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Street Fighter II HD Remix Reviews! (IGN: 8.7, 1UP: A+, GamesRadar: 10/10, Gamespot: 8.5/10)

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Also, nobody's really mentioned it in this thread, but this game is available on the Playstation 3 as well. Just to like, y'know, let people know there's a sort of a non-xbox option there.

Lol I was thinking that highlighted piece of text was a link.

Silly me.

And yay to more people being exposed to OCR's music!


Slightly off-topic can anyone direct me to a tutorial or has the gaming wisdom to enable someone from EU territories (me) to purchase content from the US PSN store? I know making an account isn't too difficult but to actually pay for US content from my UK account? Hate these constantly dire PAL delays. No confirmation on its release date anywhere outside the US either.

Slightly off-topic can anyone direct me to a tutorial or has the gaming wisdom to enable someone from EU territories (me) to purchase content from the US PSN store? I know making an account isn't too difficult but to actually pay for US content from my UK account? Hate these constantly dire PAL delays. No confirmation on its release date anywhere outside the US either.

I looked around out of curiousity, and it would seem the most common method is to use a service like Entropay. Evidently what it does is you create an account with Entropay and purchase a certain amount of credit via their site. Then it creates a virtual VISA or Mastercard for you, presumably just choose USD as your currency when you sign up. Then you use THAT card to purchase wallet points off the PSN. The PSN will ping Entropay's site to confirm the card, and withdraw the funds you've deposited with Entropay. So you don't spend any more money, you just insert a middleman to make it think you're using a US card. Evidently Entropay also charges 5% per transaction, but for a 15.00 game, that's a few more cents. Just throw 20 on there and you should be set.

NOTE: Don't come crying to me if this doesn't work, but it sounds legitimate.


Thanks for the heads up Shadowwolf but I am aware of this method too. I am not too comfortable with it to be honest so I may as well wait for the damn PAL release. I have briefly played it at the Eurogamer convention in London about a month ago and it plays sweet. Wanted to hear OCR contributions but the event was too loud. Looking forward to the soundtrack release. Also to echo what DJp said, I do hope that contributors release extended versions after its release. You got fans in the UK too damn it...

Oh fucking hell. I just read this, fresh off the press...


In a nutshell, SF HD Remix is released in the US today (on PSN) and tomorrow (on Live). What i did not know was that its also coming out in the UK on Live tomorrow too and there is STILL no confirmation of a UK PSN release. I am one angry gamer todayyyy...

^The article says he isn't compeltely satisfied with button layout, and is housing it in a pizza box because it allows him to play around with the layout until he settles -- then he's going to find a more permanent encasing.

i know. i was more amazed that he only needed one to make it - he didn't even have to trash the first one and go with a second to get a more permanent layout.



I have to say, the limited beta really had me worrying. A lot. I could see where, if they fixed a few things, it would at least be passable, but there wasn't much polish, it didn't feel cohesive.

They fixed every last issue I had, personally. Our music's there, guys and gals. Front and center. I downloaded all 303MB, fired this baby up, and was grinning the whole damn time, even as the (apparently improved?) MEDIUM AI was kicking my posterior. Nice note - you pause the game and the stage music keeps playing, making it easy to pick a stage and just check out the tunes. Artwork's great - VERY crisp, definite anime/manga feel to it, colors are extremely vivid. Gameplay feels tight; haven't played online yet, but I've played the original recently, and to an admittedly novice/intermediate player like myself, it feels the same if not better.

After the somewhat disappointing beta, I really was a little surprised to see IGN give it a high score, then 1up.com. Now I know why; definitely deserves it.

I've sorta been holding my breath for this day ever since the possibility first came up, and it's been REALLY stressful, but everything came together.

I'm extraordinarily proud to have been part of this game, but even more proud to be part of this site. Now excuse me while I go have a personal moment.


Like you David, I just downloaded the game (PS3 version) and got my ass handed to me by T-Hawk in medium. Are my old school skills dead or is this game harder than it was years ago?

