klm09 Posted September 26, 2003 Posted September 26, 2003 Ok, I've got a question that I've been wanting to ask for quite a while now:Is there any way to adjust the tempo of a Dr Rex loop without adjusting the whole sequencer? Send it to a track, highlight the notes, right click, choose Edit Events, and manipulate the tempo from there.
Protricity Posted September 26, 2003 Posted September 26, 2003 Ok, I've got a question that I've been wanting to ask for quite a while now:Is there any way to adjust the tempo of a Dr Rex loop without adjusting the whole sequencer? If you wanna adjust the tempo of the drex, you might also want to adjust the tempo of the whole song. If you have cubase, rewire reason to cubase by opening cubase, then reason. Create a Tempo Track on Cubase and set cubase to midi master. Then you can alter the tempo anywhere during a song.
(Cry()genic) Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 Thnx 4 the last question. Now more: Does Reason support any plugins (not refills)?
Compyfox Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 If you mean VSTi/DXi or VST/DX plugings... Unfortunately only via a VST Host like Cubase, Logic (etc.) that's connected via ReWire so far. The advantage... you can fully controll Reason with the "Master Sequencer" (including automation). One of the disadvantages... more switching between programs and saving/making backups of two different files - which also means "loading" two files too or the song isn't completed the next time you want to work on it.
ffmusic dj Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 hay, I have been helping out people for a while online, if people need help online, just ask me. I would be more than happy to help out. with reason 2.5
Protricity Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 hay, I have been helping out people for a while online, if people need help online, just ask me. I would be more than happy to help out. with reason 2.5 Wanna help me out then? My Soundbank cd was scratched and I need to burn another one, what I need to know is the cd label of the Reason Sound Bank (the default one). I just need the label Anyone have?
*Drasiir Posted October 4, 2003 Posted October 4, 2003 hay, I have been helping out people for a while online, if people need help online, just ask me. I would be more than happy to help out. with reason 2.5 Wanna help me out then? My Soundbank cd was scratched and I need to burn another one, what I need to know is the cd label of the Reason Sound Bank (the default one). I just need the label Anyone have? Sound Bank
(Cry()genic) Posted October 5, 2003 Posted October 5, 2003 thnx again. Are there any programs that will let me convert wav loops and samples into Dr. REX files?
Villainelle Posted October 22, 2003 Posted October 22, 2003 Okay, I'm trying for a trance sound right now, and it's just not happening. Gating a synth is giving me the most trouble. I've read a bunch of tutorials and tried things like plugging a Redrum into a synth and then using drum patterns to dice the sound up, but I can't quite get the sound I want. Could anyone else share their techniques for getting that gated, rhythmic trance sound out of Reason's synths? Thanks.
DJ_Ikronix Posted October 22, 2003 Posted October 22, 2003 I usually don't do anything complicated like that, although, I suppose you could set an LFO/Mod on the volume or something...kind of an extreme vibrato, or something. Are you having problems programming a synth sound? Or are you just looking to make a good pattern? I usually just sequence it directly onto the track...
Villainelle Posted October 23, 2003 Posted October 23, 2003 I can program a synth to make the sound I want, but can't figure out how to modulate it properly to give it a fluctuating, trancey gated sound... Automated volume...been trying that, it sounds close to the sound I'm trying to get. So, if you were remixing a game song into trance, would you completely rewrite the notation of your leads to get that trance sound, or would you stay close to the original notation and use automation to accomplish the trance sound?
DJ_Ikronix Posted October 23, 2003 Posted October 23, 2003 I would personally use notation, and rewrite the lead, because LFO's/Mod's don't really cut the sound quick enough for me. I know that RV304810239487-whatever Reverb unite has some sort of Gating mechanism on it, but I'll be damned if I can get it to work... Also, you can put more variation if you're not relying on a waveshape to modulate the volume for you.
Xelebes Posted October 23, 2003 Posted October 23, 2003 I can program a synth to make the sound I want, but can't figure out how to modulate it properly to give it a fluctuating, trancey gated sound... Automated volume...been trying that, it sounds close to the sound I'm trying to get.So, if you were remixing a game song into trance, would you completely rewrite the notation of your leads to get that trance sound, or would you stay close to the original notation and use automation to accomplish the trance sound? I would actually use a gating tool. Mind you, I tend to dislike the automated gate except when I ambutchering beats and melodies.
sephfire Posted November 15, 2003 Posted November 15, 2003 Hey, I know this an extremely basic question and I'm sorry, but I don't have access to my operations manual at the moment. Can Reason open other types of song file formats (ie: FruityLoops, Cubase, etc.)? Is there a way to translate them into .rns format? If this just isn't possible, what's the best way to go about collaborations?
klm09 Posted November 18, 2003 Posted November 18, 2003 Hey, I know this an extremely basic question and I'm sorry, but I don't have access to my operations manual at the moment. Can Reason open other types of song file formats (ie: FruityLoops, Cubase, etc.)? Is there a way to translate them into .rns format? If this just isn't possible, what's the best way to go about collaborations? Nope. Each sequencer has its own proprietary file format, and converters don't exist. But: all of them can open midi files, so that's the best way. Beyond that there's making wavs of "your bit" and the other guy importing that into his sequencer. If this route is taken, it's a good idea to make a separate wav of every element in the mix even though it takes more of everything: time, effort, diskspace.. because that way you're not stuck with a certain eq or panning or whatever for whole portions of the mix.
