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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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If you see the server periodically restart, we're working with Gameservers to find out why the server is still showing as a 24-slot server when Bahamut's paying for a 25-slot server for the last few weeks.

Edit: OK, the number of slots is working correctly now... so, with 25 slots, we can have 12v12 matches with 1 slot for reserved slot connections.


Just gotta say, playing last night was awesome. Lots of fun getting my Ubersaw by bonesawing Bahamut in the back AND defending the point, LOL, and I'm one achievement away from getting the KGB. Looking forward to playing with you guys again!


Not sure if you are familiar, but there is this man that left his job and takes videos of himself just dancing in various places around the world. There is a group who makes a machinima TF2 series and they made an imitation video using TF2 characters.

Blarg, youtube is so much hassle for such shit quality.

I've had this video hanging around since September thought I might bring it out due to the incoming scout update.

Don't watch the embedded. It's much better in full HD.

Any Critiques TF2 or Video wise? I wanted to use the song by Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' but someone decided to copyright it that asshole.

zuz is fgts.

(also I would like to see you and sp have a scoootan duel. That would be fun to watch.

ZUZ folks are not of the faggot persuasion. Most of them are nice enough. They are just really good compared to the normal rabble that comes into our server.

(iz just trolllin)

But yeah, /v/ invaded the server later in the night. I couldn't do anything besides try and kickvote/banvote them, and with the amount they had in there it would be pointless. I got sick of them at the end, so I just kept switching the map after about 2 minutes of play. It was just them by then (well, martian was there for a while), so it didn't hurt any pubs.

Also, windstrike, you're kind of annoying.

(iz just trolllin)

But yeah, /v/ invaded the server later in the night. I couldn't do anything besides try and kickvote/banvote them, and with the amount they had in there it would be pointless. I got sick of them at the end, so I just kept switching the map after about 2 minutes of play. It was just them by then (well, martian was there for a while), so it didn't hurt any pubs.

Also, windstrike, you're kind of annoying.

Oh, I was wondering why the server emptied after I returned to my computer, but before I finished checking my email messages and forums.

Oh, I was wondering why the server emptied after I returned to my computer, but before I finished checking my email messages and forums.

Yeah it was filling up pretty nicely (pubs, with a few old faces). Then I saw a bunch of [mexico] tags, then a couple familiar names (from atmuh's server). They weren't too bad at start. I left to go play a round or two with a friend, then came back and they were micspaming. Couldn't do much to stop it, though by that time it looked like it was just mostly them, windstrike, one of the zuz's guys, and martian.

It sucked but oh well. It was nice to see so many randoms on there, even though they really liked to talk a lot...


Eh? My apologies - I'll keep it down a bit more in the future (and since my knowledge of winning/game over themes sucks, I'll stop with the clarinet playing over the mic too).

... yeah, the [MEXICO] guys owned us. Badly. Actually, I was on their team, and then Reset and I switched to the other team. Also, pyros + airblast + point E = fun.


I've been managing my time recently so that I try to get on the OCR server every Saturday night at about 8:00-9:00pm EST to get it going soon after. It's pretty much the only night I can get on the OCR server (maybe Fridays too) since school kinda prevents me from getting on any other night.

If I learn something really frigin' cool, then I'll play my clarinet over the mic again, but until then, no more clarispam from me (... that sounds like an actual product).

... yeah, the [MEXICO] guys owned us. Badly.

They are pretty good. They're the reason why I play on atmuh's server.

Also, [mexico] isn't a real clan. If you noticed, a lot of them changed it upon coming in. Just so you know. But yeah, I like them for the most part, but this wasn't atmuh's server or FA. So I had to try and kick them out when even I got annoyed (I can only take so much shamwow)

I've been managing my time recently so that I try to get on the OCR server every Saturday night at about 8:00-9:00pm EST to get it going soon after. It's pretty much the only night I can get on the OCR server (maybe Fridays too) since school kinda prevents me from getting on any other night.

If I learn something really frigin' cool, then I'll play my clarinet over the mic again, but until then, no more clarispam from me (... that sounds like an actual product).

You play Clarinet too? It would have been wonderful to hear that!


I've updated the MOTD and server configuration.

Config changes:

- Alltalk is always on again... people got annoying that it reset every time the server did. It's not like we ever turn it off anyway.

- Waiting For Players has been reduced to 45 seconds. It was 60 seconds before, but it seemed a bit too long.

- Automatic map vote has been changed to start 6 minutes before the round end. This ensures that it completes before the map ends, which happens automatically if there is less than 5 minutes on the clock and a CTF/PL/CP round completes.

MOTD changes:

Added the following section:

Custom options:

- Alltalk is on!

- Pregame Mayhem is enabled!.

- Map Voting takes place 6 minutes before the round ends. It is restricted to specific maps.

- Nominate is enabled!

- Respawn wave time is lowered.

- Slot 25 is for reserved users. The server is full at 24/25.

Edit: This made the MOTD too long, cut out some stuff.

I thought the reason we never changed the spawn time and slot numbers was because it took it off the public server list. I guess that's no longer the case?

Yes, the custom server tab is no more, and any custom tags just appear to the right of server names on the main list.

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