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The Zerg are not yucky, the Zerg are legion, and they control your soul. So basically, Starcraft 2 has gone from one unbelievably massive and cumbersome game that they probably would have trimmed to keep the size down to 3 massive and awesome games that have free reign to fully explore each campaign the way Blizzard wanted.

Honestly, look at it this way: If Blizzard had trimmed the campaigns to make Starcraft 2 workable as a single game, you would've ended up with two expansion packs anyways in order to finish out the original vision and story they had for the game. All they're really doing is being upfront about it and giving themselves creative room to breathe with each race.

Your multiplayer is completely intact, in every version of the game. Your single player will be bigger, better executed and more robust due to the split. You will pay for whatever version you want, or you will pay for all three. Blizzard is not forcing you to do anything. Furthermore, they aren't doing anything different than what they've done with every other game they've ever released on PC: they announced the game and 2 expansion packs. For some reason the fact that they did it all at once is pissing people off. Don't ask me why.


Ok so they ARE expansions now. Meaning the whole package won't be $150, but closer to $100.

...That's what I was gonna say, but then I remembered that the two expansions for WoW are $50 each.

So yes this pretty much fucks over anyone who only wants to play the Zerg or Protoss campaign. Although why you'd want to jump into the middle of the story instead of starting at the beginning is beyond me.

Also ugly. They are ugly and boring and play pretty generically.

Insult the Terrans one more time. I will bunker hunker your ass into oblivion. 4 marines in a steel lined hole in the dirt, handing your ASS to you from the comfort of their own home. And two SCVs laughing at whatever you try to do while they repair all the damage. Ugly and boring and generic my ass.

Insult the Terrans one more time. I will bunker hunker your ass into oblivion. 4 marines in a steel lined hole in the dirt, handing your ASS to you from the comfort of their own home. And two SCVs laughing at whatever you try to do while they repair all the damage. Ugly and boring and generic my ass.

I send in a few Guardians in a staggered formation. Once your bunkers are gone, the marines will run straight into their icky yellow bullet things.

Then you'll sen in some Wraiths, I'll send in Mutilisks, you'll send in Golis, I'll send in waves of Zerlings, you'll send in Ghosts or something, blah, blah, blah...

I send in a few Guardians in a staggered formation. Once your bunkers are gone, the marines will run straight into their icky yellow bullet things.

Then you'll sen in some Wraiths, I'll send in Mutilisks, you'll send in Golis, I'll send in waves of Zerlings, you'll send in Ghosts or something, blah, blah, blah...

Basically correct, except I never ever send in just one unit. I'd be far more likely to have those bunkers backed by an assload of air defense towers, 10 at the very least, along with the wraiths and Goliaths for air combat and Mutalisk management. Hopefully that would fend off the leading edge of most attacks. Then about 24 to 36 firebats to deal with the Zerglings and however many marines I could afford for whatever's left over. I also hardly ever use ghosts, I find them to be a terribly overrated unit.


Even if they are "expansions", they won't be less than 40 bucks on release. Plus the first installment will probably be 50. So there is no way you're getting this for closer than 100 really. Its still gonna run probably 130+.

Each new single player campaign will come with upgrades and changes to the multiplayer.

This is starting to sound like all the multi-player in each "expansion" or "game" or what ever you want to call these won't be compatible with each other.

Starting to have doubts towards this game I was looking really forward to.


Up next, Blizzard reveals that Diablo III will be a septology, divided up between the eventual seven characters. There will be one main game with the Barbarian, followed by six expansions for the other characters, each including a new level, character specific weapons, one new move for the original Barbarian pack, and a fuzzy sweater for the eventual eighth part of the game, Petz.

After that, Blizzard will release Johnny Long-Torso, the man who comes in pieces.


I still don't see how this is so vastly different than Broodwars or Frozen Throne... the differences that matter to me are all positive (e.g. more intimate look into each race, unique gameplay elements for each). Is that just because I don't have time to play all bajillion missions in one year, or because I'm mostly looking forward to the map editor (which will most likely improve with each expansion)?? Naw, I'm probably just insane :tomatoface:

Up next, Blizzard reveals that Diablo III will be a septology, divided up between the eventual seven characters. There will be one main game with the Barbarian, followed by six expansions for the other characters, each including a new level, character specific weapons, one new move for the original Barbarian pack, and a fuzzy sweater for the eventual eighth part of the game, Petz.

After that, Blizzard will release Johnny Long-Torso, the man who comes in pieces.



You all know you're buying it anyways. It's like bitching about gas prices. Or having to buy toilet paper. You HAVE to have it, you can't live without it. The Starcraft II Trilogy is to your computer as oxygen is to life. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

You all know you're buying it anyways. It's like bitching about gas prices. Or having to buy toilet paper. You HAVE to have it, you can't live without it. The Starcraft II Trilogy is to your computer as oxygen is to life. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

I've never played up to the half-way point in the Terran campaign, and I'm still here :-D


I played through all the Terran campaign... Then started losing interest half way during the Zerg campaign. Then cheated all the way to the end from there. But that was so many years ago when I was much much younger heh.

The map editor and multiplayer was the best thing about the game though. When I get SC2, I'm thinking of making a map that lets players control one unit or hero unit and they are in a space station. It would be like a survival mission, escaping the swarm of Zerg. Heh.

I've never played up to the half-way point in the Terran campaign, and I'm still here :-D

That's because it's like Foxdie. You don't KNOW when it'll get you. One of these days you could just be making an omelette, and all of a sudden you'll feel your heart start to flutter. You'll slowly crumple to the floor, clutching your chest. Minutes later, writhing in unimaginable agony, you will arch your back and scream your last scream, and as your final breath wrenches your soul from your chest and begins its final journey, you will whisper...

Should... have finished... Starcraft...

And then you'll die.


Way to kill it Coop...


Finished SC and BW long ago, can't wait for the trilogy to come out.

In reference to Shadow Wolf, try comparing missing out actually completing Starcraft and BroodWar with the painful fact that most people, especially the younger ones, will likely think of MegasXLR's "Coop" over Alice Cooper when they see your name...

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