klm09 Posted November 18, 2003 Posted November 18, 2003 I know that RV304810239487-whatever Reverb unite has some sort of Gating mechanism on it, but I'll be damned if I can get it to work... Yeah, but that's for the reverb itself, so that when the reverb falls below a certain volume threshold, it gets muted. So you can't really use it for gating.
chokst~1.bat Posted November 22, 2003 Posted November 22, 2003 It's interesting watching the ideas that everyone is trying to do with their music in Reason; and the kind of answers people are giving out. I've played around the program for maybe 4 or 5 days since I had it (bought it in September - mainly because I wanted an alternative to Fruityloops, and so I can have a glimpse of how one of my friends makes alot of his music)... and it's quite the cool tool; no doubt. I don't have any questions yet (since most of things I want to learn on my own for now; and I'm not familiar with the 'language' people use here for most musical terms anyways), but if I ever want any help with something - I'll be sure to come back here and post my questions to see what you veterans have to say; even if I'm just looking for a second opinion about how something should be organized. Good luck with all your Reason adventures guys. Peace!
Villainelle Posted November 26, 2003 Posted November 26, 2003 Edit: nevermind, got a used copy of Logic 5.5 for Windows, happy as a clam now.
GrayLightning Posted December 12, 2003 Posted December 12, 2003 The official Reason thread is now stickyfied. More power to reason users. I hope you don't mind the title change as it's more prominent now. Also be sure to check out SGX's super reason tricks guide. I also use Reason, but I can't promise I know the ins and outs of it yet.
humanliteshow Posted December 12, 2003 Posted December 12, 2003 Gating is very easy to do. First make a mixer, a Matrix, and whatever module you want gated. The module will be hooked up as normal to the mixer, but the Matrix you will run a cable from the "Curve CV" on back to the "Level CV In" on the Mixer channel your module is on(on the back of the mixer). Finally, turn the knob right under "Level CV in" all the way to the right. Flip the rack back over, switch the Matrix to "Curve" at the top, and paint in the rhythm you want(alternating 1/8 notes, randomize, etc.) Now, hit play on the Matrix, and when you play the module, the Matrix will only allow the sound through on your painted in rhythm. EDIT: Whoops! Forgot to say to put the Matrix in "Bipolar" mode on the back.
Mesaria's Prophet Posted December 18, 2003 Posted December 18, 2003 Alright, so, a question from a relative n00b to the program. I've forgotten what the proper term is for what I'm looking to create, but on a piece of sheet, it looks like a little note strung to a normal sized note on the same beat. Anyway, as I don't have a keyboard, I'm setting the notes directly into the sequencer, and I've yet to figure out how to do this (or at least, been able to get the note to work exactly the way I want it to - I've been screwing around with the note velocity/attack/decay). Any help would be appreciated.
Longinus Posted December 18, 2003 Posted December 18, 2003 Alright' date=' so, a question from a relative n00b to the program. I've forgotten what the proper term is for what I'm looking to create, but on a piece of sheet, it looks like a little note strung to a normal sized note on the same beat.[/quote']It's called a grace note, and it is in fact a separate note. It's just so short that it's seen as subordinate to the longer note following it. Just put two notes in the sequencer.
Mesaria's Prophet Posted December 18, 2003 Posted December 18, 2003 Alright' date=' so, a question from a relative n00b to the program. I've forgotten what the proper term is for what I'm looking to create, but on a piece of sheet, it looks like a little note strung to a normal sized note on the same beat.[/quote']It's called a grace note, and it is in fact a separate note. It's just so short that it's seen as subordinate to the longer note following it. Just put two notes in the sequencer. I figured that much out already (the bit about placing a second note). I suppose what I was really asking is how to create a really damned short note, with an extremely short sustain time.
sgx Posted December 18, 2003 Posted December 18, 2003 How do you automate speed/tempo? You can't Alright' date=' so, a question from a relative n00b to the program. I've forgotten what the proper term is for what I'm looking to create, but on a piece of sheet, it looks like a little note strung to a normal sized note on the same beat.[/quote']It's called a grace note, and it is in fact a separate note. It's just so short that it's seen as subordinate to the longer note following it. Just put two notes in the sequencer. I figured that much out already (the bit about placing a second note). I suppose what I was really asking is how to create a really damned short note, with an extremely short sustain time. Zoom in as close as you can. If the 64th note division isn't fast enough, unlock the snap-to thang and you can get really small divisions. It gets a bit tricky and hit or miss, though. Yo people, I have a Reason tricks guide thang. You can check it out at www.supergreenx.com/reasontricks.php or you can go search through here and find the thread for it I made a while ago. Email me or post any kewl new tricks you know of that I haven't got in the guide and I'll add em.
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