Compyfox Posted September 5, 2005 Posted September 5, 2005 1) KONTAKT 2 costs approximately $499 ($100 more) See here for some evidence. So what? You like paying more? Halion is only 399bucks as I mentioned earlier 2) I wasn't saying it CAN'T work as a VST or stand-alone I was just explaining that my reasons for not reading into are related to the fact I didn't like Cubase, that the very same Steinberg were behind. I know they practically invented VSTi technology, but that doesn't mean that my opinion of Cubase's tendency not to be as user-friendly as I'd like doesn't put me off their other products. Blah blah blah, bitch bitch bitch. That old "OMG $T3INBERG IS T3H EV1L F1RM BL00DSUKKAS" thing I can't even see anymore at KVRAudio either. You might be right that they did a lot of shit with Cubase. But hell... Halion is one of the stablest and simplest sampler I've seen out there. Halion, Kontakt. You're all just high on it cause it's "Native Instruments" - associated with Reaktor and stuff. And Steinberg is just an evil german bloodsucking firm that produces a shitty sequencer full of bugs and CPU hog and Fruity Loops is "teh shit!". (as if FL and especially NI isn't a CPU hog!) Yeah right. Again no hard feelings and if you like HALion that's great. I'm sure others find it to be a great sampler and would prefer it over others, including said KONTAKT 2. I might be interested too, I just haven't had the time to check it out yet and have already ordered KONTAKT 2 myself so I won't be until I have some extra cash. Then by all means I'll consider it. Well... A bit more patience and maybe a test at a local music store (or got a demo CD - I know that both Halion and Kontakt demos are out there!) would have given you a smaller headache. This way you blew out more than I did (well aside of the fact that I upgraded from a "used" version). You didn't even "try" to inform yourself cause you were disgusted by Steinberg and were all high on Native Instruments. For me, this is an end of discussion. 'nuff said. Sorry. Quote
JamesXIIC Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Erm.....okay you took that WAY too seriously. You said in your earlier post that "HALion was NOT cheaper than KONTAKT 2" then I gave evidence that it IS cheaper to try and SUPPORT your view that HALion might be a better option. Jeez....I even said myself in an earlier post that the fact HALion was cheaper was only a GOOD thing. Get your facts right please. I did not have a direct stab at you and was only suggesting my OPINION. I didn't say HALion IZ TEH EVIL!!!111 or anything of the sort. I'm sorry I prefer Native Instruments but after seeing people like zircon, and other people who use a lot of software synths and samplers, put it too good use and compliment it I have plenty of reasons to feel this way. As for a test in a local music gotta be joking...I live in Scotland. Stores around here don't do that sort of thing because there is a very little market for music software up here. Most places don't even STOCK HALion, nevermind let you go and try it out for free. Oh and don't go knocking FL Studio. I'm sorry I don't have shit-loads of cash to shell out for a program that's way beyond my head. FL is simple, I like things simple and that is why it appeals to me. And for your information, I like Cakewalk Pro Audio as well and FL is very similar to it in a lot of ways. And finally, I DID upgrade from a used version and got it for half price. You think that getting something for 50% of its RRP is retarded? Quote
Compyfox Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Usually I don't do this, but the demand comes up over and over. So this will be an exception from my side and I won't guarantee that the file(s) will be up in a couple of weeks anymore. So grab them while they're hot! I'm offering you: A free Piano and Harpsichord Collection in SF2 format that you can snag from my torrent tracker. Packed in RAR, around 252MB. Included are the following pianos: Clavinova (Yamaha) - 11,4MB/126,6MB EMU Pianos (Bösendorfer/Grand) - 4,2MB/8,4MB Hubbe VeloPiano (Classic/Generic/Jazz) - 13,4MB/22,7MB/28,9MB Maestro Malmsjö - 201MB NS Piano - 28,4MB Soeren Bovbjerg (Fiazioli Grand, Steinway C Grand, Steinway C Bright) - 17,2MB/11,5MB/30,3MB Splendid Grand - 138,1MB Warren Trachtman (Steinway) - 22,2MB Included are the following Harpsichords: Harpsichord (multi SF2 programmed FX patches) - 1,8MB Haunted Harpsichord SEC - 7,9MB I hope you enjoy that collection as there're some rare treasures among it. And don't forget to share, so leave your torrent open even after you snagged it! cheers *critism like "sukz bawlz" will be ignored - it's not my fault that you can't get the pianos/harsichord to sound good. EQ and effects are also a key to success. If you still don't like them, whatever the reason may be (not going into it here), buy some GIGA/AKAI samples or one of those many piano VSTi samplepacks out there* Quote
