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Posted (edited)
I need price suggestions.

I want to sell my kinda-sorta brand new Xbox(was just repaired 2 months ago from Red Lights) without the hard drive, an extra controller, and my wireless network adapter.(Official XBox brand)

I was thinking of pricing it at $425.

you've basically got a refurbished arcade system (200 brand new, but not a jasper so closer to 175) with a (resale value wired/wireless) 20/35$ controller and a (resale value) 50-60$ wireless adapter. to be honest, if you paid 425 for the entire thing originally, you paid too much since the current street value of this stuff brand new is 200+40/50+80, around 320-330 depending on the controller.

425 is too much. 350 is too much, too, obviously. closer to 275 or so, depending on the type of controller. do the math.

what kind of 360 is it? that makes a big difference. if it's a jasper (12.1a on the back sticker above the power plug hole), then it's worth more than a falcon (14.2) or one of the two original models (16.5). also, did it get a new drive or just a firmware update? that's easy to tell if you can determine what kind of drive you've got. pull the front faceplate off by yanking on the usb port hole (doesn't void a warranty). underneath the numbers '360' should be an oval hole. if it's got red wires and a bit of circuit board OR a blackish divot and no real hole, it's a samsung or hitachi drive. they're noisy and prone to failure. worth less, came with the two earlier versions of 360s. if it's two white wires in the hole, it's a Benq, worth more. still noisy, but not like a vaccuum cleaner. pretty reliable. worth an average amount. if it's two yellow wires, it's a Lite-On, and that means that it has to be a jasper. they're super-quiet, and if you're not stupid they won't RROD. worth the most, currently.

Edited by prophetik music
Posted (edited)

I don't know.

I was checking eBay a few days ago and I saw just about the same thing as I was selling except the adapter for about the same price if not higher.

Except games were put with their selling item.

I think it's pretty reasonable.

If I were to take $30(10 GB HD[Premium]) off the actual price of the console for $270 and add the retail price of the controller and the adapter it would come up to $420.

Who knows. People on eBay will buy anything.

Edited by Hum4n After All
Posted (edited)
I don't know.

I was checking eBay a few days ago and I saw just about the same thing as I was selling except the adapter for about the same price if not higher.

Except games were put with their selling item.

I think it's pretty reasonable.

If I were to take $30(10 GB HD[Premium]) off the actual price of the console for $270 and add the retail price of the controller and the adapter it would come up to $420.

Who knows. People on eBay will buy anything.

the only difference between the (currently 300$) premium and the arcade is the games and the hard drive. you're offering neither, therefore it isn't a premium anymore. it's and arcade.

plus, those ones on ebay aren't refurbs, probably. plus, you're selling it to us, not some loser ebayer in cali who doesn't do anything all day. so we'd assume you'd give us a reasonable deal rather than shilling us.

Edited by prophetik music

i gave you a suggestion in my post. read it, and you'll see that, although some basic math is required. use your eyes, rookie.

you've basically got a refurbished arcade system (200 brand new, but not a jasper so closer to 175) with a (resale value wired/wireless) 20/35$ controller and a (resale value) 50-60$ wireless adapter. to be honest, if you paid 425 for the entire thing originally, you paid too much since the current street value of this stuff brand new is 200+40/50+80, around 320-330 depending on the controller.

425 is too much. 350 is too much, too, obviously. closer to 275 or so, depending on the type of controller. do the math


list, yeah, but this is used. you can buy used ones at several sites for around 80 bucks. since i would hope he isn't charging that much, another 10$ off for ocr members isn't that big.

edit: i must be still out of it, just woke up. what apparently awesome internet bullshit did i miss?

Well no duh I saw your post.

Why else would I quote it?

It's the fact you said "you're selling it to us."

Did you not understand what I was implying?

Did you use your eyes?

I'm just going to say, since prophet lists all the sales and wants. He doesn't have to list yours, if he does not want to. I got the same thing he got from it. Your selling it to the OCR Community, of whom wants to buy it. Don't be so arrogant.

Anyways, more on topic. Anybody looking for some NES game? I need money. :3


I would love to get a copy of the "100 Classic Book Collection" for DS. I assume it's entirely in English. Lol, actually, this is something I thought of a year or so ago, and hoped they would make. Then I found out they DID... :P

SO anyways, would anyone be able to snag me one? I'm in Canada, so SHipping and Handling will be pricey :(

I'm just going to say, since prophet lists all the sales and wants. He doesn't have to list yours, if he does not want to. I got the same thing he got from it. Your selling it to the OCR Community, of whom wants to buy it. Don't be so arrogant.

Anyways, more on topic. Anybody looking for some NES game? I need money. :3

thanks for laying down the law, halt. some people think it's my duty to run this. i'm doing this simply to help people out.

overflow, you're listed.

thanks for laying down the law, halt. some people think it's my duty to run this. i'm doing this simply to help people out.

overflow, you're listed.

anytime prophet.

You wouldn't happen to know someone interested in nes games? I really do need money ;P

Posted (edited)

Could you remove the following from my list:



Banjo-Kazooie [abadoss]


Mega Man 1/2/3/5/6 [abadoss]

(Keep Mega Man 4 on the list, though...)


Secret of Monkey Island (CD) [abadoss]

Secret of Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (CD if it exists, must include Wheel of Mojo) [abadoss]

Curse of Monkey Island [abadoss]

Loom (CD) [abadoss]

(I found out I can run all of these off of ScummVM...)

:::music compact discs:::

Sting - Sacred Love [abadoss]

Edited by Abadoss

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