The game's nostalgic as always. Can't get the moves quite right due to the PS3's not-so-perfect control pad. New graphics are excellent, obviously. As for the music...well I listened to a couple of levels, and I'm liking it so far. Really sounds improved over the original OC Remixes...if only they were longer than the 2 minute restriction it would've been perfect. The intro remix of Ken kicks ass, who made that track? Of course, Sixto's Ken remix is still as good as ever. Love the character selection music. Zangief's tune rocks. E-Honda's really suits the stage...who made that one? Dee Jay's tune is really, really, really catchy. I have a bit of beef with Vega's remix, though...even though Jose tweaked it up to make it closer to the original flamenco-style (nice acoustic guitar additions) yet still kept that hip-hop vibe he had, I wish the vocals were still present. I bet Capcom has something to do with this. Still though, very nice work, you guys...especially with the "fast" versions of these tunes. :)

EDIT: saw the latest updates and I got my answers to Zangief and E-Honda. Shael's band made Zangief, eh? Very interesting...


I cannot play Street Fighter on the Xbox 360, sadly, as the controller isn't to my liking for fighters. Unfortunately I don't have a PS3 either so I'm kinda stuck. And arcade pads...terrified of them.

I'm also more of a 3rd Strike kinda guy. >_>


I played the game (PS3 version) for several hours last night, and I must say that I'm impressed. There are a ton of changes to the characters, some more than others, so I had a blast just testing what aspects were different compared to their original versions. Moves were added, priorities were changed, motions were altered for the better, etc. Really great stuff.

The sprites and colors are sharp and vibrant. I know it took a very long time to get the sprites the way they are, especially with all of the community feedback that was received, so I really appreciate the effort put into them. The artwork in this game is fantastic, especially for the endings. I just wish there was an art gallery mode that could have been included in the game so these pictures could be easily accessed. Oh well, I'm sure some people will capture them and upload them to various sites on the Internet.

The music is awesome. Some songs from BotA would not have been good as songs used in a fighting game for various reasons (even though they're great on their own as remixes), so I can see why they were not included. However, every song is this game suits its respective stage perfectly. Street Fighter II has one of my favorite video game soundtracks because it has so many nice tunes, but there were the occasional songs that I never really cared for. E. Honda's music was never really my cup of tea, but I really enjoy his stage's remix in this game. The same goes for Chun Li's music. I wish there was a full version of each song available in the game that could be turned on or off as an option, but I think that might be too much to ask for (except for the songs that already have full versions like Sixto's Ken remix on BotA). You guys should really be proud of yourselves for putting together such an amazing soundtrack for a major video game company like Capcom. I hope more work goes your way because you guys did a better job than some of Capcom's internal sound teams have done in recent times for their remakes (with Mega Man Maverick Hunter X being the most disappointing, music-wise). Congrats.


Phew looks like I weren't left out in the SF HD hype due to 'PAL delay' syndrome. I opened a US account just for this game and boy I'm glad I did. Loads of nostalgia as expected, beautiful crisp graphics and the best part is most definitely the music. I followed this project since when BotA was officially announced by Mr Riley. So much has happened since that day and damn it was worth it. If I have a minor complaint, I would have liked to see the infamous Hadoken intro remade for this game. Oh and what happened to the theme tune??? Seriously guys, well done though for your contributions and let this be the moment where you put your marks on the gaming industry :-D


I hate to say it, but the game is disappointing for one reason, animation. Although they redrew the sprites, the number of sprites for each animation are the same. So the game ends up looking too jittery. There is no smoothness to any of the animation at all. This game already took so much time, they should have pushed the release date a few months farther and added a new gameplay mode with extra sprites to make the game smoother for those who are willing to sacrifice the original game balance in order to play a smooth looking fighter.

If any of you are planning on buying it, I would suggest heading over to gametrailers or some other website with hd videos and look at the gameplay.

Also, the five free tracks on psn for this game are not that good, just some rappers talking over beats that I actually want to listen to.

I hate to say it, but the game is disappointing for one reason, animation. Although they redrew the sprites, the number of sprites for each animation are the same. So the game ends up looking too jittery. There is no smoothness to any of the animation at all. This game already took so much time, they should have pushed the release date a few months farther and added a new gameplay mode with extra sprites to make the game smoother for those who are willing to sacrifice the original game balance in order to play a smooth looking fighter.

The game would be completely different if they did that, and it would have just disappointed Street Fighter purists. If this idea was implemented into a different mode, then not that many people would actually play it in favor of the current HD Remix mode. There already is an Original mode, and that's going to get a lot of play by a lot of serious players. In the end, it really would not have benefited Capcom at all. Also, delaying this game any more would not be a good idea, since it is supposed to hype people up for Street Fighter IV.

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