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I am all for shopping online, but this;


is a little ridiculous.

PS: The customer reviews are hilarious.

I bought this product thinking it would clean up my mess. Well, it didn't. All it did was soak it up. Very disappointing, especially when I could have easily used my shirt or my sock. Don't waste your money on this product -- buy something else. Or use your sock or shirt.

I can't comment on price, since I can't remember how much a single roll of Bounty paper towels are, but you should see the one page for milk. There were some well-crafted reviews there.

Here's the milk one:


By J. Fitzsimmonsdrop-down-icon-small-empty-arrow._V13355991_.gif (Milwaukee, Wi) - See all my reviews

c7y_badge_rn_1._V47060296_.gif Has anyone else tried pouring this stuff over dry cereal? A-W-E-S-O-M-E!


Here's one of my personal favorites as an example of being able to buy ANYTHING on Amazon:


This 'Large Bag of Bones' has two particularly funny aspects - 1: Gift wrapping is available, and 2: the following review:

Not only was the final product terrible, but when I went to throw them away, one of the pointier ribs tore a hole through the bag, spilling tibulae and fibulae onto the sidewalk. This led to a very awkward conversation with my neighbor, and subsequently, the police. In short, I cannot recommend these bones, nor can I recommend Target store-brand trash bags (kitchen size).
I can't comment on price, since I can't remember how much a single roll of Bounty paper towels are, but you should see the one page for milk. There were some well-crafted reviews there.

Here's the milk one

Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz

(4 stars) (1,018 customer reviews)

One Friday, Without the Milk, October 30, 2006

By Catherine Swinford (Raleigh-ish, NC)


He always brought home milk on Friday.

After a long hard week full of days he would burst through the door, his fatigue hidden behind a smile. There was an icy jug of Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz in his right hand. With his left hand he would grip my waist - I was always cooking dinner - and press the cold frostiness of the jug against my arm as he kissed my cheek. I would jump, mostly to gratify him after a time, and smile lovingly at him. He was a good man, a wonderful husband who always brought the milk on Friday, Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz.

Then there was that Friday, the terrible Friday that would ruin every Friday for the rest of my life. The door opened, but there was no bouyant greeting - no cold jug against the back of my arm. There was no Tuscan Whole Milk in his right hand, nor his left. There came no kiss. I watched as he sat down in a kitchen chair to remove his shoes. He wore no fatigue, but also no smile. I didn't speak, but turned back to the beans I had been stirring. I stirred until most of their little shrivelled skins floated to the surface of the cloudy water. Something was wrong, but it was vague wrongness that no amount of hard thought could give shape to.

Over dinner that night I casually inserted,"What happened to the milk?"

"Oh,"he smiled sheepishly, glancing aside,"I guess I forgot today."

That was when I knew. He was tired of this life with me, tired of bringing home the Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 Gallon, 128 fl oz. He was probably shoveling funds into a secret bank account, looking at apartments in town, casting furtive glances at cashiers and secretaries and waitresses. That's when I knew it was over. Some time later he moved in with a cashier from the Food Mart down the street. And me? Well, I've gone soy.

Killer, hilarious, and sexual. Win.

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