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Ok guys, this is one of my 'Retro Remixes' that I made a while back, so obviously the sample quality isn't as good as my more recent stuff. The reason I am posting this is to find out where this would stand on overclocked, as in terms of arrangement and samples this is exactly the way I intended. If you think this would be a possible sub after some tweaking in production and mastering etc, I'll try and get it better, but if not, I won't re-write it or add anything new.

Here is the remix. let me know your thoughts :)



I've always liked the Overworld Theme from SMB2, and I must offer my views on your "remix", it pays a compliment the original, you havent expanded on the original as much as the judges look for I dont think, but in terms of production value, this piece of actually very good!

I personally think that if you expand on the source tune some more, prehaps add your own counter melody, then this could very well be accpeted!

I like this.

Keep going with it =)


I think this qualifies as the "too conservative" the judges like to talk about.

The first half just sounds like a remake, the second half sounds a lot more like a remix. I think If the whole thing was like that, it would go over a lot better.

I agree, the actual production is very high quality. You should keep working on this. I like it.


Progression is pretty much identical to source, and you're using a bit too much of the lofi lead. Still, the feel is great, and it could pass, despite how conservative it is. It's a very different pacing, and the sound is quite different.

I'd get rid of the lofi lead from source, tho, replace it with something more interesting. As it is, it works well in the intro (of course), and throwing in a lofi iteration in the middle/towards the end of the track would be a cool way of varying it. For the rest of the time, it sounds cheap.

Fix it up, man, I think it could get passed.


I'm tempted to download this and put it in my personal library as-is, but I agree with some of what the other posters have said. I will wait for an improved version, I really, really like what you have so far.


Lose the square wave post-intro and incorporate more of that sweet lead synth you have going on in the second half. The drums sound great and should be brought to the front a little more with some extra variation, as with some of the basic structure of track itself. Also, maybe layer some soft synths on the final verses to strengthen the climax?

It's a really strong track, and I'd love to hear it cleaned up and on OCR in the near future.

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