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The People's Remix Competition 142


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

PRC141 started with a lot of remixers liking the source. Finally Rexy wins her 17th PRC. Nobody has won more PRC's. Here's the winning table:

PRC: 141 Editions

1 Rexy (17 wins)

2 The Orichalcon (10 wins)

3 S|r Nuts (9 wins)

4 Bladiator (8 wins)

5 Hylian Lemon (6 wins)

6 Ichitootah (5 wins)

7 Emperor, OneUp, Opk, RoeTaKa, Setokaibracket and V_Gasm (4 wins)

13 Analoq, ArseAssassin, Blak Omen, Hemophiliac, Just64helpin and Nutritious (3 wins)

19 Alex Smith, Andy Jayne, Chavous, DJ Siamey, Jeremy Robson, Less Ashamed of Selfs, Mythril Nazgul, Showroom Dummy, Theory of Nonexistence and Thu (2 wins)

29 Aluminum, Another Soundscape, Binweasel, Blueenvy, Chickenwarlord, DarkeSword, Dragonlord, DZ Composer, Evktalo, FiremanJoe, Flexstyle, General Slicer, Hetcenus, Kholdstare, Majeliss, Moseph, n0mad, Nasenmann, OverCoat, PriZm, Prophecy, Sadorf, Scott Peeples, Strike911, Tensei-San, TheoConfidor, Trenthian, Txai, Villainelle (1 win)

I didn't complete a 'losing table' for the last place wooden spoon winners. Maybe next time.

Rexy submitted her source very quick. It's from a RPG game that never left Japan. Rexy played the English version, and she liked it. It's not a Mario Game, but it is a Gameboy Advance game.


Mother 3 (Game Boy Advance) - Unfounded Revenge



ThaSauce link

Since the game has never left Japan, it never arrived in Holland, so I never played it (Not the main reason). Wikipedia tells it's a game related to Earthbound, which I know better; K-Wix did an awesome Project from that game. This game doesn't have a PRC history and not an Ocremix history as well. It's up to this PRC to change it.


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by SUNDAY March 22th at 5:00 am ThaSauce time (Check my signature (below) and the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. .
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part (however, he's free to submit a Bonus Mix) but his vote will be doubled.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! For information about the previous contests.



Drat you, miss Rexy! Drat you! I don't have time for this! We're in the middle of moving! Why have I got half a song plotted out already! Argh! XD

Mother 3 rocks. I honestly haven't been as excited for a game's soundtrack since I first played Chrono Trigger. Monkey's Love Theme, Monkey's Delivery Service, every song related to Duster... The bit in the club just plain stunned me. FF6's opera scene can go cry in its dressing room.


That was quick, both of you :D

Seriously, Mother 3 is a FANTASTIC late addition to the GBA library. Even if you're not as adept at emulated gaming as opposed to using the actual technology, it's something that you shouldn't miss.

The track I chose here is one of the more prominent battle themes in the game both on a melodic and structural basis. It also reminded me of all the times I struggled against Yokuba (or Fassad as he was known as in the Starmen.net team translation) and eventually prevailed. Even if you haven't played the game, odds are you'd probably have heard it through Super Smash Bros Brawl anyway :)


I hope I'm not the only one who sees the hilarity in the title (how it relates to the original song). I hope you techno people can appreciate this mix (it's track #4 on thesauce page, by the way).

It's not quite as polished as I'd like it to be, but I submitted what I had. I've been so busy I've only been able to spend one day working on it (not to mention being sick all day yesterday). I usually try hard not to use the cliche'd saw waveforms anymore, but heard the midi, which to me just screamed HARD TRANCE, and couldn't resist.

Regardless what often sounds like a saw waveform is actually not (it's much more complex than that). I use very basic tools to mix (FL Studio), so I have to be very creative to get the sounds I want. The kick drum is built from the "Dance" folder (it's actually 4 kick drums though). Most of the synths are built from 3xosc and simsynth (and a bit of sytrus). All effects are FL effects.

I would like to thank Imageline for developing an amazing affordable software package. I would also like to thank the ocremixer Prophecy for encouraging me to enter this competition. Regretfully he has been feeling ill and was not able to enter. I would furthermore like to apologize for this excessively long post. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read this and enjoyed listening to the results of the competition. Good luck to all.


Here's the voting stage

4 Entries arrived before the deadline, all songs are in. Participants are encouraged to vote, they receive a three point bonus. They can't vote for themselve. The winner from the last round, Rexy has a double vote.

The mixing stage is over. To vote, you should do the following:

- Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries

- Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen

- Fill in the rank of the entries from first to third.

- State a reasoning for it.

You have until NEXT WEDNESDAY, March 25 at 10:59 am ThaSauce time to vote, check my signature in the first post or simply the ThaSauce page for the exact time you have.

