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It's out (in Japan), but despite that you can still get it from XBox Live if you know how.

A few thoughs:

1. Default control scheme is utter ASS. If you're used to RE4 controls you will HATE them, after a few tries I simply changed the scheme to the RE4 scheme. Why this wasn't default is beyond me.

2. Sheva sucks. The coop is just terrible. Ashley may have been utterly defenseless but I never had her take a single hit in any of my playthroughs on the GC or the Wii versions. Why? Because she stayed RIGHT by your side and always jumped behind you when you drew your weapon out.

Sheva? Hahaha. Terrible AI. Terrible terrible terrible.


One of gamer's most hated mission types, the escort mission.

And Capcom thought it would be a good idea to make an entire GAME based off that concept?! As much as I liked RE4, I'm gonna keep my guard up on this one.


I just aquired the demo. I don't know what Neko was bitching about the controls. I like them. At first I thought the "escorteque" style would suck too, but shva saved my ass many times during the chainsaw guy fight with health heals and machine gun fire. In fact, in the hour I played around, she only got near dying once and I had to save her. So take that as you will.


yeah, I've played the demo last night, pretty sweet. me and friend did offline co-op (splitscreen) pretty awesome.

but coming from not playing RE4, played it but never had the game so i didn't get used to the controls.

for the demo, I used either Controls A or D. (I can't remember which) but it was set up like Gears of War. worked well for me!

Maybe the AI is crap but with a human playing along with you, its an sweet game.

You guys know Jill Valentine is dead in RE5, right?


I still have my doubts, but it looks like this game's going for a much, much darker feel for the backstory if that commercial and this new viral marketing website is any indication.


(If you click on the big number one to your left, the password is "refinery".)

There's other cryptic things scattered around the wall, I'll let you guys find them. Some of it sort of interesting, (pg67B/w?) and some of it just ok (Wesker is a liar. Really!? Ya don't say...)

There is this thing though, that's gotten the most speculation.


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