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I've got Cubase SX3 on my computer right now. Usually I have no trouble picking up a new piece of software and learning it by fooling around, but the way this sucker works is totally unintuitive to me.

I've found the sheet music editor, and would prefer if there were a way for me to see a full Grand Staff. Is that possible?

I also need help as far as adding VSTs or whatever they call their samples.

If I've overlooked a tutorial, please point me in the right direction.

I've got Cubase SX3 on my computer right now. Usually I have no trouble picking up a new piece of software and learning it by fooling around, but the way this sucker works is totally unintuitive to me.

I've found the sheet music editor, and would prefer if there were a way for me to see a full Grand Staff. Is that possible?

I also need help as far as adding VSTs or whatever they call their samples.

If I've overlooked a tutorial, please point me in the right direction.

Typically this is something that you could get easily answered through the cubase website--or via the manual--assuming you actually purchased the copy of the program in question. You could also just click on the help icon located in the help menu of the program itself, and look up "VST".


I've looked at the help option, and it doesn't go into the fine details that someone who hasn't seen a DAW before needs. I couldn't find instructions on how to install a new VST either. The ones that come with it sound like post-processed square waves. Considering the software price, that sounds like utter crap to me. So I downloaded a piano demo. It's clearly not as simple as running a plugin installer, and it's not clearly stated which directory to put the DLL in.

Grand Staff just means there's a treble clef and a bass clef shown at once, and they scroll together.

Yes, I'm sure I can stumble around and run through the beginning of the manual and all of the tedious adjustment procedures so that I learn all of the jargon along the way, but I'm just in this for the good samples. I was hoping I could save myself 20 minutes by asking here.

I couldn't find instructions on how to install a new VST



The ones that come with it sound like post-processed square waves.
hey, post-processed square waves can be cool too...

I had typed up a huge post with detailed help for you, but then I realized that you're bootlegging the software since Cubase SX3 is a few years old and you can't buy it anymore, so instead I'm gonna tell you to put in as much effort into learning it as you did in locating the download and to fuck off and eat a flaming bag of dicks.


How do you know that, Snappleman? Really, it's an old program, but it could be that he hasn't taken the time to seriously learn it, even though he had it for a few years (although posting that it's a new piece of software sort of rules that out). He could've found it off of ebay or something, as well.

Besides, if he illegally downloaded it, wouldn't that have been stupid? He should've gotten the latest version with full access to help files and tech support if he was doing that (I'm sure there are cracks for that, anyhow). I'm not supporting illegal downloading, I'm just saying if he was downloading illegally, then why would he bother with older outdated crap?

Just because it's old doesn't quite make it an illegal copy... I'm not naive, it's just silly to make the worst out of a situation based on so little evidence.

...and sorry, SlyGeN, I don't know anything about that particular DAW.

How do you know that, Snappleman?

Let's say it's not an unwarranted assumption to make.

Plus, if you have no idea of the difference between VSTs and samples, why'd you buy the all-bells-and-whistles SX version and not something more light-weight?

Secondhand Cubase isn't easy to get by, and I'd trust any copies offered on eBay as far as I can throw an anvil. The chance you pay $150 for a cardboard box and a copied CD-ROM is far too great.

Besides, if he illegally downloaded it, wouldn't that have been stupid? He should've gotten the latest version with full access to help files and tech support if he was doing that (I'm sure there are cracks for that, anyhow).

There are none for the newer versions; that's the entire problem with it. Plus, you need the USB dongle to post questions on the Steinberg forums (to which you're entitled if you have a legit copy of Cubase), so that'd be the first place to ask.

It's simple; prove that you've acquired it (and actually asking particular questions goes a long way in warding off suspicion) and if someone didn't, I won't judge them - it's just up to them to figure out things for themselves. RTFM, UTFS, DIY, HAND, HTH.


Yup, as Yoozer said. The last bootlegged version was SX3, cubase 4 and cubase 5 are uncracked, and it appears they'll remain that way. I'm not completely against bootlegging, but if you're gonna do it, you have to realize that you're on your own. I bootlegged Cubase SX3 many years ago, and I learned it on my own, then I naturally saw the error of my ways and began paying money for an official copy of my DAW. Bootlegging samples is one thing, but the last thing you want to do is bootleg your DAW, which is completely integrated into your system and sound drivers... especially one like Cubase which has to go through a number of methods to be cracked and actually work on your system...

I bootlegged Cubase SX3 many years ago, and I learned it on my own

This makes you a hypocrite. Get off of my nuts, and quit flaming.

If there were a demo version, I would jump on it. I couldn't find one on the website, and I called their tech support. To my disappointment, they told me there was no demo software. Terrible marketing.

If I've overlooked a demo, please point me in the right direction. I'm trying to learn Cubase because I need sheet music interface, and I'm not going to throw down hundreds of dollars for something I haven't had the opportunity to test. I'm still interested to see that intricate tutorial you had. If you aren't going to swallow your arrogance, feel free to take your deserved portion of the aforementioned bag.

My searches didn't yield anything as useful as your second link. Thanks.

It's interesting, however, that on that forum they reacted in a very similar manner as you, Snappleman. What's up with this demographic? I feel like I'm on a totally different website. Some of you need to chill.

I digress. Mods can lock this; it was not quite as helpful as I had expected.

