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My name is DarkeSword and I endorse this game.

Click and hold on one of the floating things; your guy will grapple to it and start pulling towards it. The closer you are, the faster you approach. If you touch it, you explode, so release before you do and grapple a higher one. Don't grapple one that's too far away! Gravity will pull you down and you'll die.


I gotta give it up to my boy adam atomic. this is one of those games that is ridiculously simple in premise but mind numbingly difficult in reality.

my high score is only 698 :(

only thing that sucks is I made this sound effect for when you get a high score, and since it's so god damned hard to get a high score, no one ever gets to hear it.


I'm not sure I get what you're supposed to be doing. Instructions would be nice.

QFE. As great as the game is, it's unique concept pretty much demands at least an instructions page. It's a major oversight.

Other than that, wow, amazing work.


Ok, so I gave it another shot and figured out that you can get off the ground if you click the first one... but I for some reason, I can't really get higher than the third hook without it my weight pulling it down with me. Why is it that up close I can get lift, but not the distant ones?

I still don't really get it. Maybe I'm missing something really obvious? Seems like it would be pretty fun if I could figure out what I'm supposed to be doing.


Physics, man, physics! The strength of the pull from those balls (and consequentially, the strength of your pull on it) diminishes the further away you get from the balls. This is how gravity works! Thing is, you've also got a constant gravitational force pulling you to the ground. So, if you're too far from the ball, the "constant" pull to the ground is going to exceed the pull exerted by the ball, and you will fall.

And by the way, those of you complaining about not having instructions? Go play X3: Reunion. Then you can complain about a game lacking much-needed instructions. :-P

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