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Radio ThaSauce Live now has both Twitter and Facebook accounts, check us out!




I have just received important musical data which I must share with you on the next Radio ThaSauce Live on August 20, 2010!! We've received intel from Shael Riley that must be shared with the masses!

So come join us August 20 for a show you won't soon forget!!

What is Radio ThaSauce Live?

A weekly radio show featuring news and events from the VG Arrangement Community as well as game and industry related news.

When is the show on and where?

Friday nights, 10pm Eastern Standard Time, 5pm Pacific Time

You can find Radio ThaSauce Live @ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/radio-thasauce-live & @ http://www.thasauce.net/media.php

(Because of technical difficulties beyond my control, we are at ustream.tv now.)

I HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT NOW! FOLLOW HERE -- http://twitter.com/RadioThaSauce

Who hosts it?

Well, in a word: me. Yep, that's right, I host Radio ThaSauce Live.

Why do you do it?

Well, to be perfectly honest, I was inspired to do it because I spent way too many friday nights listening to Steven King (D-Lux) and his show VGM: Very Good Music, and I wanted to start up a show since he's stopped broadcasting his.

What music do you feature?

I feature remixes from Remix.Kwed.Org, OverClocked Remix, Remix: ThaSauce, and more. I try to be as diverse as possible.

How do I request music?

Simple. You can PM me up until the start of the show. Your main method for PMing me is by using IRC via the ETG server.

Server: irc.enterthegame.com:6667

Channel: #thasauce

What other features do you plan on having in the show?

Well, eventually (once I get the hardware situation squared away), I plan on having live interviews, call ins, and maybe even live video feeds from other users via StickAM.


So, last week (March 6, 2009), I ran a special evening of retro remixes in which I played a lot of music from RKO, as well as old school OCR. I plan on doing this every so often since a lot of people love retro remixes, and because it's a lot of fun.

I'm working on some ideas such as spotlight nights where I play remixes from either a certain game, for example Mega Man, Chrono Trigger, etc., or by a certain artist from all available sources, such as VGMix, OCR, R:TS, RKO, etc. These will be announced ahead of time, and requests will be accepted as always.

If you enjoy listening to live radio and want something fun to do on any given friday, then please, join me for a great time and loads of fun!

See you fridays!


So, last night (March 20), I had some serious issues with StickAM.com. So I won't be using them anymore. Refer to the section on listening in to get the link for the new server I'll be using. I also wanted to make mention that I'll be shifting the air time beginning in May, possibly before then, to make ready for my new shift at work. Unfortunately, it'll be a second shift, so friday nights will be out. However, it works out for all of you anyway, as many more can join in, if you're busy on a friday night.

So keep it here, and watch for updates!


Will definitely give it a try next week.

On another note, I often wondered something about internet VG radios:

Does playing some original game's music exposes you to some legal issues, even when airing on some small radio host, or with limited audience?

Cause I was thinking back about "Gamin Fm", and I dunno if it ended because of this. :?:


That's a good question. I'm not really sure. I know VGM: Very Good Music never had any issues, but then again, it was a small show as well. So I don't really know. If anyone knows, let me know what the limitations are, and we'll go from there.

On an unrelated note, I had issues with StickAM last week, and got cut off 3 times. So this week, I'm going to attempt to put together an XP box.

As a note, I may be going to Delaware this friday, therefore, if that becomes the case, I'll post in this thread Thursday afternoon. However, I will attempt to take some stuff with and maybe set up shop from Delaware.


Allright, so i tuned in... and it was enjoyable.

A bit of mayhem occured, but there's got to be some of that too! ;-)

But really it was fun... at least for the short period of time it lasted.

Lost the connection many times, maybe cause of stickam, dunno.

Anyway, that was some crazy stuff you threw in here Dyne.

Hope the show can last till the end next time.

ps: just who's this "technovicking" everyone was refering to?

MWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! That's the technoviking! HA HA HA HA HA HA! Only the most awesome of awesome tracks can sync with him. If it doesn't, tis epic fail for that track!

That would explain why the people were trying to make animated gifs synchronise and look like a videoclip then...


I was wondering what you have for your shoutcast setup?

I run the show the 8bit Extravaganza (www.8bitx.com) through shoutcast off of my box at home.

Just curious of your new setup.

Do you have any podcasts of your show?


I was wondering what you have for your shoutcast setup?

I run the show the 8bit Extravaganza (www.8bitx.com) through shoutcast off of my box at home.

Just curious of your new setup.

Do you have any podcasts of your show?


Well, as of right now, it's not being done using shoutcast, I'm actually using ustream.tv for transmitting the show since StickAM bites. However, once I get my XP box up (and this is one of those long standing projects, mind you) I will hopefully be able to do everything through shoutcast as well, however... I'd prefer to stay with ustream.tv, and I do plan on recording the show as a podcast, along with bloopers and extras and what not.

