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As the title states, I am looking for some recommendations of new age mixes from the site or any mixes that are very melodic.

-Thanks in advance =]

edit: or something that's chill

example: Vurez's mix Mega Man 6 'Flurry of Frozen Fury'


The Scarlet Halls of Night by The Wingless

Fear Not by Fray

Within The Fable by Helen Trevillion

Chillout by SEDUCTiON

Torvus Clockwork by Darkesword

Collision Chaos Old School by Gecko Yamori

Pharoah Land by The Wingless

Not Alone in the World by Dale North and Jaxx

Rosetta Refrain by Marc Star

Cammy's London Drizzle by McVaffe

New Mexican Thunderbird by Vurez

Gemini Loco Blanka by McVaffe

The Darkness And The Light by McVaffe

Triforce Majeure by Disco Dan

Ancient Hero by DarkeSword

Riptide by Disco Dan

Blue Vision by bLiNd

Spacehead Spacedrifter by DarkeSword

Into The Deep by Destiny and zyko

A Whisper and a Shadow by DarkeSword

All of those and many many more. For the genre you're looking for I recommend downloading everything of DarkeSword's. Alot of McVaffe's work will probably fit your groove as well. Anything pixietricks took a hand is also likely to be right up your ally.

Happy hunting.


  • Part of the purpose of the site is to open people's minds (and ears) to new horizons. Try everything. If all you want to do is download Square techno, so be it, but you'll be missing out on tons of great songs. We've decided not to implement a system that would encourage that kind of navigation.

I agree whole heartedly with DJPrez's opinion on this. Don't come onto the site looking for a particular genre - expand your horizons and try everything. Be pleasently surprised when something comes up that is from a genre you like.

He doesn't want to encourage that kind of navigation, and neither do I.

Edit: According to DarkeSword, I guess this kind of navigation IS encouraged... *foot entering Gario's mouth now*

Look around the site, explore, experiment, and discover that there is more out there for you!

Edit: I took out the first line, as that was unnecessary, on my part. I do believe, however, that doing some of the legwork yourself is beneficial, so I'm not backing out entirely :)

Wait a minute, don't give out the new age genre to Ascendancy. Nothing personal, but it goes against one of the purposes of this site!

Just because the site staff dislikes people searching out specific genres doesn't mean you have to.

Claiming one should stop searching out music for a particular style because they're not being "open-minded" enough is awfully pretentious, and in my opinion moreso than someone who sticks to a rigid set of preferred genres.

Also, think about this: What if he was, in fact, just turned onto the new age genre, and is looking to expand his collection? Or, he just feels like something relaxing right now, but usually listens to drum & bass or black metal?

Wait a minute, don't give out the new age genre to Ascendancy. Nothing personal, but it goes against one of the purposes of this site!

I seem cruel to tell people not to recommend music based on a genre for someone else, but I agree whole heartedly with DJPrez's opinion on this. Don't come onto the site looking for a particular genre - expand your horizons and try everything. Be pleasently surprised when something comes up that is from a genre you like.

He doesn't want to encourage that kind of navigation, and neither do I.

Look around the site, explore, experiment, and discover that there is more out there for you!

Wrong. Threads like these are not only allowed, they're encouraged.

Yes, we want people to try new genres and expand their tastes, which is why we have no in-site navigation function that pigeonholes music into specific genres. We don't decide what genre a piece falls under; that's not our call. Conversely, we don't have artists define the genre either, because we control the database and we're not about to fill it up with the thousand-and-one obscure genres that artists would specify (thereby defeating the purpose of genre-classification entirely).

We've always allowed threads like this to exist for all different styles: piano, orchestral, remixes with vocals, really high-energy music, etc. Making threads like this encourages discussion and does broaden people's musical tastes because of how subjective and wonderfully inaccurate genres can be. Case-in-point: I'd never recommend Ancient Hero or Space Drifter to anyone looking for new age remixes; one is orchestral, the other is some kind of weird synth-rock-jazz-whatever fusion; but clearly Flare4War thinks it's a good fit for what's being asked for.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with these kinds of threads, and I would really appreciate it if you didn't try to discourage people from posting their recommendations in them. :|

Just because the site staff dislikes people searching out specific genres doesn't mean you have to.
That's true, of course. Personally, I know I don't have to follow the staff (and neither does anyone else); I just personally agree with them on that particular subject entirely.
Also, think about this: What if he was, in fact, just turned onto the new age genre, and is looking to expand his collection? Or, he just feels like something relaxing right now, but usually listens to drum & bass or black metal?
Then he'll find New Age among other genre's that achieve the same thing (New age is one genre, smooth jazz is another, Trance can be another genre that's relaxing as long as it isn't bLiNd :P). I'm not saying stop searching for a genre altogether (as it seems that I've implied, which I didn't mean to), I'm just saying let him do the footwork a little so he can form his own library, there. It's not a good thing when people form a list of what he should listen to - he'll be missing out on a lot of great music that isn't listed as he may not be searching.

My post may have been slightly overzealous, but I stick to (most of) what I've said. Besides, it's not like I can stop the posts that are already here that have New Age and 'chill' tracks listed :P

Edit: I just read your post, DarkeSword, and I agree with you in part, so I changed my first post accordingly. However, I do believe that doing some of the searching yourself is also highly beneficial (vs solely following other's suggestions)... I hope this sounds more like a proper topic of debate rather than flaming ( '~' )

Triforce Majeure by Disco Dan

I don't know if I'd call this new age per say, although it is a quite badass track.

As for recommendations, I'm going to go ahead and just chime in that pixietricks and Helen Trevillion are the main artists who do new age around OCR, although there are some other tracks scattered around the site as well (nothing comes to my mind at the moment unfortunately).

Making threads like this encourages discussion and does broaden people's musical tastes because of how subjective and wonderfully inaccurate genres can be.

Genres are just classifications based on styles...how does that make them subjective or inaccurate? Wouldn't any such qualifiers be more attached to people's misconceptions about a genre than to a genre itself?

Genres are just classifications based on styles...how does that make them subjective or inaccurate? Wouldn't any such qualifiers be more attached to people's misconceptions about a genre than to a genre itself?

That was what DarkeSword was getting at; What sounds like new age for one group of people may sound like Orchestral music for another, so when people are giving a list of 'New Age' music, it really is a list of what they THINK is New Age on this site (which is subjective). At OC there is often a blur in the genres so it is difficult to distinguish what something truly is. For example...

Originally Posted by Flare4War viewpost.gif

Triforce Majeure by Disco Dan

I don't know if I'd call this new age per say, although it is a quite badass track.

You just gave an example of this discrepency yourself... Flare4War thinks 'Triforce Majeure' is New Age, whereas you do not. That is a subjective opinion, in this case, not a fact. :P


I can appreciate the intention behind telling people to try new music, but I think in reality, the market just doesn't work that way. Nobody would listen to a radio station that said "Now I know you think you don't like country, but try this..." I think ocr should support genres searches, just not only genre searches of course.

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