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I propose that, since there has been a lot of expression of "Oh shit, that was *such and such*?! I didn't know!", we make new tags for next year. It would consist of:

Your birth name

Your community/Remixer name

A face-shot of you, highly encouraging facial expression like Harmony's DM face, one of Norg's or Virt's faces, or wearing a hoodie like Liontamer. Bonus points if you fit a hot dog or bacon in there.

If all goes well, we'll all then switch tags and confuse everyone.

That was my plan several meetups ago, during Shariq's thread; it's on OCR's "to-do's."

Ah, guess I should more extensively browse the forums...on the plus side, I did end up tagging remixer names to that IHOP pic of everyone for my own use next year, a nice little cheat sheet.

I can't think of a good place to hang my nametag from this year, so right now it's hanging on my hat rack.

Ah, guess I should more extensively browse the forums...on the plus side, I did end up tagging remixer names to that IHOP pic of everyone for my own use next year, a nice little cheat sheet.

I can't think of a good place to hang my nametag from this year, so right now it's hanging on my hat rack.

lurk moar

i wouldn't mind paying for an ocr tag, though. i remember when that came around originally.

I propose that, since there has been a lot of expression of "Oh shit, that was *such and such*?! I didn't know!", we make new tags for next year. It would consist of:

Your birth name

Your community/Remixer name

December 2009 shall be "headshot month" for sigs. This way, we can post pictures of our faces so we are recognizable, and we can play with "BOOM HEADSHOT" memes.

December 2009 shall be "headshot month" for sigs. This way, we can post pictures of our faces so we are recognizable, and we can play with "BOOM HEADSHOT" memes.

haha every month is headshot month for me. but pretty much everyone knows me by now already anyways. EXCEPT PROPHET.

but, some weeks ago i drunkenly promised my friend gregantuan i'd let him cut my hair on inaugeration day :( :( :( :( :( :(

so i'm gonna be that much less recognizable next year :/



OMG I've missed that picture like it was an old wallet with $100 still in it. Ahhhh, I feel so much better now.

Also, I'm going to go buy an XBOX 360 wireless network adapter now. Thanks, Sgt. Rama!



Finally, more vgmusic veterans! After nine years, Pongball and I meet for the first time. Nario on the left, Hale-Bopp second from right.

Awww, that picture turned out great. :> It was nice meeting you and the few other OCR people I met there, even if it was very brief.

more girls on the interwebs? my head's gonna asplode. i can't believe all this.

You know, sometimes, I really wonder what goes on in that head of yours. Nah, guess it's better not to know.

Here's to hoping that this burst of musical creativity inspired by that incredible four-day event called MAGfest will last until next year's version.


Jose (screw accents I'm lazy) always looks like he's gonna suddenly transform into Vin Diesel, drop a one-liner, and blow something else.

Come to think of it he looks a lot like Vin, too. Oh shi-


Holy shit, Jose IS Vin Diesel.

I think we found Jose's cosplay for next year...

Now that people recognize me, I should just grow my hair out long (I'll look like a dark haired hulk hogan with my hairline) and grow a massive beard. I'll also dress up in spandex.

Nobody will have a clue who I am.

Holy shit, Jose IS Vin Diesel.

I think we found Jose's cosplay for next year...

Now that people recognize me, I should just grow my hair out long (I'll look like a dark haired hulk hogan with my hairline) and grow a massive beard. I'll also dress up in spandex.

Nobody will have a clue who I am.

You're gonna cosplay snappleman?

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