demoman and Pyro. Surprisingly, I've only played those around 3 hours each... as opposed to, say, Engineer, which I've clocked over 40 hours on.

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