Monobrow Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 I love the splendid grand...It's all I use in everything I do, because it is really versatile. Which version of the splendid grand piano is that by the way? From what I know, there are two of can easily be found on the net (7.2 or something), but the other is almost impossible to find (3.6) (the earlier version). Anyway...I am looking for a really good sample (preferably sf2) of pizzicato strings...It seems like every set of them I have found is either stabbingly annoying and too strong, or just not pronounced enough...I need something in between. I have tried EQing the ones I already have, but there doesn't seem to be much improvement. So if anyone has the pizzicato strings samples to end all samples, please let me know. Thanks. Quote
Compyfox Posted September 11, 2005 Posted September 11, 2005 I have no idea which Splendid, nor can I check atm. Sorry. All I know is that I found it after long searches for SF2s and I was like "138MB? Gotta check that out. Nice layers! In the collection with it". EDIT: Just checked, seems to be the last version that came out. And if it's not - doesn't matter. Enough good material in the pack. EDIT2: I guess I'll take down the torrent tonight, as those beyatches who snag stuff doesn't seem to be able to share. Nice work folks... nice work. It's not my duty (alone) to offer the files, hell no. You had your chance. ¬_¬ Quote
Flamewave Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 EDIT2:I guess I'll take down the torrent tonight, as those beyatches who snag stuff doesn't seem to be able to share. Nice work folks... nice work. It's not my duty (alone) to offer the files, hell no. You had your chance. ¬_¬ I'm seeding it right now. I'll probably have to cap it when I play games, though, and I don't let the computer run while I sleep. Good collection, I might add. Quote
Chavous Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Ok, I'll seed as well (as soon as I get it). But I REALLY need a good wind (as in "it is a WINDY day out") soundfont, if anybody knows where to get on or has one it would be appreicated if you share your knowledge. Quote
Drack Posted October 12, 2005 Posted October 12, 2005 @ Compyfox: THANK YOU for providing this soundfont torrent! I'll be seeding it when I'm done downloading. Now, for my request: I'm looking for a dark and legato flute sound. Sf2 or wav doesn't matter. Thanks. Quote
Argitoth Posted October 13, 2005 Posted October 13, 2005 But I REALLY need a good wind (as in "it is a WINDY day out") soundfont Wha? A wind soundfont? Do you mean to say wind SFX? If yarr be willin to spend about $13 you can download some top quality SFX including all the wind you'll ever need. Note: The demos of course are low-encoded. What you buy are uncompressed wavs. They are really good, worth the money if you can't afford overused hollywood SFX. I could give you a wind sfx if you're nice and you tell me which ones you want from that website. SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE HELL IS WITH MOVIES USING THE SAME EXACT SFX OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN EVERY DAMN MOVIE, SOMETIMES EVEN GAMES DO THIS, IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN WILL SOMEONE CREATE SOME NEW SFX FOR THE MARKET!!! JEEZ DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /end rant Quote
Tyler Heath Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 it would be very ignorant and arrogant to claim that there are no wind (sfx) soundfont files anywhere, ever. this is yet another piece of evidence in favor of my many arguments against your sanity, arg. chavous, drop me an email/pm and I can hook you up with a wind soundfont. it's even free, whoodathunkt also arg, stop giving away (or offering to give away) commercial products. I'm pretty sure that's piracy. Quote
Argitoth Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 I don't think a soundfont is the best way to add SFX to your music. Uncompressed wav format is the right way to go because with wav you can cut it up and paste into different parts of your music. For some reason though, when I cut up a wav file and paste it into another file, the wav would lose lots of quality. (I was using Creative Wave Studio) So just make sure that when you cut it up you don't lose quality. To avoid this (if it happens) cut *EVERYTHING ELSE* away and save the piece you want so you avoid transferring a piece to another file. Get what I'm sayin? Original Wav: | | | | | Original Wav: | --NOT-- Original Wav: | | | | | New Wav: | | = a piece of the wav Edit: By the way, Unkown, could you hook me up with that wind soundfont? Quote