I'm also hopeful to start a few contests and maybe put up some prizes for them, but that's off in the future. The show needs to really take off before we start talking too far ahead. I'd like to be doing this for at least six months before I start talking contests and prizes, though for anyone interested in knowing what I have in mind, I plan for it to be geared toward the community in one form or another. Maybe gift certificates in certain monetary demoninations to zzounds or sweetwater or what not. Or even something for Amazon or some other site. It really depends on the participation of the folks who listen in, as well as those who are skeptical of the show, and haven't bothered tuning in.

Anyways, I hope to see more people drop by the show, and give it a listen. The worst thing you can do is nothing. So do something friday nights, listen to Radio ThaSauce Live. You won't regret it.


The worst thing you can do is nothing. So do something friday nights, listen to Radio ThaSauce Live. You won't regret it.

Got that right! ;-)

I got a suggestion to make: between songs, you have a little talk.

I heard you playing some short musical jingle (zelda I think) before and after.

But while you're talking, there's no background music at all.

That seemed a bit odd, and sounded more like a talk show all of a sudden.

Implementing that imo could help preserving the mood, and smoothly transition to the next song.

Other idea: I don't know if it's technically possible, but it could be really cool if you mixed the music, like any other radio station, crossfade and all.

Of course these are only my suggestions...


So, last friday's show will be the last where I simply just shoot from the hip. Starting this friday, I'm going to be focusing in on more news and events, as well as upcoming meet ups and OCR sightings.

I'm also looking for someone to work up some kind of banner style image for the show itself, because I plan on putting up a web page for the show itself. So, if anyone's interested in working on that, it would be most welcome.

What I'm looking for is an image no wider than 800 pixels, and no taller than 100 to 200 pixels. It doesn't have to be flashy, it can be something simple, but I'd like it to be in ThaSauce colors red and black with some grey thrown in for good measure. Also, I'd like to thank whoever chooses to take up the mantle ahead of time, as your effort, which can't be stated enough, will be much appreciated.

Got that right! ;-)

I got a suggestion to make: between songs, you have a little talk.

I heard you playing some short musical jingle (zelda I think) before and after.

But while you're talking, there's no background music at all.

That seemed a bit odd, and sounded more like a talk show all of a sudden.

Implementing that imo could help preserving the mood, and smoothly transition to the next song.

Other idea: I don't know if it's technically possible, but it could be really cool if you mixed the music, like any other radio station, crossfade and all.

Of course these are only my suggestions...

Good idea, I just keep forgetting to do that. I think what I need is to find a way to queue things up in seperate programs, and go from there. I'm not really sure how D-Lux set that up for himself, but I'm sure he had it all figured out somehow.

Actually, if D-Lux might respond to this thread, or at least PM me with some tips n' tricks n' shiz, that'd be great. I want to keep improving from now until the end o' time.

So, last friday's show will be the last where I simply just shoot from the hip. Starting this friday, I'm going to be focusing in on more news and events, as well as upcoming meet ups and OCR sightings.


Please tell me you'll go back to it from time to time. It's been fun--at least for us listeners.

I want to keep improving from now until the end o' time.

Of course, this is your future job, remember? ;-)

Also, in my days, I used a program called Mix-Meister.

Not sure if it could do live, but I did a lot of neat mixes back then.

It supported Wav, mp3, Ogg, all blended toghether. Easy to use & pretty neat, as I remember it.

Also I have to agree with Q-pa: the 'officials technovicking's aftershows' will stay burned in a corner of our minds forever. :mrgreen:


Alright, so this week's show will feature some news from the world of Remixes and Community! We'll be playing cuts from the new Sims 2 Remix Album, as well as taking requests, and talking about events in the community!

Don't forget, tomorrow night, 8pm EST in #thasauce on IRC, as well as at UStream.tv! Check the first post for all the details!

  • 2 weeks later...

Since no one else posted it here yet, *ahem*

Radio ThaSauce Live -- Pre-emptive Move to Saturday Nights

During the last show, I announced that I was going to be moving the show from Fridays to Saturdays, at the same time slot, because of a pending adjustment in my work schedule. Well, this coming friday was supposed to be the last show before that happened, HOWEVER, because of an invite to a baseball game, specifically the first Phillies game since the passing of beloved personality, and legendary announcer, Harry Kalas, I will not be hosting the show Friday night, rather, I will be moving it pre-emptively to Saturdays starting this week. This should work out in your favor if you've been wanting to listen in to the show.

Expect the same fun, weird requests, humor and news that you've come to see from me so far. I'm still hopeful that I will be able to take live callers and live call in requests in the near future.

Here's the upcoming schedule of events for Radio ThaSauce Live:

Friday, April 17, 2009: Show moved to Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sat. April 17, 2009: Radio ThaSauce Live @ 8pm EST/EDT 5pm PST/PDT

Sat. April 25, 2009: No show, Dyne will be on vacation

Sat. May 2, 2009: The first show of May, live @ 8pm EST/EDT 5pm PST/PDT

That's all for now! Keep checking ThaSauce for more updates and information about Radio ThaSauce Live!



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