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All my Zelda friends say WW is better than OoT.
that's because it is

I totally agree. It took everything that I liked about OoT and made it better while fixing all of the problems. It also added that annoying Triforce pieces section, but I didn't say it was perfect.

For me 2D Zelda is still way better than 3D Zelda. If they announced a new 3D Zelda I'd rent it. If they announced a new LttP style Zelda I'd preorder it.


so many people having trouble with ff8. you can beat that game at level 11 or so, every enemy scales to you regardless of where you are in the game.

i played around with oot, but i never got into it. everything got depressing after he grew up and i got stuck in the fire temple.

worst gamer shamer? hrm, probably when i admitted to a buddy of mine that i wasn't that into diablo II. he'd been playing since it came out, and this was about two years ago. he almost shat a skeletal-warrior-sized brick.


In general I'm not a fan of any nintendo games, with the exception of the megaman series. I find Zelda repetitive and mundane, metroid is the same but you can jump now. Mario....meh

Sega was alright. Nothing special but alright.

Sony gave me some hope, and when the PS2...PS3 came out I pretty much become just a hair under fanboyism for Sony. I'm angry at them right now for the lack of testis with regards to Fallout 3 DLC, and a piss poor games selection.

PSP hasn't failed me yet.

Never got into gameboy (DS as well) just because when I bought one my sisters stole it and I got about 3 hours total play time on that thing.

Beaten every FF upto 12. (I don't have 13 yet) Beat all the sonics, everything valve has ever created, and all the metal gear and metal slug games. Finally beat SSF2HDR with Guile on easy for the 1ST TIME with any character EVAR! Castlevania has been my whipping boy on every system I owned. Star Ocean Series is the all time favorite series of games...I just sad that 4 is 360 only for now. XP

Contra will forever be my hatred. Fuck that game:!:

P.S. I have violated all of those commandments, except for action replay IDK what that is.

Zelda repetitive and mundane, metroid is the same but you can jump now. Mario....meh

you realize the gameplay of the first title in these series are the template for almost 50% of games right

In general I'm not a fan of any nintendo games, with the exception of the megaman series

I guess you don't like any nintendo games then, seeing as MegaMan is entirely capcom's

I guess you don't like any nintendo games then, seeing as MegaMan is entirely capcom's

Bless my soul, your right!


Couldn't find the original this will have to do

worst gamer shamer? hrm, probably when i admitted to a buddy of mine that i wasn't that into diablo II. he'd been playing since it came out, and this was about two years ago. he almost shat a skeletal-warrior-sized brick.

This gets my vote for quote of the week.

Contra will forever be my hatred.

All I can say is, thank goodness for the Konami code.


I once.. I Once sold my SNES Cartridge of Chrono Trigger to Funcoland or Gamestop for 50 bucks so I could buy Kirby 64. :(

although I went back there and re bought it for 50 bucks so essentially i got Kirby 64 for free. but WHAT WAS I THINKING?


I have never beaten Ristar.

I use a gameshark when I play pokemon (fuck trading).

I never finished Chrono Trigger.

I have a gamer score dangerously close to 10,000.

I sold most of my games, and regretted it. (Including SOTN, and sonic 1,2,3&k, Links Awakening, original Kirby GB cart, etc)


Though I didn't need one for Aria of Sorrow (or any game after it until Order), I used gamefaqs AS A LAST RESORT for Harmony of Dissonance (I could not understand the whole two castle system until after... a while), and.. well, as a second to last resort for SOTN :D

I'm NOT convinced that there is no cow level. and I have gone on operation cwal a few times. So yes I suck at starcraft, even on single player.

I've played Diablo 2 off and on since 2002 and I've just started up again last month. It's not even that great of a game, but it's just horribly addictive. And I've never found a Stone of Jordan nor taken on the ubers in Uber Tristram (haven't played so much after 1.1).

I owned a (many) King's Staff of Apocalypse on Diablo. And I duped on Diablo many times.

I've never finished Ultima: Exodus. I first started playing that game with my brother many years ago (13?) and we could only manage to get by using Game Genie and infinite MP. We had no resources to guide us whatsoever (though, when I think about it, the townsfolk and those casino guys have a lot to say) and figuring out where those 4 marks were and how to get to them in those caves was.. hard. Ambrosia made no sense to us until we accidentally stumbled upon a temple... finally found the final castle and how to enter it, but we had no idea what we needed to do to finish the game. We eventually figured out how to do it from gamefaqs, but we never finished up the game..

I actually started the game again without cheat codes and it was much easier this time around. Sure, it's faster to cheat, but there's a more rewarding feeling behind playing it legitimately. Anyway, I had just finished with the first cave I think before I saved state and never reloaded the game.

I like Ocarina of Time but I think Twilight Princess is better, with Majora's Mask ranking higher than both of them as my favorite Zelda game of all time. Honestly I think that Ocarina of Time takes too much credit away from the rest of the Zelda series.

Quoted for truth. Well, I haven't played through much of Twilight Princess, so I can't really comment on that, but "Majora's Mask is the best Zelda I've played" and "OoT steals the spotlight even from newer, better games" are certainly both true.

so many people having trouble with ff8. you can beat that game at level 11 or so, every enemy scales to you regardless of where you are in the game.

...except for bosses, which IIRC have both minimum and maximum level, so they'll always be at least a certain strength even if you're much lower level than that, and they'll never be above a certain strength even if you're much higher level than that.

I once.. I Once sold my SNES Cartridge of Chrono Trigger to Funcoland or Gamestop for 50 bucks so I could buy Kirby 64. :(

although I went back there and re bought it for 50 bucks so essentially i got Kirby 64 for free. but WHAT WAS I THINKING?

How does selling a game for $50, using that money to buy a second game, and then buying the first game back for $50 result in you getting the second game for free?


How does selling a game for $50, using that money to buy a second game, and then buying the first game back for $50 result in you getting the second game for free?

span time. If he got 50$ for CT, that mean the shop was selling it at a higher price. Year after price lower down, so he find CT for 50$


I've never finished Earthbound. For some reason, it really bores me.

Never played a Street Fighter game.

I actually do not use faqs/guides and cheats until I beat a game. I just can't bring myself to. Once I have beaten the game once, I will then look at cheats/glitches/etc to see what extras I missed (there always are some), but I like having the hard-worked-for ending.


How does selling a game for $50, using that money to buy a second game, and then buying the first game back for $50 result in you getting the second game for free?

... hmmm. huh, so where's the thread for Young Kid Math Shame? ha ha.. :/ uh yeah I guess it doesn't. at all. I should probably go back and tell my 13-year-old self not to feel good about his "savvy" selling technique.

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