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I'm really not interested in another protagonist with another set of witty one liners who utilizes another amazing doohicky giving him special abilities, tasked with saving another kingdom from another thousand years of darkness.

And no death=no skill. That's why I beat Prey in one go and never touched it again.


I'm hesitant. Ubisoft Montreal has been doing terrible lately. I thought that Assassin's Creed was average, and Far Cry 2 was terrible. I'll definitely be renting this first, but I'm hoping for the best, since SoT was one of my favorite games ever.

I'm really not interested in another protagonist with another set of witty one liners who utilizes another amazing doohicky giving him special abilities, tasked with saving another kingdom from another thousand years of darkness.

And no death=no skill. That's why I beat Prey in one go and never touched it again.

Then you should probably stop playing videogames cause that's most of it

And also there are no witty one liners, they got rid of that after the emopunk second one. I feel its obvious you've played the other games in the series though so I bow to your superiority there

EDIT: also to plastikbag, i agree on assassin's creed but i have yet to hear a bad word about far cry 2 that surprises me. Anyhoo i'm wishing for the best as well

Then you should probably stop playing videogames cause that's most of it

And also there are no witty one liners, they got rid of that after the emopunk second one. I feel its obvious you've played the other games in the series though so I bow to your superiority there

EDIT: also to plastikbag, i agree on assassin's creed but i have yet to hear a bad word about far cry 2 that surprises me. Anyhoo i'm wishing for the best as well

What do you mean? Have you played Far Cry 2? The whole driving for miles and constantly respawning guard posts killed any enjoyment I was getting from the game. That and the missions are pretty much all the same. I just couldn't take it anymore.

That said, I think that both Assassin's Creed and Far Cry 2 had some great ideas, but they just fell short due to repetition and bad level/quest design. Seeing that the new PoP is going for the whole "open world" approach, I'm very hesitant.

What do you mean? Have you played Far Cry 2? The whole driving for miles and constantly respawning guard posts killed any enjoyment I was getting from the game.

I didn't play the game, you're right. I was saying I hadn't heard any negative feedback from it, but you have me convinced to skip it by that.

I didn't play the game, you're right. I was saying I hadn't heard any negative feedback from it, but you have me convinced to skip it by that.

Well, I wouldn't want to be the opinion that discourages you from playing the game. But I'd definitely rent it before getting it, if you're considering it at all. It got great reviews from the big reviewers, but it seems like users didn't like it quite as much.


I have not played the Sands of Time trilogy, so the new Prince of Persia will be completely fresh to me. I like the art style and art style goes a long way with me.

I personally really enjoyed Assassin's Creed fully admitting the whole time that it was repetitive as hell. I thought the best thing about it was that it had a great balance of gameplay versus story. The story was just present enough to keep me hooked and wanting to complete the next objective in order to discover what would happen next.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Picked this up today. So far, I'm liking it. Never played any of the Prince of Persia games prior to this so I can't compare. The running around and the acrobatics remind me of Assassin's Creed and Mirror's Edge, just not as much skill is involved. Not much skill is needed at all, actually. All of the fights are pretty easy. I can take out a baddie in one extended combo that's 11 button presses long. The game is so much fun to look at, though. It's getting kind of repetitive now, but it's not too bad. Probably a renter for most of you guys.


I like the art style for it a lot.

I haven't finished sands of time yet (Okami kind of usurped it for my interest over the summer), but I found the game play enjoyable and the characters amusing.

I want to play with this one, if only to stare at the nice stylized graphics. I don't normally care about graphics, but stuff like this that makes the game seem like playable artwork really hold my attention easily.


I've really kind of wanted to try this game but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out what genre of game it is. I've watched trailers, seen commercials, and everything just looks like one big cutscene to me.

I was a huge fan of the original PoP I and II, but have a feeling that even though I may want to like this game it just may not be for me

gamespot gave it an 8...but said it was stupid easy.

That's because it is stupid easy. You don't even have to think to do anything. Nothing in this game is even remotely difficult, and it requires no brain power to play.

The controls bother me a lot, probably because I'm coming to this game right after having played Mirror's Edge. There are too many moves on just one button, and the game assumes too much as to what you're trying to do. There's also no momentum when you're running around, which again is really weird after playing Mirror's Edge since everything in that game is based on having enough momentum to keep moving.

The thing I hate the most is the combat, because most of the time I don't feel like I'm in control of the character at all. The game tells you when to block, and if you try to do something else, you're fucked. It tells you to press a button, and you have to do it or else you're fucked. The prince moves really awkwardly in battles, and half the time when you press a button to attack he takes a year and a half to swing the sword, by which time your enemy has already hit you. I wish they would just use a fighting system that has worked well in the past (like Sands of Time) and just used that instead of trying to come up with this new fighting system. I absolutely hate it, it's slow and clunky.

The plot makes the game really repetitive; here's a map with healing grounds! Great job, you've healed one land. Now go to the other TWENTY THREE of them, and fight a monster and collect light seeds. GOOD JOB, YOU WIN THE GAME. It's just about as repetitive as Assassins Creed. Actually it's probably even more repetitive, cause at least in Assassins Creed you get to wake up from your DNA memory dream every once in awhile and do something different.

That being said, I've always liked Prince of Persia games; Prince of Persia was the first game I played when I was five years old on our old mac computer. I've owned pretty much every Prince of Persia game since then and this is the first one that I really haven't like that much. I'm still playing it, and I plan on finishing it, since I spent the money on it.


I haven't had much trouble with the combat. The button pressing is like in God of War and The Force Unleashed, where you have to press a certain button fast enough to counter an attack or to save yourself. It's all of the combos that I love. So fun to pull off. Also, I think you can turn off all the hints so the "Press Block" message doesn't come up.

Picked this up today. So far, I'm liking it. Never played any of the Prince of Persia games prior to this so I can't compare. The running around and the acrobatics remind me of Assassin's Creed and Mirror's Edge, just not as much skill is involved. Not much skill is needed at all, actually. All of the fights are pretty easy. I can take out a baddie in one extended combo that's 11 button presses long. The game is so much fun to look at, though. It's getting kind of repetitive now, but it's not too bad. Probably a renter for most of you guys.

Do yourself a favor and play Sands of Time. You don't have to play the entire Trilogy, just SoT. The story, characters, and storytelling are some of the best I've ever encountered in a videogame. And the game is actually somewhat challenging. It's truly a classic that you shouldn't miss out on.

Anyway, I haven't picked up this new PoP yet, mostly because I've been quite disappointed with Ubisoft Montreal's more recent games. So far, its sounding like I'll be disappointed in this as well. I'll probably rent it when I find the time though.


Love it. I have one problem though: I'm playing this on my PS3 and The games on PS2 neededyou to press R2 to wallrun. Most of the time when i try to wallrun I automatically press R2 on the PS3 gamepad and plunge into a black hole of hell... lol.


I love this game, though I can bitch about it a lot if I wanted to. I really like the art style, the music, and the character interactions. I've got about 3 more areas to clear tonight before I beat it, so I'll probably hold further comments till I'm done. I'm actually surprised about how long this game is. A lot of it is backtracking finding light seeds, but its still got a ton of environments.

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