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Blogs are not cool anymore and thus they're retro which makes them cool. I'm always interested in reading subjective views on whatever by community members so I thought I'd make this post for people to share blogs. I've been using Netvibes.com more and more and would love some more RSS feeds to watch during times I should work/study/sleep. Game related blogs are a dime a dussin but I've found that most are very influenced by gaming media or such.. The more individual and independent gamers writing about games the better. Hopefully it will lead to news and reviews from people with other standards/preferences/background than professional gaming media.

Short Version: So, main point, if you've got a blog you should post it here and I'll keep a list! Exchanging information, no matter how subjective, is always good.

The OCRemix Forum Users Alphabetical Order Blog Archive

(OCR artists in bold, comments greatly appreciated and encouraged)

Ajax - http://joesblog.isgreat.org/

Another Soundscape - http://anosou.com/ (personal, work, gaming and music related)

Archaon - http://noreload.blogspot.com/

Black Mage - http://tomhamilton.blogspot.com

DarkLink42 - http://darklink42.blogspot.com/ (ongoing collection of short stories)

Doulifee - http://doulifee.blogspot.com/

Kanthos - http://mjchase.wordpress.com/

Kir - http://blowingoffthedust.blogspot.com (retro-gaming)

KyleJCrb - http://kylejcrb.livejournal.com/

LC - http://earjack.blogspot.com (mostly about gaming, but I also post papers I write annonymously for college classes i'm not enrolled in here..)

Mustin/OneUp Studios - http://www.oneupstudios.com/boards/blog.php?5-Mustin (It's pretty neat)

Mythril Nazguhl - http://swamisound.blogspot.com/ (talk about my musics and releases, plus occasionally I spill the beans about working in the concert music industry)

nonsensicalexis - http://yodaisbetter.livejournal.com/

Platonist - http://platonist.wordpress.com/

Random Hajile - http://couppoetry.blogspot.com/

Rozovian - http://rozovian.wordpress.com/ (also known as "Short, dull, uninformative and rarely updated")

Sir_NutS - http://sirnuts.blogspot.com/

Skummel Maske - http://velakhar.blogspot.com/

SwordBreaker - http://excalibur-swordbreaker.spaces.live.com/ (pesronal, gaming and medical school)

The Author - http://shortstoriesjournal.blogspot.com/ (short stories and writing experiments, updated wednesdays and saturdays)

The Vagrance - http://reccej.net

The Otaku - http://misscatlady.livejournal.com/ (personal), http://misscatlady.wordpress.com/ (art)

zircon - http://www.soundtempest.net/ (news, tutorials and music industry related)

The title of the second entry made me laugh out loud.

Yeah. Like I said. Livejournal. Girl blog. Watch out for this kind of stuff.

For those too lazy to click, he's referring to the post entitled "Grad School Stuff and also I want to Bang Daniel Faraday"

Also, MOAR BLOGS. These are fun to look at.


lots of good reading can be found here, I'm with alexis: MOAR BLOGS!

Also, to keep this thread from dying, if you write an especially awesome post or a part of a recurring series you could post a note here so anyone interested but not RSSing can find the good stuff.

I've just started to chronicle all my game-related purchases, first post up today, so that could be interesting to see what kind of taste I REALLY have. :3

As you were.

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