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On illidan I get around 600-800 which is pretty nasty. But playable with the help of some addons.

I wasn't online on wow yesterday but once I get in I'll give you guys a shout.

What addons? I could probably use some. I usually get 400-600 on Illidan. Unless I'm in Dalaran or Alterac Valley, then it goes up to about 12,000.

My FPS is starting to go through shit now when I go in Dalaran. That's a shitload of people in there now.

Dammit you guys, level faster! xD

I got an email today that I need to get all my assets out ASAP. I probably won't be on until Wednesday-Thursday, though I'm probably gonna log on for a bit now :o

starla probably won't be on until Wednesday or Thursday either :(((((((9999


This thread totally didn't fall to the 2nd page. I'm totally not bumping this.

Getting achievements from heroics is both a lot of fun and cussing. But I really want a proto-drake <3

Edit: I think the other WoW thread got eaten away or something. I blame Arthas.

This thread totally didn't fall to the 2nd page. I'm totally not bumping this.

Getting achievements from heroics is both a lot of fun and cussing. But I really want a proto-drake <3

Edit: I think the other WoW thread got eaten away or something. I blame Arthas.

Need a new WoW thread anyway. One that keeps better track of where people are (server wise) since the guy who made that one disapeared.


I don't have a character on this server and I don't really want to transfer one of my higher level character over from another server, in case my other friends suddenly change their mind and come back to the game.

I'm tempted to just start leveling a character up there to 55 then switch over to a Death Knight.

Yuppp just read that. Incoming 50 DKs on Illidan.

In that case, I'm not going to waste my time playing a leveling character.

Just because I'm bored, I created a priest named Tillak on the server.

P.S. What's Digiheals doing in Eversong Woods, anyway?

In that case, I'm not going to waste my time playing a leveling character.

Just because I'm bored, I created a priest named Tillak on the server.

P.S. What's Digiheals doing in Eversong Woods, anyway?

LOL Nate has been achievement whoring lately. He's part of me and starla's 5-man heroic group.

Also: starla and Vile are pretty in charge of the ginvites, but if you message me I can hop on an alt and add you too. I'm on my main pretty much 24-7


I has a suprise for j00 Val :3


hey illikids:

I really got tired of just changing the URL everytime I wanted to armory someone on Illidan, so I made a Firefox search plugin so I can just use that.

It's here:


The HTML page is really just a formality to get it to install. To actually install it you just click the drop-down menu in the plugin' field, and then go to the bottom to where it says "install".

Should work from there.

only works for Illidan, btw.



I has a suprise for j00 Val :3

Wut? Do I know of said surprise? Was it the same surprise that was supposed to happen tonight too?

BTW, it's still worth rolling a toon, mainly if it's gonna be a healer (or tank if it's a DK). Even with the amount of DKs around, not that many end up tanking, the same way druids and pallies aren't all tanking (or healing). Either you won't be able to find a healer before a while or it'll be a tank missing to have a full group.

Edit: and not that many DKs are running around end-game actually. Not more than any other dps class. A lot get discouraged by how "hard" they are (just takes a while to get at a decent level skillwise) and because it takes more than 2-3 buttons to mash each time.

Wut? Do I know of said surprise? Was it the same surprise that was supposed to happen tonight too?

BTW, it's still worth rolling a toon, mainly if it's gonna be a healer (or tank if it's a DK). Even with the amount of DKs around, not that many end up tanking, the same way druids and pallies aren't all tanking (or healing). Either you won't be able to find a healer before a while or it'll be a tank missing to have a full group.

Edit: and not that many DKs are running around end-game actually. Not more than any other dps class. A lot get discouraged by how "hard" they are (just takes a while to get at a decent level skillwise) and because it takes more than 2-3 buttons to mash each time.

It was that I'mma lady now :3


Have my old 40-something Pally that can be transferred should I renew my account. May start an entirely new toon just because I took a liking to Priests last time I was playing.

I'm a bit more inclined to play Alliance though, just because that's where I have been for awhile. Is there a counterpart to this guild on that side?


I am taking a break from Warhammer to try and give WoW one more chance. My friend wants me to play again so we can do arena again. Leveling takes so damn long though. My old account i had a 70 Hunter and 50 Priest on Detheroc. Right now i have a 40 Dran Priest on Mannoroth. I have a 40 Blood Elf too from earlier this year. I am determined to level a priest.

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