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I, too, had to ask about the PEARLS riddle. I could never get through that 3D maze... Incidentally, I had a friend who I asked about it, and he told me. Ah, the days before the Internet took over my life.

Oh, and I enjoyed vastly overspending at the luxury suite too.


Hehe, I managed the PEARLS by myself, (and yes I was as young as you all) I managed to beat all of the puzzles to get the clues, I always remember the 3d maze... Also how you can sneak past the reapers into the puzzle rooms if you're uber sneaky.


It's funny, though. As much as I love Geno, now that I've played the game again after all these years - there isn't really that much to him. He barely even has any speaking parts throughout the game.


I guess Geno was so cool beacsue of his backstory and his character design, I mean he just oozed cool all over, but even then I still think it was the most badass thing ever to have Bowser team up with you. I remember after that getting into Super Mario 64 and wondering what the hell Bowser was doing fighting Mario still, and it felt so out of date. I also remember playing Mario 64 at a Blockbuster and the lowest save file was 1 star and I just had to delete it because I thought they had gotten pretty far! But that was of course before I knew that Mario 64 had 120 stars instead of 7.


Geno also has the wicked cool ability to do 9999 damage with Geno whirl. You can take out the sword (Exor I think?) in one hit with that, it's just really hard to do. I'm pretty sure I've done it once though.

I love belome too, but being turned into a scarecrow sucks... especially if it happens to your whole party... at once... AARGH!


Played straight through it when it came out last week on the VC. Love Mario RPG especially the Lazy Shells. The game is practically over once you get them. Oh and the theme music to Nimbus Land, love the music in Nimbus Land.


Having Bowser on team was so cool. And Yes Geno oozed cool simply because of his design. Let's face it, he's one of the underdogs of gaming with a lot of fans. I mean, didn't we all want him in brawl? Yes. Did we get him, or, for that matter, anyone else we wanted in Brawl? No ('cept maybe Wolf :3). But I'm getting off topic.

What boss was the most difficult for you in SMRPG the first time?

For me? Yardovich. Probably the most difficlut in my opinion.

So, how many of you are just playing this for the first time now with Wii VC? Does the game still stand up to today's standards? I bought the game back when it came out and I'm still loving it!

I haven't played it on VC, but I still have my SNES and the original game. I may get it on VC just because it rocks.


SNES emulated on the PSP, so I play it at work when I have to stay the evening.

I don't know if I'll fight Culex again, but the fun is there for now. (and I have of course the original game with the Super Nes)

OH WOW. Forgot about that fight. That one MIGHT be tougher than Yardovich.

Yardovich is tough, but Axem Rangers take the cake (and no I'm not referring to the boss that is an actual cake in the game.)



I hate you now. I completely forgot about that one. And yet at the same time it makes me happy there's so many glorious games I can actually forget some of them.

Yes, FF6 truly is one of the best games ever. Hmm...maybe better than SMRPG...it definetley doesn't have as much magic as SMRPG, given, but better gameplay I must admit.

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