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ffx? blabla whine bitch blabla drama--some good music

ffx2? less blabla more action faster battles--omg infinite dressup loop

ffxii? epic fail

shadow of the colossus? epic win--1,5 times replay value--once in a life time experience

kh and kh2? mostly epic win--Shimomura <3

god of war? controls for the lose when you fight some bosses and don't go for the handicap--but looks cool

god of war 2? still collecting dust (bought both gows at the same time, haven't finished the first, probably never will)

ico--epic win--once in a life time experience--two times replay value (first time exploring, second time gamefaqsed etc)

end brain dump


Couple of personal favorites, though some of these have been recommended already:

Tales of the Abyss

Persona 4 (I didn't care for 3 much, but 4 was ridiculously addictive - 80 hours)

Kingdom Hearts I and II

Metal Gear Solid Triple Pack (1-3)

Dragon Quest VIII


GTA Vice City

If you like traditional J-RPGs (SNES-PS1 era), check out the Atelier Iris series, particularly 1 and 2.

Also, for a Zelda-style game (besides Okami), check out Beyond Good and Evil (this may have come out on the XBox, but I know it was definitely GCN and PS2 as well).


Seconding the Ace Combat series.

The Thing. Based on an old '80s horror movie. It's pretty much a survival horror game (though there is lots of shooting too), but the real brilliance is the way you interact with NPCs. Each NPC has a value for how much they trust you and how freaked out they are at the situation in addition to the their standard health bar, and if they get too afraid or they stop trusting you they may refuse to follow you anymore or they may outright attack you. Of course, they may also attack you if they turn out to be Things, too... It's pretty badass.

The Bouncer. Don't spend more than $5 on it, but if you can find it cheap at Gamestop or something it's worth playing. It's a weird combination of RPG and fighting game. Really short, but pretty fun.


MAN you're late to the party. I should hit you for not buying it until now but I'll settle for giving you tons of advice instead. Also, stop writing like atmuh, it brings back memories!

All games you mentioned are hot games. Your "might" are the best of the bunch, that makes me sad. Here are the definite list of awesome experiences á la anso (i.e. mostly JRPG's) and some other stuff thrown in for great justice:

Gitaroo Man - because if you like music but don't play this someone should kill you.

Persona 3: FES / Persona 4 - the best RPG's of the PS2. If you don't like the high-school theme you should instead try:

Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne - it has monster collecting, strange cults and a whole heap of awesome.

Prince of Persia-trilogy - if you like a good action adventure these three games (re-issued together) are fantasticular.

Rogue Galaxy - This game has so much content it's silly, I love it but the style is an acquired taste for some.

Shadow Hearts-series - awesome. Hihgly stylized and unique JRPG's with an intelligent battle system, GREAT mood and soundtrack, good characters and a good story. If you only get one, get Covenant.

Star Ocean: Til The End of Time - has the best plot-twist in video game history, the most frenetic battle system and a truly amazing ammount of side-tracking (item creation, hidden treasures, unlockable extras, battle trophies, tons of dialogue). A gem.

Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - see above but less sci-fi and more nordic mythology.

If you ever feel like you want more unique stuff that might not involve characters, an experience or you know.. what you like (we're talking shmups, quirky japanese shit and all kinds of awesome) just say when and I'll drop the bomb.


what, no caps? blah. i'm assuming you were talking about tricklozen, who i just ignored after he trashed games that i enjoyed.

rogue galaxy looks pretty cool. i tried star ocean 4 on 360, but the voice acting was so damn bad, and j-rpgs are tough on me when they're all anime all the time (not a big fan). gorgeous game, but i just couldn't stand any of the characters. i might go back and mute the voices and turn on captions. is SO:TTEOT the same way?

what, no caps? blah. i'm assuming you were talking about tricklozen, who i just ignored after he trashed games that i enjoyed.

rogue galaxy looks pretty cool. i tried star ocean 4 on 360, but the voice acting was so damn bad, and j-rpgs are tough on me when they're all anime all the time (not a big fan). gorgeous game, but i just couldn't stand any of the characters. i might go back and mute the voices and turn on captions. is SO:TTEOT the same way?

