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Lol. With the complete lack of healers anywhere I go, a priest would be a popular group choice, at least if you like healing :-P

Meanwhile I want this patch out! Major ele sham buffs galore! From fire totems to revamping a ton of talents, I see nothing but good so far.

<3 playing on a server with queue times when I try to get some time in an hour before going to bed.

yeeaaaaaa. It comes and goes, but it's really not all that common.

Look on the bright side...when you DO get more time in you will with...4 NEW NETHERWEAVE BAGS.

I know. I know. I'm too much, but really it was nothing. Really. The pleasure was all mine.


Arena LOL

Most matches are literally over within a matter of seconds after they start. Burst damage is so dominant it makes healers and casters (sole exception being arcane mages) redundant. Warlocks are completely shut out from having a chance to stay competetive, with not a single 'lock in the top 100. Hunters and shamans are barely hanging in there.

Blizzard's original plan was to make arena participation mandatory to get any type of PvP gear, but they changed it at the last second without even making an announcement.


...actually there are two :P

That's besides the point though. I've hated arena from the start, it's TOO limiting. The whole concept is wasted upon the fact that a few types of groups dominate, and the rest are stuck by the wayside. Also note the number of pallies up at the top...

The new gear they listed in the forums for S5 all had only to do with arena ratings. There seems to be little said about the rest of the battleground people and the honor they rack up (SotA gear, anyone?).The thing is, though, AFK people in BGs don't deserve better gear...that should be high priority for PvP work.

hey illikids:

I really got tired of just changing the URL everytime I wanted to armory someone on Illidan, so I made a Firefox search plugin so I can just use that.

It's here:


The HTML page is really just a formality to get it to install. To actually install it you just click the drop-down menu in the plugin' field, and then go to the bottom to where it says "install".

Should work from there.

only works for Illidan, btw.

Okay, what drop-down menu are we talking about?


As an inscriptionist, Major Glyphs seem to be common, while Minor Glyphs are rare because you can only learn one at random every 20 hours. There appears to be 60 minor glyphs total, 6 per class.

The other restriction seems to be that I can not learn any inscriptions that I do not yet have the ability to make. This means that I probably won't learn any DK minor inscriptions until my Inscription is at least 275.

Having said that, I can currently make the following Minor Glyphs:

Death Knight:

None yet. See above as to why.


Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth


Glyph of Revive Pet

Glyph of Scare Beast

Glyph of Mend Pet


Glyph of Fire Ward

Glyph of Frost Armor


Glyph of Blessing of Kings (new 12/30)

Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom


Glyph of Fading (new 12/26)


Glyph of Blurred Speed

Glyph of Pick Lock (new 12/28 )


Glyph of Ghost Wolf (new 12/31)


Glyph of Drain Soul

Glyph of Kilrogg (new 12/27)

Glyph of Unending Breath (new 12/25)


None yet.

If you need any of these, let me know.

I can also do any Major Glyph requiring Inscription 140 or less. Ask me (Tillak) in-game and I can link you the list.

  • 2 weeks later...
Did anybody else have trouble getting the 35g for their first mount?

Nope, but then again, I was using the Auctioneer addon to determine the optimum price to sell each green for. I had just over 100g before I hit level 30.

P.S. I haven't been on much recently... I've been dealing with some real life events, plus reinstalling the OS on my computer.

Nope, but then again, I was using the Auctioneer addon to determine the optimum price to sell each green for. I had just over 100g before I hit level 30.

P.S. I haven't been on much recently... I've been dealing with some real life events, plus reinstalling the OS on my computer.

Dude, I struggle getting 5 gold, I'm not real good at wow yet, other than grinding now

And I would totally use addons, but i have no idea how, like i download them, and then i have no idea how to use them

Dude, I struggle getting 5 gold, I'm not real good at wow yet, other than grinding now

And I would totally use addons, but i have no idea how, like i download them, and then i have no idea how to use them

This particular addon, once you place it in your Addons directory, adds a few new buttons and tabs to the Auction House interface. The Scan button is one such new button.

However, this addon is pretty useless unless you spend time scanning the auction house with it. This takes roughly 20-25 minutes on Illidain.

I usually do it once every day that I'm on. I usually start it, then tab out of WoW to do something else for a bit.

After a few days, you tend to get a good history of prices on the server, then you can use the Appraise tab to determine a good price for items.

Illidain has an expensive economy, which you can use to your advantage: green and blue items, even low level ones, sell for a LOT of money on the auction house. Some common items do too. I was selling stacks of 20x[Wool Cloth] for somewhere around 8g.

This particular addon, once you place it in your Addons directory, adds a few new buttons and tabs to the Auction House interface. The Scan button is one such new button.

However, this addon is pretty useless unless you spend time scanning the auction house with it. This takes roughly 20-25 minutes on Illidain.

I usually do it once every day that I'm on. I usually start it, then tab out of WoW to do something else for a bit.

After a few days, you tend to get a good history of prices on the server, then you can use the Appraise tab to determine a good price for items.

Illidain has an expensive economy, which you can use to your advantage: green and blue items, even low level ones, sell for a LOT of money on the auction house. Some common items do too. I was selling stacks of 20x[Wool Cloth] for somewhere around 8g.

Holy shit

Thats like the perfect advice that i needed

I think I'll have enough gold by the time i hit 30 now

  • 4 weeks later...

Had to dig pretty deep to find this one.

Is the Illidan guild still around? Now that DKs are open to any server, I'd be happy to join given that I no longer have to plug away 30 hours killing boars and doing chores just to play with other people.

Had to dig pretty deep to find this one.

Is the Illidan guild still around? Now that DKs are open to any server, I'd be happy to join given that I no longer have to plug away 30 hours killing boars and doing chores just to play with other people.

Queues on Illidan are pretty much gone (from what I've experienced, plus they've re-opened it for transfers so I assume we're prettyy well under capacity now). The guild is still around, and is actually getting pretty big now. Quite a few people have xferred over/started playing and between my personal guild of IRL friends and the community guild we have a pretty formidable force.

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