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Steam Sale Until Jan. 2nd - 10% off everything, 25+% off on others

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So there's a ton of nice stuff on sale on Steam atm - here are some examples:

Left 4 Dead - 25% off

Left 4 Dead 4 pack - 10% off

Spore - 25% off

CoD 4 - 25% off

Civilization 4 pack (Civ 4 with expansions) - 50% off ($25)

BioShock - 75% off ($5) (Note: The activation crap for SecuROM is gone)

id Super pack - $35

Audiosurf - 50% off

25-50% off all THQ titles

Valve Complete Pack - 25% off

Bejeweled - $1

Half-Life: Blue Shift - $1

Doom II - $1

As for myself, I nabbed the Civ 4 pack, id Super pack, Bioshock, and Beyond Good and Evil for $72-73...and probably am going to purchase a few other things.


Yeah, I saw that today and nearly jumped. I'm trying to scrounge up $5 for Bioshock (yeah, money is tight, and I don't have a computer that would run it yet; I'm in the process of building it). I haven't used Steam to download any large-scale games (just Peggle (so addicting...) and Audiosurf). You can download the instruction manual for a game like Bioshock when you buy it, right?

Yeah, I saw that today and nearly jumped. I'm trying to scrounge up $5 for Bioshock (yeah, money is tight, and I don't have a computer that would run it yet; I'm in the process of building it). I haven't used Steam to download any large-scale games (just Peggle (so addicting...) and Audiosurf). You can download the instruction manual for a game like Bioshock when you buy it, right?

Yeah, you can download the instruction manual straight from steampowered.com .

Also, I managed to spend ~$150 on this sale...it was too good!

Yeah, I saw that today and nearly jumped. I'm trying to scrounge up $5 for Bioshock (yeah, money is tight, and I don't have a computer that would run it yet; I'm in the process of building it). I haven't used Steam to download any large-scale games (just Peggle (so addicting...) and Audiosurf). You can download the instruction manual for a game like Bioshock when you buy it, right?

The instruction manual for bioshock sucks anyway. Damned new-generation games, skimping out on huge manuals. I blame consoles.

Anyway: yeah the sale is awesome - I was so tempted to buy Bioshock just for my Steam account, even when I already have the physical copy of it.

Personally I'm going to be getting Company of Heroes + CoH: Opposing Fronts for $22.49. I was never interested in that game, but after playing the demo and trying it out, I was hooked.

I might wait a little bit in case I find something else on steam (since I have limited funds in paypal and no credit card to speak of), but I'm pretty sure I'll be snapping it up.


Awesome. Thanks for the heads up! I'm about to go spend some money...

... unreal pack...

Am I losing it, or didn't there used to be a pack that had ALL the unreal stuff in it? (like 2004, UT3, etc) Because I can't find it anywhere on steam. The only stuff I see are 3 of the oldest Unreal's...

I am willing to accept that I may, in fact, be losing it..... can't lose what you never had...

Awesome. Thanks for the heads up! I'm about to go spend some money...

Am I losing it, or didn't there used to be a pack that had ALL the unreal stuff in it? (like 2004, UT3, etc) Because I can't find it anywhere on steam. The only stuff I see are 3 of the oldest Unreal's...

I am willing to accept that I may, in fact, be losing it..... can't lose what you never had...

I was able to buy the Unreal Pack a few days ago which had UT, Unreal 2 Gold, Unreal 3, UT2k4, and UT3...sounds like Valve pulled it.


Yeah, that's pretty weird.

I've really been trying to curb my impulse spending lately but freakin' a, some of these deals are just too darn good to pass up. Already spent $40, and I'm pretty torn on whether I really need the Dawn of War and Civ4 packs.


Beyond Good and Evil has some graphics issues on my computer. I've read online about how to fix them, but some people say it sends your framerate through the floor.

I didn't get a chance to test it because of TF2 last night. I'll test it tonight after work.

Speaking of which, it's nearly time to leave.

Bioshock has a few problems with the full screen res, but I set it to windowed mode.

And the unreal pack was 20 for all the games, sans 2k3. If they pulled it though that sucks, cause it was a super deal.

I'm not surprised it excluded 2k3... since 2k4 is just an upgraded version of it.


I got:

Beyond Good & Evil

Left 4 Dead

Portal (gift for someone at work)


Unreal Pack

I was thinking of getting the Prince of Persia Collection, but when I went to check how much it was on Friday, I discovered that "through January 2nd" meant the sale ended at 12:00:01am January 2nd.


Anyone experience any sort of bugs with BG&E and Bioshock? I've heard several problems, but just wondering how OCR'ers find the games.

Also, that latest PoP run well on PCs? After playing Sands of Time on PC, which I found enjoyable (albeit too short), if the new PoP was cheaper I may give it a shot.

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