If there were a demo version, I would jump on it.
No demo always struck me as kinda weird. But hey, I think Steinberg is doing ok on the business front, so I'm not going to question their marketing scheme.
What's up with this demographic?
Hmm. I’m not trying to be sarcastic or patronizing here, but I think it’s a little bit of jealousy. Jealousy that they probably had to work, save and sacrifice to get what you got for free (I know I did). Jealousy that you don’t have to deal with a buggy, clumsy dongle that’s only in place because of people doing exactly what you’re apparently unrepentantly attempting to justify. And with the current state of affairs, in order to get to get 90% of the stuff that’s out there, no one really has to work, save and sacrifice only to have to deal with buggy or complicated copy protection. But we do. Because it’s right. Because you get tech support. Because it’s illegal not to pay. Whatever. We all have our own reasons. With that in mind, surely you have to understand when people get riled up over this stuff.

Point is, it's much easier to Google for Cubase tutorials then it is to Google for Steinberg.Cubase.SX3.H20.rar. If you're gonna steal shit and make no real effort to sit down and figure something out, or refuse use the endless faucet of knowledge which is the internet and take a day out to concentrate and read some articles... well, then you can get back to polishing off that bag of dicks I sent you earlier.

surely you have to understand when people get riled up over this stuff.

That's why I didn't bring it up. I didn't feel like justifying my intentions. I'm not bullshitting when I say I'm trying the software with the intent of buying a copy of whatever DAW I decide works for me, but that should not even be the concern of anybody here.

I almost resent the fact that I was brushed off as if it's my first post on the forum. JFGI and RTFM are not foreign to me; it should be a given that I've spent some time perusing.

Snappleman, your presumptions are becoming tiring. I made it clear in my first post that I spent some time trying to add and work with a new VST, and I know it's a simple task, and therefore I knowingly asked a simple question because I still couldn't figure it out. It should have taken just a couple minutes to answer.

Anybody can get a tutorial on just about anything online, so tell me where you draw the line between an acceptable and an unacceptable query so that I can avoid your arrogance and useless chaff, and perhaps instead, I can learn something.

This makes you a hypocrite. Get off of my nuts, and quit flaming.

No, he'd be a hypocrite if he was still using it.

If there were a demo version, I would jump on it.

Vote with your wallet; get something else, like Sonar, which does notation too.

What's up with this demographic?

You're making the rest of us pay more, it's as simple as that.

I digress. Mods can lock this; it was not quite as helpful as I had expected.

Your question was wrong.

You expect to learn a horribly complicated DAW in a few days using a forum while most people doing a full-time study need weeks and usually more than that to get comfortable with it.

You only wanted good samples and good notation. You should've asked for that; instead, you've been caught with your pants down. Next time, be more straightforward.

Also, Cubase 4 and 5 comes with samples (HalionONE), so if you're looking for something like that only decent, rather try Kontakt, Halion or EWQLSO.

As for posting: 2000+ posts do not entitle you to anything. It gets you a cute custom title and a number denoting how bored you are.

2000+ posts do not entitle you to anything. It gets you a cute custom title and a number denoting how bored you are.


Sorry SLyGeN, understand this thread falls into the category of "Help me with this software I just got/pirated" that we've seen many times before. If you post a thick thread in GD you get locked. As you can see, this forum is self-moderating...


No, he'd be a hypocrite if he was still using it.

Mince words if you want, but he shouldn't be getting his panties in a bunch.

Vote with your wallet; get something else, like Sonar, which does notation too.

You only wanted good samples and good notation. You should've asked for that; instead, you've been caught with your pants down. Next time, be more straightforward.

I have done in the tech help thread. Cubase and Sonar were the responses I got with no indication of which was easier to use. I picked one.

As for posting: 2000+ posts do not entitle you to anything. It gets you a cute custom title and a number denoting how bored you are.

It certainly implies what I said it does, which is why a response like analoq's is all that was really necessary.

Thank you for re-directing me to Sonar and confirming the demo. I'll look into it.

I hesitate to ask for assistance should I run into any roadblocks.


I almost resent the fact that I was brushed off as if it's my first post on the forum. JFGI and RTFM are not foreign to me; it should be a given that I've spent some time perusing.

It's *never* a given that people have googled and looked in the manual, if there is one/if they have one, unless they say what they've already tried specifically, unless the person asking the question is well-known by their audience as someone who consistently does their research.

Anyone asking questions on any forum could stand to read this first.

I have done in the tech help thread. Cubase and Sonar were the responses I got with no indication of which was easier to use. I picked one.

You picked one without looking into whether either of them had a demo version (or you knowingly decided to pirate the one without a demo instead of trying the other one first). Doesn't sound like you did your research to me.

And not finding out how to add VSTs? There's a lot of complicated things with Cubase, but that's something that's not hard and can't be that hard to google. In fact, I just tried it; I googled "cubase add vst", and the second hit was a Youtube video showing you how to add a plugin. So sorry, you either fail at searching or just didn't bother and expect us to do your work for you.

This should be in a lot more places and in some stickies somewhere.

Tell me about it. Between dealing with whiny system admins who use my company's product and dealing with people on a couple keyboard forums who think that they can ask a question, demand a response NOW, and won't do their research (seriously, at least once every couple of weeks, I see someone asking how to connect keyboards A and B with MIDI or confusing MIDI out and audio out), that webpage is pretty much my life mantra right now.

This should be in a lot more places and in some stickies somewhere.

No, it should be blared out of the speakers at high volume and shown in a 72pt font before you post here.

And even then, it won't help.

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