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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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That new TF2 update made a lot of changes; interesting choices in relation to crits, now you get a bonus for doing well sooner, but a lower stock chance. I also find it interesting that they allow you to change your FOV (or am I mistaken?) because that would allow some people to see more than others. More damage on spreads now too. More ammo for the soldier was probably a good idea too.

New client features

  • Added Viewmodel FOV slider to advanced multiplayer options
  • Added a hide viewmodel option to advanced multiplayer options
  • Added custom crosshair support
    • Added crosshair image, scale, and color settings to the Options->Multiplayer settings tab
    • Moved HUD minimal mode & Disable Spray options into the Advanced Multiplayer settings

    [*]Added "open_charinfo_direct" command that opens the loadout directly to the class you're currently playing

    • Replaced the "Open Loadout" entry in the options->keys dialog with this new command. Rebind / reset your config to defaults to use it

New server features

  • Added "tf_damage_disablespread" convar to disable the 25% damage spread on all damage
  • Added class limit support to tournament mode
    • Set the "tf_tournament_classlimit_X" convars to the max number of class X allowed

    [*]Added "tf_tournament_hide_domination_icons" convar, that allows a tournament mode server to force clients not to display domination icons over their nemeses

Gameplay changes

  • Modified critical hit calculation. Overall, critical hit chance is now much more recent-performance based:
    • Base chance is now 2% (was 5%).
    • Bonus range based on damage done changed from 0%-15% to 0%-10
    • Damage range required for bonus changed from 0-1600 to 0-800

    [*]Reduced random damage spread applied to all player damage from +-25% to +-10%

    [*]Slight reduction (improvement) of the minigun's spread

    [*]Increased flare direct hit damage from 20 to 30

    [*]Rewrote Natascha's slowdown code to be more consistent

    [*]Sniper rifle now supports Crit Boost state like all other weapons (i.e. Kritzkrieg makes all shots critical hits)

    [*]Stealthed spies are no longer able to pickup the intelligence. They must uncloak first

    [*]Increased soldier primary ammo count from 16 to 20


  • Fixed crash when running in tools mode
  • Added UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() checks to several "physics_" CON_COMMAND scripts to prevent clients issuing the commands
  • Fixed bug in teleporter logic that allowed engineers to build teleporters with HUGE health values
  • Fixed matching teleporter not getting a health buff when the pair is upgraded (only the tele you were hitting got the health buff)
  • Fixed Medic UberCharge percentage in minimal-HUD mode


GMod's a fun little game. If you enjoy Legos, you'll like it.

@ SirChadly: What happened to your computer? I think mine's fixed (meaning, the problem has gone away; I'm not sure what caused it).

@ Brushfire: You missed good times as a Pyro then, mate. That weapon was frackin' busted: I got 50 points in one life from it, completely legitimately.


We had a great time tonight. The server was bumping from about 1600L to about 2300L.

Good times. Made it to Rank 4!!

That's a bit late for those of us in North America... 2am to 9am EST / 11pm to 6am PST.


Wow, sounds like fun, I'm missing out, I need to get my score up into the 10 range eventually! I'll be sure to take some time to play when the scout update is out.


I think it was worth it for this sentence alone:

If you look at at (A) on the old line, you'll see that point isn't reached until you've done 550 recent damage, a feat that occurs about as often as our backstab code works correctly.



I guess Windstrike can't see sarcasm off the port side of the ship.

I never actually got to play with the Buffed Burner as I didn't unlock it until 3 days after the health bonus was taken away, so I am not really worried about it.

Also should I get Garry's Mod? I kinda wanna get into machinima but I dunno if I should get Garry's Mod or just stick with crappy Halo.

Brushfire, you can do machinima using Source SDK, which is a free download since you already have TF2.

Garry's mod is great though and it's only 10$, so it's completely worth it.

Ha, at least they know that their backstab system is broken.

Yeah, one thing the article clarifies is that the knife never rolls for crits, so facestabs actually are glitches as opposed to regular crits (which makes sense since regular crits don't kill overhealed Heavies :P ).

The system also explains why the machete and wrench have such a ridiculous crit rates, namely because if you've killed the equivalent of two overhealed Heavies within the last 20 seconds (i.e. all the time), pretty much 1 in 4 swings will be a crit.

Or are all of you little babies gonna cry some about work and school?

Yeah I'm going to cry if you're going to start playing at 2:00am my time on a day I just had work from 9:00am-5:30pm and class from 8:00pm-10:00pm...


I've been inactive too long and am now off the leader board on HLStatsx. Sad Panda. :sad:

If I don't go online and kill some bitches soon, I'm gonna rage-quit some stupid jackass customer at work.

Good news is I'll then have lots more time for TF2 and L4D because I'll be jobless. Worth it?


Blarg, youtube is so much hassle for such shit quality.

I've had this video hanging around since September thought I might bring it out due to the incoming scout update.

Don't watch the embedded. It's much better in full HD.

Any Critiques TF2 or Video wise? I wanted to use the song by Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' but someone decided to copyright it that asshole.


Nice spunky music for the equally spunky Scout. The 3rd person perspective is nice as you don't see that a lot in TF2 game play videos. It gives a nice show in the flow of movement around the map.

Blarg, youtube is so much hassle for such shit quality.

I've had this video hanging around since September thought I might bring it out due to the incoming scout update.

Don't watch the embedded. It's much better in full HD.

Any Critiques TF2 or Video wise? I wanted to use the song by Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' but someone decided to copyright it that asshole.

Aw Uriah Heep is awesome!

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