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Sonic&Knuckles - Angel Island Zone 2 - Genesis Style/Funk/Jazz Bastard

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So I was dicking around with FM synths to get a Sega Genesis like sound, then got into a funky mood. As a result, the first minute differs pretty wildly from the rest, and has more of an oLremix feel to it :)

Just wondering if you think it makes or could make any sense, and of course what you think about the main part.

I was killing my CPU near the end, so there are some little bits and variations I still wanted to add, but only after some serious bouncing.




Yeah, this is definitely extremely funky. Some good listening.

Hmmm.. Frankly, it feels like the track takes a while to get going, it should slam you in the face with some brass riff or something right at the start. It's like a collection of parts between some extremely effective, catchy riff-part.. but that section, the a-section that goes through the roof is not yet there.

I also definitely expected the "better" sounds to kick in at 00:13 already. Between that and 00:41 could be lifted and put around the track to serve as lo-fi breaks.

Good stuff but not golden yet. Great sounds!



OH, you wanted some critique.

As awesome as the piano lick is at 2:16, it seems like the sample doesn't like to be up in that high register. Maybe some EQ or something so it doesn't seem that awkward.

It really feels like this mix should start at :40 as well. Even though it may in the style of an 'OLReMiX' to you, if you polish it up some more I don't see any reason not to send it to the panel; I doubt they get enough 'fun' stuff like this.


holy crap, it's not every day I'm assaulted by a fucking kickass sonic remix on the wip boards :o

The only crit I really have is that the drums seem a little soft in the overall mix, especially at the points of higher energy. This arrangement is FANTASTIC though. Honestly, I think this is good as is, and should be submitted ASAP. fantastic fantastic fantastic.

The only crit I really have is that the drums seem a little soft in the overall mix, especially at the points of higher energy. This arrangement is FANTASTIC though. Honestly, I think this is good as is, and should be submitted ASAP.

Yeah, I think I'll boost the snare a bit at some places. Sounds weak sometimes.

Thanks for the enthusiasm man. Dunno about submitting yet, I guess my laziness will decide.

Hmmm.. Frankly, it feels like the track takes a while to get going, it should slam you in the face with some brass riff or something right at the start. It's like a collection of parts between some extremely effective, catchy riff-part.. but that section, the a-section that goes through the roof is not yet there.

This has to do with my general no-clue-approach when I fire up the sequencer. Then out of randomness evolves something cool, and in the end I actually get to like that random stuff at the beginning, maybe just because it helped to spawn the rest.

I could always erase the intro and write something better, but by then I'm usually too lazy/attached to it.

But really, I rarely create stuff that's great from 0:00 to finish due to this.

As awesome as the piano lick is at 2:16, it seems like the sample doesn't like to be up in that high register. Maybe some EQ or something so it doesn't seem that awkward.

Yup, it's a small soundfont and won't sound realistic doing soloing duties. I didn't mind much as the whole instrumentation doesn't sound overly realistic. I even kinda like it, like a good fake guitar.

Even though it may in the style of an 'OLReMiX' to you, if you polish it up some more I don't see any reason not to send it to the panel;

Yeah, that was kind of the point for me posting here ;)

Bobby Keller? haha..Bobby Basement. Cute.

Oyea, thanks for the FB y'all.


Definetely refreshing to find somebody else remixing the same track I am ;P Very solid, very funky, doesn't stay in the same place for any of it! It starts off firmly in chiptune land, then visits the Pet Shop Boys, then some acoustic drums kick in and it gets a funk vibe, then the piano kicks in and gives it a lounge quality, and just as you're getting used to that, you get trumpets giving it a ska sound. Then about 2:30 you get Pendulumy-theremin kinda sound, then it finishes somewhere between the lounge, funk and synthpop sounds it had earlier. Truly, geographically eclectic.

Didn't see any obvious problems with the quality, apart from maybe a slight staticy buzz on the FM brass sound at 0:13-0:40. Loads of bells and whistles to keep vigorous listeners entertained. I would call this about as solid as Mike Tyson's chest and say sub it more or less now (maybe give it another mix to fix up anything you didn't like beforehand).


Cheers Syko! 'geographically eclectic' definitely sounds nicer than 'disfunctional' or some similar attributes I was half expecting in people's reviews :)

Anyone got any ideas for a title? I was thinking 'Blue Bastard' or some crap, summing up the changeful nature of the mix.


Awesome awesome mix, the 1st quarter of the mix was very cool and it continued to impress me even more, like it had a evolution process, the instruments from the start sounded like the sound fonts from the original game, and as it got to the 1:00 minute mark (Which I totally dig btw) it got even more catchy with the bass and keys(rhodes). I only wish that the song was a little longer but it is a pretty fast tune so its probably best kept where its at in its length.

Would you mind sharing what brass samples you're using for those little kicks? I love that kind of lo-fi sound.

Sampletank 2. You mean the stuff with glissando at the end of each note, right?

Thanks, af, Wildcat...by now I think it could use some more improvement though. I'm happy with it generally, but a lot of bits here and there. Right about the highs, af. Bit dull.


Wow.I'm digging this a lot, especially because there's not so much people around thar remix an Act 2 track from Sonic 3. I'm not digging the strange sample that starts at 2:24, but all in all it's a pretty solid track. Polish it up a bit, like XO said, and I think you've got a very good shot at getting it on the main site :)


Sounds really solid. I think it should the "remix" should start a little sooner. I would have stopped listening if you hadn't said that the first minute was radically different.

I do like the transition though, I didn't notice it kicked in until a half past the second minute.

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