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yeah - don't forget that when a mix with six reviews gets another one, it moves into the '7' bracket. sounds really dumb, but it means that there's about 40 more reviews there than it originally looks like with basic subtraction.

The number of remixes with seven or fewer reviews cannot increase unless reviews magically vanish (or new remixes appear, but there have only been two since the previous post and both have more than seven reviews). Hence the joke.

So yeah, anyway good job all, we are making progress... math be damned.

EDIT: link fixed so UNEDIT.


Sorry for the double post, but that is how i'm gonna roll today.

Since it is obvious we are going to completely pwn the expectations for this thing by the end of today, I made a new banner and put it in my signature.

Let's all do our part to get DJSeal to super saiyan level!

Also, to help out the cause, here is the banner code to put our intrepid hero in your signature! That way, when I update the power-progress bar, it'll update for you automatically, and the link will get people to the mixes!


me: nice 'seal of approval'

andrewluers: that was K.B.'s image he sent

i made him super sealyan though

me: lol

ok, gotcha

andrewluers: if we reach 900 reviews i'll give him blonde hair and an aura

me: HAHA

andrewluers: or, 901 really

because that will be OVER 900(0)!!

me: i think you need to post that

andrewluers: i think you can cut and paste this convo, i am busy working on a layout

C'mon guys, we HAVE to do it now.


Yay, seal! The Seal ... of Desstiny.

I've been reviewing some, but I haven't officially joined the cause, so to speak.

Currently I've got Finals this week which is like :banghead:

Next week, I'll definitely have some more free time for reviewing.


In going to the forums and giving the gift that keeps on giving (or at least one of the gifts that does so) I realize how amazing djp is for doing a writeup for every posted mix. It's inhuman!

So glad I decided to participate in this. Some of these mixes I am writing up for are ones that have come up in shuffle when I am out and about and I think "I should read up on this mix and post a review" but immediately forget about when something shiny distracts me.

Great going! Less than a full page of sevens to go!


There's also less than a page of remixes that haven't been reviewed since 05.


I'll update, since we've hit a milestone!

All mixes with 6 reviews are now up to at least seven! Awesome work everyone, I didn't expect my goal to be completed so quickly. You all make me proud.

Now, statistics:

24 mixes with 7 reviews

107 mixes with 8 reviews

101 mixes with 9 reviews

In total, there would need to be 387 reviews to get all of those mixes to 10. That is a big leap from the beginning of this month. We originally needed 548 total reviews. So far that is 161 reviews in the 9 or less catagory alone. Whew, that's a lot!

Also, as a side note, we're thinking that OA finally became a father, so don't expect your sig bar to be updated for at least a few days. Congrats to him!


This is a noble cause indeed my friends! I always try to review every remix I listen to. However, considering how many OCR songs I've heard its a fact that I haven't always done so. So, starting from this christmas, I shall promise to review every single remix I listen to! Yippee my valiant crusaders! And merrrrry XMAS!


Anyone who has ever had feedback on their music via great reviews knows how much it means that someone actually takes the time to share some thoughts about your music. Be it a simple "Thanks, you rock!" or the more preferable type - the reviews that offer some actual constructive criticism. Positive or negative.


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