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Bungie released videos:


Youtube version:


Notice that one of words in trailer was "Danger: Flood Zone"

It looks like we are back on earth and the flood has screwed it over.

Common rumour is this is Halo 3's expansion.

But another question is. What ship is that at 22 seconds (before the big blue flash) into the trailer while the drop pods are coming down?


I'm seriously starting to think the magazines got paid to rate Halo that high. Seriously, the Halo series is NOT that big a deal. Barely anything innovative. Half-life is a far superior FPS and actually innovates in its own ways. Granted Halo multiplayer can be fun at times but the only games I actually buy for multiplayer are Fighting games (Brawl FTW). Considering Halo's Campaign...yeah.


actually if anything halo is basically unimaginative people trying to smoosh together half-life and doom

granted the story eventually did become interesting but gameplay wise yeah it's pretty much subpar


Hmm, I don't really consider myself barbaric, the thing about halo that drew me to it that no other fps has was an interest in the aliens, their society, the story too, even if the story isn't extremely obvious and spoon fed to the player, but it is there.

I never got a chance to read the books, but I had a friend give me a run down on them and they sounded pretty enjoyable. Maybe some day I'll have the time and money to read them myself.

I never saw the big deal about this series beyond multi player. That was always fun.

Neither did I. There wasnt much change in game-play from halo2 vs halo3. But we still had our online play.

Lucky for me, i misplaced my halo3. So have fun with the expansion. ^^. I for one will be playing some Fable or something.


yeah, I like how its either one or another. ha. I'm Big a fan of Halo 3. but as such, I was hoping more of a continuation of the story line.

Either as another Halo. although Bungie themselves said there won't be another Halo.

Or as a spin off, since MC and Cortana wouldn't be on a halo structure. maybe that shield world, thats at the end of the legendary ending. where it would be more of a survival/horror/adventure game where MC is by himself with only Cortana to guide him.

I will play it still, don't know if I'll be willing to pay too much for it. I didn't like campaign so much... but thats just my personal opinion.


Or as a spin off, since MC and Cortana wouldn't be on a halo structure. maybe that shield world, thats at the end of the legendary ending. where it would be more of a survival/horror/adventure game where MC is by himself with only Cortana to guide him.

How is that different to the majority of Halo 1?

  • 4 weeks later...

When I first saw the trailer I immediately thought ODST... In either case, I will buy it and play it. I don't have time for many games these days, and Halo is FPS I get the most into when it comes right down to it. I may as well continue my investment in the franchise, it has been good thus far.

I totally agree with the comment earlier about a bunch of storyline in the books that **should** have made it into the games. Would have been wicked!

How is that different to the majority of Halo 1?

From what I understand, this new game has a stronger emphasis on stealth, maybe he's talking about that.

And I wouldn't mind seeing some stealth in Halo.

Off topic, I liked multiplayer in Halo 2 better than Halo 3. Mostly the maps and options. Not that the tweaks in Halo 3 weren't good, I just liked Halo 2 better. Not to mention I LOVE the single/co-op campaign in Halo 2. Can't recall how many times I went through it.


So, my excitement has grown much colder as of late. Now that this is just going to come on yet another disc, and isn't going to have as extensive a campaign as Halo 3, it seems like more of a rip-off than anything. Why do I want to play as some generic recon soldier? Why do I want to drop another (probable) $60 for shorter campaign, few new multiplayer leves, and a tweaked forge? Bungie has left a bad taste in my mouth. -_-

How is that different to the majority of Halo 1?
From what I understand, this new game has a stronger emphasis on stealth, maybe he's talking about that.

And I wouldn't mind seeing some stealth in Halo.

Off topic, I liked multiplayer in Halo 2 better than Halo 3. Mostly the maps and options. Not that the tweaks in Halo 3 weren't good, I just liked Halo 2 better. Not to mention I LOVE the single/co-op campaign in Halo 2. Can't recall how many times I went through it.

My question wasn't towards the game itself. FuriousFure said "where it would be more of a survival/horror/adventure game where MC is by himself with only Cortana to guide him."

That sounds a lot like the description of Halo 1 don't you think? :P

As for multiplayer. I actually like Halo 1's multiplayer despite being offline only. It felt solid and slow. Ever since Halo 2, it's felt tedious, fast pace and like every other FPS out there.

On topic for the game. I hope it adds the stealth based things Bungie said they were planning in Halo 2 a while back. Love games like Splinter Cell (the first 3).

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