Tyler Heath Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 first of all, do you understand how soundfonts work, and have you ever used one? I'm not seeing why chopping up a wav would be more efficient when adding sfx when soundfonts can be set to play a different part of a wav for every key. Quote
Flamewave Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE HELL IS WITH MOVIES USING THE SAME EXACT SFX OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN EVERY DAMN MOVIE, SOMETIMES EVEN GAMES DO THIS, IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN WILL SOMEONE CREATE SOME NEW SFX FOR THE MARKET!!! JEEZ DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/end rant I think every mainstream sound effect in use today was made in the early 90's or prior. It was stale like five years ago. Quote
Tyler Heath Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 seriously, like that high-pitched guy-falls-off-a-ledge scream that's been in like every action movie? also, who cares if a sample is old or not if it gets the job done? personally, hearing that particular scream makes a movie all the more enjoyable for me - almost links the movie with the older ones. (also, if you're going to complain about something, try fixing the problem first) Quote
Chavous Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 first of all, do you understand how soundfonts work, and have you ever used one? I'm not seeing why chopping up a wav would be more efficient when adding sfx when soundfonts can be set to play a different part of a wav for every key. Because it really isn't the best way to do things. I used to do things like that before I started using FLStudio completely. Quote
Tyler Heath Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 wait, hold on - I can't tell which viewpoint you're supporting. Quote
Chavous Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 wait, hold on - I can't tell which viewpoint you're supporting. Ya, I have problems with being very vague....I support the soundfont sample side. By the way, I dropped you a line . Quote
Argitoth Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 It depends what kind of music you're making. If you're making an orchestral soundtrack and you need wind... well you'd have to use something better than modulated white noise via soundfont. For electronica, the synthesized noise is good of course. Quote
Tyler Heath Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 except that not all soundfonts are modulated white noise and are generally just wavs that aren't in wav form (see: FluidR3_GS.sf2)? seriously, you don't even understand what you're arguing against - just cut it out. Quote
LooPKiD Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 so cut the crap and lets get back ontopic.. I'm ever so lookin' for a Spanish Ac. Guit. please anyone direct me to a nice .sf2 or sample.. If I get that sample I'm gon' be god, lol Quote
Argitoth Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 ? no one is arguing. actually if you simply load the wav into a sampler it can act exactly like a soundfont. except that not all soundfonts are modulated white noise I'm talking about the one you presented vs the recordings on mi7libraries. Quote
Drack Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 Ok, I'll seed as well (as soon as I get it).But I REALLY need a good wind (as in "it is a WINDY day out") soundfont, if anybody knows where to get on or has one it would be appreicated if you share your knowledge. Synth1 gives you a wind effect, though it's a VSTi, not a "soundfont." Check it out. Quote
suzumebachi Posted October 19, 2005 Posted October 19, 2005 so cut the crap and lets get back ontopic..I'm ever so lookin' for a Spanish Ac. Guit. please anyone direct me to a nice .sf2 or sample.. If I get that sample I'm gon' be god, lol if i recall there's a pretty good spanish guitar in Plugsound Free. it's a VSTi though, if you have a problem with that... Quote
LooPKiD Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 so cut the crap and lets get back ontopic..I'm ever so lookin' for a Spanish Ac. Guit. please anyone direct me to a nice .sf2 or sample.. If I get that sample I'm gon' be god, lol if i recall there's a pretty good spanish guitar in Plugsound Free. it's a VSTi though, if you have a problem with that... OMFG I WORSHIP U this is niceeeeeeeeeeeee :D after so long I finally found a suitable spanish guit.. +2 for you suzumebachi Quote
Drack Posted October 22, 2005 Posted October 22, 2005 Still need a flute / pan flute. Also looking for a reverse cymbal that doesn't suddenly cut off (like the R. cymbal sample I'm using now, it's just a regular cymbal hit, backwards). What would be even cooler would be a reverse bass drum / snare like Iron Maiden did in their song Renegade. Quote
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