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Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?  

235 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Larry bring back VGF as OCR's podcast?

    • Yes
    • [b][size=7]YES[/size][/b]
    • Larry's merely part of the establishment now (i.e. yes)
    • Yes, as this promotes affirmative action

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VG Frequency blog: http://www.vgfrequency.com

RSS Feed: http://www.vgfrequency.com/?feed=rss2

Ormgas.com Forum: http://oc.ormgas.com/forum_viewforum.php?18

IRC Channel: irc://irc.enterthegame.com/vgf (EntertheGame / #VGF)

WMRE Stream: http://students.emory.edu/WMRE/wmre.ram

OCR Message Board: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1489

Radio Show Torrents: http://www.studio-compyfox.de/torrent


(Wow, this stuff below is pretty old...)

This is primarily for the fans that I have so far for my college radio show, which I've recently retitled to "VG Frequency". Frankly, I still need my financial aid to pan out, but I'm hoping for the best so I can stay in Atlanta and continue my time on the air. I'm trying to be optomistic. I'm coming back on the air every Saturday night from 10 PM to midnight EST (that's Saturdays 7 - 9 PM for you Pacific peeps), with September 6th as my first show. Lemme get down to business on what I hope to do with it.

I'm certainly eager to get OCR/IMC mixers to come onto the show and give interviews, so anyone who'd like to do so should certainly lemme know of their intent. Reply to the thread or IM/PM me. For the moment, I'm not really pressing for interviews or phone calls from mixers. That's because I'd first like to able to have a reliable way of recording the shows and being able to offer fans and potential listeners the opportunity to listen to an interview or phone call they may have missed. Rest assured though, if you're down for an interview, I'll do my best to make it happen. I'm also willing to do webpage-posted interviews through AIM/IRC as well for people that can't necessarily do an interview on the air or over the phone. Not like anyone is obligated to do an interview, but I'm just throwing out the names of some remixer fans of the show in the past.

I'd be more than happy to have any of you on the air with me if you're familiar with the show (analoq, bLiNd, Dan Baranowsky, DarkeSword, Digital Coma, EgM, Endblink, Juverna, Ko Miho Leifo, KyleJCRB, Rayza, Red Omen, Science vs. Nature, SeattleOverCoat, SuperGreenX, [praying I didn't forget anyone]). I'm also hoping to get people who only contributed original work in the past to tune into the show and be down with coming on the air (Ailsean, Disco Dan, Injury, Jared Hudson, K. Praslowicz, kLuTz, Last Unicron, Maniac #9, Mazedude, McVaffe, MP, Omniverse, Protricity, Raven8t8, Russell Cox, Star Salzman, Steve Pordon, Suzumebachi, Trance-Canada, Wave Theory [AE, J:/Drive, Digimatic, Sir Cut], Wintermute, etc.). Anyone else involved with OCR who wants to do something? Lemme know. Just let me shoot for late September to early October to start interviews, so I can have the ability to record and archive though. :-)

Now the real fun part. Who wants to make radio bumpers?!? I'm looking for egotists who want to hear their own voices on the radio...[ahem] :mrgreen:...I'm looking for artists who'd like to help pimp my show to do station and show identification recordings within the coming weeks. I'm not sure of the file format, but MP3 or definitely WAV is gonna be fine, I'm sure. No one has to make anything at all now, but for those who wanna do something anyway, here's what essentially needs to be mentioned: "Hey, this is (XYZ) of OverClocked ReMix and you're listening to Larry & 'VG Frequency' on WMRE. Pssst...this show sucks." Of course, you should go free form on it and say whatever funny stuff you want, or add in some BGM with your voice, but the example basically shows some/most of the points you wanna hit. Once I get a fair amount of idents, I'll get 'em set up and you'll be pimpin' tru on the air.