The winner will get to choose the source tune for PRC143!

The songs:

Binweasel - Unrequited Love

Setokaibarocket - March of the Insane Clown Posse

DjMokram - Miracle Fassad Smiles Bollywoodly

GLL - Revenge of the Saw Waves

Bonus Mix:

OneUp - Insert Soviet Russia Joke Here (Don't right click and save as here, it doesn't work).

Don't forget to vote for the ORC as well, ORC ends later today.

Oh... I thought the deadline was tonight :(

I guess I'll throw this in as a bonus then:


If Bundeslang is kind, he put this on the Thasauce page too.

I'm not able to upload it now because I have to change the voting deadline and I don't know that's a good idea because I already have some votes. Doing something with other rounds and contest isn't a good idea as well.

I guess I'll try to upload it to the next round and then edit the tags.

And @MarkShark (if you read this). Your vote misses a third place. You have to add it because I might disqualify the vote if it doesn't happen.

I'm not able to upload it now because I have to change the voting deadline and I don't know that's a good idea because I already have some votes. Doing something with other rounds and contest isn't a good idea as well.

I guess I'll try to upload it to the next round and then edit the tags.

Ok, it's cool, just thought you hade divine powers :P


Nice remix, OneUp. It sounds a lot like Edvard Grieg, the Norwegian Composer (although not Russian, despite your remix title; although I have to admit the remix sounds quite like Russian music). I was expecting some trance after your comment, although it was probably sarcastic. Sorry, I haven't been around this site in a while.

Anyway, if the deadline were to be extended I think you should have asked sooner so that everyone else could have more time to work on their mix, and we might have even had a bigger turn out this round (at least then I could have convinced some friends to enter as well).

Nice remix, OneUp. It sounds a lot like Edvard Grieg, the Norwegian Composer (although not Russian, despite your remix title; although I have to admit the remix sounds quite like Russian music). I was expecting some trance after your comment, although it was probably sarcastic. Sorry, I haven't been around this site in a while.


I found this source quite similar to a number of songs, and In the Hall of the Mountain King by Grieg is one of them. I even threw in a part of it in my remix :)

Sarcastic? Me? ;)

I didn't want the deadline to be extended, just asked if I could have my remix as a bonus on Thasauce.

You have to add it because I might disqualify the vote if it doesn't happen.

Ah, sorry. That's really something it should stop you with, though.

Um.. how should I approach fixing this?


It's results time.

With four songs, it is a regular PRC. Regulars, like Binweasel and Setokaibarocket, a classic remixer; Ghetto Lee Lewis, who submitted his first (and only other) PRC song in the first anniversary (PRC26), and a newcomer, DjMokram, entered the round. Enough ingredients for an interesting round.

No extension was needed, otherwise OneUp (and maybe DZComposer) also entered the contest. OneUp decided to post a Bonus Mix, which I will try to upload on ThaSauce in the next round.

In the voting stage, ten people voted, the highest voters/participants rate from this season till now. All participants voted. It counts up as follows:

Total number of mixes - 4

Total number of votes - 10 (MarkShark's vote counts, because he told he wanted to change it. Two songs received third place).

Highest possible score - 33

OneUp was too late to enter, but his bonus mix is a nice song and it belongs to this PRC.

Setokaibarocket takes his second last place wooden spoon in a row, but he received nine points this time.

DjMokram enters PRC with a nice third place worth 17 points.

Ghetto Lee Lewis did a very interesting song. He is close to the victory, but with 25 points, he ends at second place.

And PRC142's winner is Binweasel with 28 points!

The votes vary a lot, most voters gave Ghetto Lee Lewis or Binweasel the first place, but DjMokram also received two first place votes. GLL received the most points in the beginning, but at the end, Binweasel ends with one point more. DjMorkam ends at 15 points, Setokaibarocket at 9.

Binweasel, you have won the right to select the source tune for PRC143. Send it to me by PM before next Friday, 27 March at 11:59 am Eastern US Time.

You may select any source from any game, as long as it doesn't have an Overclocked Remix and it hasn't been on PRC before. You may select an underrated source from a popular game (like Mega Man Wily's Castle Theme 1) or a tune from a less popular game (like Godzilla for the NES). It's up to you to choose the source

See you next Friday.


I don't think you need to repeat the "source criteria" specification to repeat winners, Bunde. :)

Anyway, congrats Weas! (don't know what else to call you lol)

Seriously, when I heard your mix I somehow got more of a reminder of tracks like "Monkey Love Song" and "Monkey's Delivery Service" in style; were you deliberately trying to think of Salsa when writing it? :D

Either way, nice work all. Onwards to PRC143, and keep up the good work!

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