I don't remember the voices actually because I generally ignore them. I'm guessing you wouldn't stand any of the characters (FUCKING HATER GO DIE, ANIMUH IS AWESOMEST!!) in this game either.. they're not deep. The story is great however and the sci-fi epic feel is always present with a pretty cool encyclopedia you can use to get info on like, anything. It's one of my favorite JRPG's anyway, I lurrrv the tri-ace.

what, no caps? blah. i'm assuming you were talking about tricklozen, who i just ignored after he trashed games that i enjoyed.

Yeah, you'd do well to ignore him. Both GOW 1&2 were awesome, and FFXII is easily the best game the series has had since IX (and VI before that). There, I said it. He was right about Ico and SotC being awesome though.


Haven't seen a mention of Dark Cloud yet, a nice way to go for RPG fans. Dungeons can get a little repetitive but the weapon upgrade system was massive fun. I've heard the second installment is even better but never played it.


It comforts me to know that I would have been about the fifth person to recommend Okami.

Normally though, I'd recommend the Wii version (which Capcom has just put on sale btw) because the motion controls just seems to add another layer of authenticity to the experience. Still it is an incredible game regardless of console.


I agree on Gitaroo Man and the Dark Cloud games (BTW The second is IMHO better if for no other reason than you get a customizable steam mech).

On another note, Is there any particular reason you aren't interested in the Persona games? I respect your opinion in any case and won't try to change your mind.

Is there any particular reason you aren't interested in the Persona games? I respect your opinion in any case and won't try to change your mind.

To a degree it has a heavy amount of Japanese culture to it, however it shouldn't be too much of an issue imo. I will say though between 3 and 4, 4 seems to have more dialogue; especially considering it's a mystery rather than "HOLY SHIT WE'RE DOOMED!!" scenario)

Still they're good titles once you get into them.


Please if you haven't, play Silent Hill 2.

It may not be your true cup of tea (it's an acquired taste), but the story and the uniqueness of this game is more than enough to warrant trying to get into it... If you haven't played an SH game, play SH2, and if you haven't played SH2... You're missing out on one of the best games ever made, hands down :D

The soundtrack, story, and atmosphere is more than enough to warrant this.

I lurrrv the tri-ace.

you don't love tri-ace until you got a sig like mine (credits to rely).

Am I the only one who liked Chaos Legion?

Suikoden III is probably the best one out of the ps2 games

the fifth one you should play only if you're a die hard fan of the series.

Am I the only one who liked Chaos Legion?

Nah, there are a few of us out here. I'm surprised I forgot to mention it. On the whole I'd say the combat is the same as, but slightly deeper than DMC. Really short, though.

I agree on Gitaroo Man and the Dark Cloud games (BTW The second is IMHO better if for no other reason than you get a customizable steam mech).

I've always wanted to get Dark Cloud 2 (Dark Chronicle) because one of my favourite CDs ever is the Dark Chronicle Premium Arrange Album. How you can get some of the best arrangers of music in the industry (Black Mages, Noriyuki Iwadare, Motoi Sakuraba, Yoko Shimomira, Kenji Ito, and more) each to do tracks on a CD is amazing.

I know you've listed Final Fantasy X already as a game you picked up, but I'd probably recommend it first among the games that you should play. It's pretty representative of the PS2 generation RPGs and is one of the best games for the system.

To a degree it has a heavy amount of Japanese culture to it, however it shouldn't be too much of an issue imo. I will say though between 3 and 4, 4 seems to have more dialogue; especially considering it's a mystery rather than "HOLY SHIT WE'RE DOOMED!!" scenario)

Still they're good titles once you get into them.

i'm not into anime and japanese culture. that's why i'm not into the persona games. not to mention it disturbs me when someone holds a gun to their head and fires.

i own a 360, so if i was going to get rock band i'd get it for that.

i've already played every ff game in existence, but it's been a while. xii or x will likely be among the first games i play on the ps2, since i really enjoyed both.

i despise survival horror games. i hate feeling jumpy. i don't like movies like that either, really. and my wife hates the loud noises. i probably won't get any of the SH or RE games.

what's god hand?


Agreed. I'm just sorry I didn't think to suggest it.

BTW Mephisto, Persona 4 doesn't have the whole gun thing, but I understand the lack of interest and will leave it at that.

I also would like to say that if you don't mind the rather cliche story, Grandia 3 has a decently good battle system that you might like.

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