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I remember unmod when it was...well...not moderated. It was a time before facebook...when flame wars were the order of the day. Man, those were the days. Oh wait, I hated that. Cuz everytime I'd post, my comments go picked apart and torn to shreds and I'd cry and wet my bed...yup...that was certainly the OCRDarkages...now I feel old :whatevaa:

you're certainly a unique case


you registered in 2002 yet you act as if you discovered internet message boards like I don't know earlier this week-ish

you registered in 2002 yet you act as if you discovered internet message boards like I don't know earlier this week-ish

Well, this isn't TOO far from the truth. I've been reading message boards for a long time, but haven't had the time to participate. Now I finally have the time, but have none of the internet etiquette or savvy. So bear with me while I act like a noob :P

hi. im thinking of becoming a time mage, but i need a hat. what sort of price range should i be aiming at?

From http://finalfantasy.wikia.com:

"The Time Mage is a Job class from Final Fantasy Tactics. The supportive magical Job class, the Time Mage is not as prevalent as other magic Job classes, since it lacks reliable offensive capabilities. However, if left alone, Time Mages can quickly bestow a number of beneficial status effects on their allies and debuffs on their foes, turning the tide of battle. The Time Mage's only offensive spell is Meteor, which is quite devastating, but takes a long time to charge. It costs 8,320 JP to master this Job."

So yeah, 8320 Job Points. I'm not sure how much Job Points are going for on the black market, but that'll give you a starting point.

From http://finalfantasy.wikia.com:

"The Time Mage is a Job class from Final Fantasy Tactics. The supportive magical Job class, the Time Mage is not as prevalent as other magic Job classes, since it lacks reliable offensive capabilities. However, if left alone, Time Mages can quickly bestow a number of beneficial status effects on their allies and debuffs on their foes, turning the tide of battle. The Time Mage's only offensive spell is Meteor, which is quite devastating, but takes a long time to charge. It costs 8,320 JP to master this Job."

So yeah, 8320 Job Points. I'm not sure how much Job Points are going for on the black market, but that'll give you a starting point.

Way to ruin it, n00b.

No, that was Mae. Or maybe The Coop. Endblink?

It was one of them.

Mae is all, and all is Mae. You should remember that, husband. Or is that the alz heimers kicking in.

Is my name always mentioned like this, or did I just pick the right day to randomly pop in?

Mae is all, and all is Mae. You should remember that, husband. Or is that the alz heimers kicking in.

I'm not senile, woman! And I'm not a senile woman!

My memory's fine. Why, I can remember just the other century, walking down the fine streets of London, looking for a lady of the evening that no one would miss. It was rather damp, as it always was at that time of night. I had turned the corner just around Berner Street, and as luck would have it, there she was. One Elizabeth Stride, standing and waiting for some gentleman to come by and perhaps offer her a bit of coin for a moment's entertainment.

Oh sure, I was rarely called a gentleman in those days. It was usually something else. Something far more vulgar. But that didn't matter too much. To her, for some unknown reason, I was a friend. Someone she'd seen and taken a liking to. We'd shared a meal once or twice a few weeks before, and as I walked toward her, she recognized me. I can remember her smile as she greeted me.... and how all that made it so much easier to ask her to walk with me.

It was dark in Dutfield's Yard, as there wasn't much light to be found in that area at night. But there was enough light for her to get her lips to touch mine for a moment, and for her to give the crotch of my pants a fair rubbing. There was a cat fight somewhere nearby just then, distracting her for only a second or two. But that was long enough for me to take out what I had on me without her seeing it.

I can still recall her last words too, just before the blade opened up her throat. She'd asked, "So what's your pleasure tonight, Jack?".


So you see? My memory's fine.

Mae is all, and all is Mae. You should remember that, husband. Or is that the alz heimers kicking in.

Is my name always mentioned like this, or did I just pick the right day to randomly pop in?

Well, the Coop's been rambling on about you, and I still have sex dreams of fake Mae, so yeah, you come up once in a while.

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