Some kickers: A) We're still using RealPayer/RealOne only for the audio/video webstream right now. Some people honestly don't mind. And some l33t hax0rs treat it like a fart in church. Look, I hate RealPlayer. With that said, I'm pushing the station to expand our webstream to include Windows Media Player so that more people can check out the show. But RealPlayer's the current option for listening to and watching the radio show. If you wanna treat it like a virus, that's not my problem. B) If you wanna submit tracks for the show, I'd prefer not to get any OGG files. Don't get me wrong. I love Ogg Vorbis, but for some reason they don't come out sounding right when they're put through the soundboard. I couldn't tell you why. C) For the moment, the only places to chat with me and the listeners during the show and make requests is on AIM through the private chat room "VG Frequency". KyleJCRB, remixer and host of the VGM streaming radio show "Nitro Game Injection", is thinking of proposing an IRC chat that would serve as a collective hangout for all radio shows like ours (e.g. "SuperRadioX", "V.A.G.O.", "The Kyle Clemens Video Game Music Show", etc.). Consider that a potential WIP. D) I'll be doing another "OCRtists All-Originals" show in a few months, so if you're looking to for a place to pimp your non-remix works (including original game compositions [e.g. Flash Flash Revolution, Psyscapes, ReVamped, Vector Mirage, etc.]), we'll be doing that in the coming months. Don't forget the "Double Deuce", which'll spotlight original VGM tracks back-to-back with their respective remixes. IMC & BEER spotlights may also happen, so keep an eye and an ear out. E) Larry's the man. Bump the thread if needed. :wink:

See you Saturday.


Bumpers/show idents can be done in MP3 form, BTW. I want 'em NOW...or later. How about later? It'll be a bit before I can put them in the Instant Replay machine we use, so there's no hurry. Meanwhile, the station computer had the Blaster Worm on it; hopefully someone fixes it tonight or this show's gonna suck! :wink:

Some revised show identification notes:

You have to include who you are (this is XYZ from OverClocked ReMix) and some combination of

a. you're listening to either Larry Oji (sounds like "O.G.") or "VG Frequency"...

b. on WMRE/Atlanta, GA or Emory University Student Radio/Atlanta, GA...

c. anything else you want to add ("this show is the shizzle"; "you've never heard crap quite this bad since Bad Tuna", "NICE WORK!", etc.)

Have fun with it!

Mike Chapman e-mailed me last night to confirm the Brothers Chaps interview, which I'm planning on doing in mid-October. [big thumbs up] I'm gonna be giving Mike & Matt a call this weekend to iron out the details and see how they'd like to conduct the interview. Meanwhile, I still gotta hassle the station about our ability to record shows. When analoq eventually comes on the air and gives my show a big fat judges NO (Larry is teh LOSE!!11shift+1), I wanna be able to archive that for future listeners to check out down the line.

Meanwhile, my first show is TONIGHT, you pathetic letches. Stop drinking and tune in. [shakes fist] You like video game music? Well, I know you do.

I don't have RealPlayer right now, but I'll think about getting it before the show.
IMC & BEER spotlights may also happen, so keep an eye and an ear out.

If you do a BEER spotlight show, I'd love to give an interview. I'll put together a BEER related bumper for you. :)


I don't have RealPlayer right now, but I'll think about getting it before the show.
IMC & BEER spotlights may also happen, so keep an eye and an ear out.

If you do a BEER spotlight show, I'd love to give an interview. I'll put together a BEER related bumper for you. :)


Quiet you. Co-runner of BEER Mix > BEER Winner. :wink:

I don't have RealPlayer right now, but I'll think about getting it before the show.
IMC & BEER spotlights may also happen, so keep an eye and an ear out.

If you do a BEER spotlight show, I'd love to give an interview. I'll put together a BEER related bumper for you. :)


Quiet you. Co-runner of BEER Mix > BEER Winner. :wink:

My evil plans have been foiled.


When LionTamer gets his internet back...


God dang that was fun (well to ME at least.)

You are a good radiohost person thinger...

Hey I didn't know you can request submissions!!! Gimme more info on that

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